How do you sort your scrapbooking papers?
Since we covered what we do with our paper scraps, it seems only right that we discuss full sheets of paper too!
How do you sort and store your scrapbooking papers?
My biggest suggestion with storage systems is always to sort by the way you think when you create. If you think ‘I need something blue’, then sort by colour. If you think ‘Where are my birthday papers?’, then sort by theme. If you wish you had a small pattern to work with, sort by pattern. And if you think in terms of ‘that Amy Tangerine paper would be just right for this’, then sort by brand and collection. If you store things by the way you think, then it’s far easier to go straight to them while you’re crafting or when you’re planning a project.
So my answer is that I sort my papers by brand. I keep my full sheets on two wire paper racks, with one brand per shelf, and in a few cases further subdivided if the stack is impractical for one shelf. At one point I had additional paper racks and kept a lot more cardstock, but I found I didn’t use nearly as much cardstock as I was keeping around, so I now only have solid cardstock at the bottom of one rack, over about six shelves. That is plenty, as I tend to use the same colours repeatedly rather than all different shades.
This system works for me because I think by brand, style or collection while I’m crafting, but I don’t suggest this system if you don’t think that way. There’s a funny thing that happens if you gather a group of people who have worked in a scrapbook store at some point – we all memorise papers! And some crafters do too, but plenty don’t, and if you don’t memorise papers by brand, you could miss the very best papers for your project because you can’t remember where they are… making it easier for you to find them by colour, pattern, theme or something else.
I’d love to hear your answer: how do you sort your scrapbooking papers? What does and doesn’t work for you? If you’ve tried various methods over the years, we’d love to hear your evaluation!
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