Scrapbooking giveaway day
This weekend, one commenter will win a selection of scrapbooking goodies from the Making Memories Je T’Adore collection.
To enter, just leave a comment on this post saying something or someone you love! What could be easier?
Entries close at midnight Sunday UK time and the winner will be posted Monday.
Good luck!
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29 January 2011, 05:50
Mmm, how adorable! These would look perfect in my wedding album or on some of the decorations! Of course, I love my husband to be!!!
29 January 2011, 05:53
Lovely! I still haven’t any Valentine’s card for my husband, who I really love much! :-)
29 January 2011, 05:55
This is so pretty. I love my dear husband to the moon and back and I also LOVE my three grand babies with all my heart
29 January 2011, 06:00
J’adore ma petite fille Siobhan.
(Do I get a prize for answering in French?)
29 January 2011, 06:03
Wow what a lovely gift. I must splash out on some new stash soon
29 January 2011, 06:03
I love Saturdays!*
29 January 2011, 06:05
I love my fiancé very much and I love that this year we are getting married! Can’t wait, love you my darling xx
29 January 2011, 06:07
I love love love my kids around the world and back again more times than tongues can tell…
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
29 January 2011, 06:21
I love tea, winter and Allie Brosh’s drawings.
29 January 2011, 06:26
J’adore your giveaways.
29 January 2011, 06:26
I love morroccan tea and Paris at New Years where I got engaged!
29 January 2011, 06:26
I love my Hubs, our daughter, our poochie, my Mum, my Dad & my Nan. I also love chocolate lol
Thanks for the chance to win.
29 January 2011, 06:32
What great stash…This year I have decided to Love myself more!
29 January 2011, 06:35
Just want to say how much I love my house rabbit. I was his mummy for 5 yrs and sadly had to put him to sleep last week. I have never known heartache like this and miss him so much. I guess non pet owners will know what this feels like…trust me it’s awful :-(
29 January 2011, 06:46
I love waking up early on a Saturday morning thinking its a weekday and then realising its not and I can go back to sleep….. happiness is… ;o)
29 January 2011, 06:46
I love my husband and my kids.
29 January 2011, 06:52
LOVE – Weekends and Peace and Quiet
29 January 2011, 06:53
ooh pretty collection. i love my wife and kids; my life is good right now!! thanks for the fantastic giveaway xx
29 January 2011, 06:55
I love my family.
Thanks for the chance to win.
** Kate **
29 January 2011, 07:09
I love my family xxx
29 January 2011, 07:10
I get to join the love of my life in less than a week. He is on a business trip and we get to come home together.
29 January 2011, 07:13
My DS & her DH returned from honeymoon yesterday & had a wonderful time!
29 January 2011, 07:28
I love the giveaways…but, of course, my family as well!!
29 January 2011, 07:30
I love my boyfriend, family and friends. As long as I have these people I know all will be okay.
29 January 2011, 07:36
I love my husband, son & dog. I love my brother. I love Saturday morning coffee!
29 January 2011, 07:36
I love my husband of 27 years and our son and his wife
29 January 2011, 07:38
I love my husband and my kitty, Jasper. Happy travels!
29 January 2011, 07:41
I love my son, who was born just 3 weeks ago.
29 January 2011, 07:43
I love my boyfriend and our live living together!!
29 January 2011, 07:45
I love my family! I really love having time off to spend with them!
29 January 2011, 07:51
I love those products and I love scrapbooking, especially about my gorgeous husband and wonderful children. Sooky but true, I’m a very lucky girl. xx
29 January 2011, 08:01
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love my 2 children more than life itself. It is a love like no other.
29 January 2011, 08:01
Oooo cute! I love my family!
29 January 2011, 08:04
I love the whole world! I love my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my job, my hobby…..
I love the chance of winning this gift! Thank u shimelle!
29 January 2011, 08:15
I love everyone! Today, I particularly love my fabulous boyfriend. These would look so cute in a valentine’s spread!
29 January 2011, 08:16
Love pjyama days with my boys, no need to go out in the cold here today :)
29 January 2011, 08:18
right now- and aside from the obvious- hot chocolate with marshmallows! :)
29 January 2011, 08:18
I love my kids like nothing else!! These are awesome – thanks so much for the chance!
29 January 2011, 08:28
I love my husband! My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because I get to sleep in with him and usually we get to spend the whole day hanging out with each other. We have a great time! :)
29 January 2011, 08:31
I love my husband and our two adorable babies!
29 January 2011, 08:52
… scrapbooking!
Oh, and those weirdos I live with.
29 January 2011, 09:01
I love my daughter Heidi.
29 January 2011, 09:02
I love weekends – spending time doing things I love.
29 January 2011, 09:04
i love my family! :)
thanks for the giveaway.
29 January 2011, 09:06
I love the chance to win scrapbooking stash……almost as much as I love my lovely husband and wonderful children
29 January 2011, 09:18
Love my husband! He is so encouraging with my scrapbooking and photography and he is my best friend too.
29 January 2011, 09:23
i love my eric :)
29 January 2011, 09:36
As it’s our first year wedding anniversary next weekend – best say hubby! :) What a gorgeous collection.
29 January 2011, 09:38
I love my fiance and I love chocolate! YUM!
29 January 2011, 09:45
I love my wonderful husband and our two kids.
29 January 2011, 09:53
My family, of course!
And Diet Coke.
29 January 2011, 10:07
I love my wonderful husband and three fantastic children <3
29 January 2011, 10:17
I adore my one-year-old granddaughter! She is amazing to have in my life after raising three sons!
29 January 2011, 10:17
oh, i love paper chocolate and my little boy x
29 January 2011, 10:20
I love this collection! and my family, my husband, children, grandkids, mom and my dad who has spent the last week in ICU.
29 January 2011, 10:21
I love my 3 yo dd more than life =) thanks for the chance
29 January 2011, 10:24
I love my really wonderful group of friends here.
29 January 2011, 10:27
I love my sweet husband! I’m a very lucky woman to have him in my life. :)
29 January 2011, 10:31
I love my husband, my kids, craft and chocolate (not necessarily in that order!)
29 January 2011, 10:33
I Love my wonderful husband!
29 January 2011, 10:34
I love my sweeties…yup all of ‘um.
29 January 2011, 10:37
I love my husband, sleeping in, and coffee. :)
29 January 2011, 10:38
I love giveaways.
29 January 2011, 10:44
i love all of this product it will make great valentines gifts for my husband..who’s been there for good and bad . my wonderful daughter and my amazing grandson..thanks for doing such great giveaways
29 January 2011, 10:46
J’adore mon petit ami. It’s our 22nd anniversary on Valentine’s Day so would love to win something to make him a nice card. Also love my cats particularly Talisker who will be three on the same day!
29 January 2011, 10:47
I love music!
29 January 2011, 10:51
I love my bird, Charlie. I’ve had him since I was a child! He is so old!
29 January 2011, 10:56
i love the delicious bread i just took out of the oven – AND giveaways :)
29 January 2011, 11:01
I love my life!
29 January 2011, 11:20
I love my wee nefew, I’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately. Something I love- chocolate! of couse!
29 January 2011, 11:22
My family are who I love most :)
29 January 2011, 11:55
oh so many things to love this weekend! a weekend off, time to create, this lovely blog! a great giveaway. love it!
29 January 2011, 12:02
What a cute give away!
29 January 2011, 12:03
I love my boys and I love giveaways :)
29 January 2011, 12:09
Awww, really cute giveaway. I love my darling husband, Aaron Xavier the most…he is my best-est friend.
Thank you.
29 January 2011, 12:16
I love my husband
29 January 2011, 12:29
These are so pretty. My husband and I went to Paris in spring 2009 and this would be great in an album with pics of our visit!!!
29 January 2011, 12:36
I love getting a whole day to sit at my crafty desk – maybe one day I’ll be able to!
29 January 2011, 12:40
I love my husband and son so very much!
These are so, so lovely… sigh… Ideal for this year’s Valentine’s Card/Gift..
If I don’t win them, I may have to see if I have enough pocket money…Sighs again!
29 January 2011, 12:42
I LOVE MY HUSBAND (yes, I shouted that from the rooftop)!!
29 January 2011, 12:45
I am one lucky girl to be married to an amazing man for the last 9 years! I love my husband!
29 January 2011, 12:46
I love the weekends so I can spend relaxed time with the ones I love and, of course, make gorgeous layouts and browse the internet lusting over gorgeous giveaway products;)
29 January 2011, 12:59
I love my home, NZ! And my fiance Dave. Xxx
29 January 2011, 13:00
I love early mornings as that is scrap time when no one else is awake and it feels like I have the world to myself before my wonderful family wakes up.
29 January 2011, 13:19
I love my DH,my DD and our little doggie, Boo!
29 January 2011, 13:21
Well, I have so many things I love! By I suppose my much loved thing (person)would have to be my lovely family – Mum, Dad and Brother! Thank you ever so much Shimelle for the chance to win!
Eh bien, j’ai tellement de choses que j’aime! Par Je suppose que mon truc bien-aimé (personne) devrait être ma belle famille – Maman, papa et mon frère! Je vous remercie infiniment pour Shimelle la chance de gagner!
PS. I take French lessons at school so I wrote what was in english into french! I hope it’s correct!
29 January 2011, 13:22
So cute! I love my hubby as we celebrate 12 years of marriage this weekend!
29 January 2011, 13:42
I love my dear hubby, our gorgeous children, my amazing job (teaching), scrapbooking, chocolate and Friday nights. Not necessarily in that order.
29 January 2011, 13:57
I love my family. I know, generic. But it is so true. I love them with all my heart.
29 January 2011, 14:07
Hi Shimelle. I love love love cupcakes. :) Okay, I actually love my family more but cupcakes are GOOOOOD. :)
29 January 2011, 14:20
I love summer! The sweltering heat, the burning sun, shorts, and river trips. I live in a very high and cold mountain town and can only daydream on those freezing, windy days.
29 January 2011, 14:29
J’adore this Collection!
29 January 2011, 14:39
my husband and 15 year old twins would have to top my list, but i also love saturday afternoons when they are at the football. scrapping time!!
29 January 2011, 14:57
Love my product design course at university. We were just given our new project brief yesterday & I couldn’t wait to get started right away!
29 January 2011, 15:02
Love my husband and 2 girls. It’s really the most important thing(s) in my life!!! I am so lucky.
29 January 2011, 15:07
I love my three children but I love the fact that my youngest starts school in three weeks- freedom!
29 January 2011, 15:20
I love JC!
29 January 2011, 16:00
i love my family! Husband ( high school sweet heart ) and my 2 girls 5 years and 7 yrs.
29 January 2011, 16:15
I love my husband of 13 years and my 2 sweet girls.:)Thanks for the chance!
29 January 2011, 16:17
I love my husband and my two little children! They are the best that happened in my life!
29 January 2011, 16:22
I love hanging out with my husband now that we are both back at home this weekend!
29 January 2011, 17:17
I love watching the snow fall and seeing it cling to the hemlocks in front of my home; I also love my dear husband and appreciate that he spent the day chopping wood so we would have it for our wood stove!
29 January 2011, 17:30
I love my hubby!
29 January 2011, 18:05
I love my dear hubby, he is my best friend and soul mate.
29 January 2011, 18:18
I love my friend Jill, she is always there for me and gave me a virtual hug this morning when she heard that work is stressful right now.
29 January 2011, 18:59
I love my husband. He is taking care of our kids and our house while I am sick in bed with bronchitis!
29 January 2011, 20:23
wow how cute. What do I love? I love the fact that I can wake up every morning with a smile on my face because I have the most wonderful family.
29 January 2011, 21:28
Je t’aime chocolat!
29 January 2011, 21:29
I love scrap goodies! lol
Also love my husband and 2 sons!
29 January 2011, 22:05
I love my mischievous Grandpa. He’s with his love, my Grandma, now, but I miss him and think of him often ♥
29 January 2011, 22:20
Right now, I LOVE “The Help”… it is the best book I have read in a while and I highly recommend it! Thanks for the chance at this lovely giveaway!
29 January 2011, 22:39
I love blog hopping, my camera, my family and anything that inspires me.
29 January 2011, 22:58
Just one? Okay…then Daniel. He’s the home my heart searched for so long. Thanks for the chance to win.
30 January 2011, 00:22
thomas, i love you so much; you are my partner in everything. I wouldn’t want to imagine life w/o you in it. we live the vow of love & laughter and it works!
30 January 2011, 00:37
I love my darling GD,family, my dogs and paper crafting!
thanks for the chance to win :-)
30 January 2011, 02:09
I love the two teenagers who share my life – amazing but true! :-)
30 January 2011, 02:22
I LOVEE my little family of my darling new husband of 3 months and are adorable bunnies and our doggey max!
Fab give away!!!! Thank you…
30 January 2011, 03:04
I like the life simply
30 January 2011, 03:07
stunning giveaway as usual Shimelle…. I love my hubby, and my 3 and a half children xxx
30 January 2011, 03:20
I love my three boys (kids and dear husband)
30 January 2011, 03:44
I adore my little son who is about to become an older brother! And I am so in love with my husband!:-) thank you for this lovely give away
30 January 2011, 03:48
I love my kids, husband and 2 bunnies
and scrapbooking
30 January 2011, 05:08
sorry to be so obvious, but my husband is the love of my life and this collections would be perfect for some lovey dovey layouts!
30 January 2011, 05:09
i love these…they would go well with my new bedroom
30 January 2011, 05:39
HOw beautiful! I love my 3 children dearly!
30 January 2011, 05:43
Oh my geesh i love every bit about this collection & i cant wait to get my hands on it all to play with it, i could scrap my DH or my kid’s, my pets with it, oh boy, i could go on & on & on, lol x x
30 January 2011, 05:43
I love my husband more and more everyday.
30 January 2011, 07:17
I love to see the smile on the face of my family and friends when i give them one of my art / craft createshions they can see how much i love them as it was just made for them and it came from my heart
30 January 2011, 07:21
I love my family and this giveaway.
30 January 2011, 07:36
I LOVE my scrapping time! I definitely don’t get enough of it!!
30 January 2011, 07:45
What a delicious range, it truely is scrummy. I can already see how this range would co-ordinate with some of my existing stash; here’s hoping!
30 January 2011, 07:59
I love my family and friends but most of all my life! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
30 January 2011, 08:08
Oh these are so pretty! I would love to win – but am not lucky sadly. O but I do love my family to bits!!
30 January 2011, 10:22
This is an easy one…
I love my husband and our children and grandchild. Family luv
30 January 2011, 10:35
No question – my lovely husband, my adorable daughter and time to scrapbook the memories of our lives together.
30 January 2011, 11:27
I love my old staffordshire bull terrier, William – he is my best friend!
30 January 2011, 11:39
I love…my family, my college course, scrapbooking and chocolate (not necessarily in that order!) Thanks for the chance to win – another fab giveaway x
30 January 2011, 12:00
Lovely collection. I love my 4 daughters, creating, seaside, summer and my sweet best friend Tatjana.
30 January 2011, 12:16
Gorgeous products. I love my boxer dog Kala. She is the feature of many of my scrapbooking LOs. xx
30 January 2011, 13:15
Just one thing?? Ok, I love having the freedom to do things that make me smile inside and to be surrounded by people who make my days happy :)
30 January 2011, 13:36
I loooooove my sweet husband :)
30 January 2011, 13:51
I love the free monthly classes on 2peas! I will actually complete 4 scrapbook pages this month and I am so excited! Shimelle, I love the class you posted today. I’m already thinking about my layout.
30 January 2011, 13:54
The three things I love most in the world are Mabel, Pepita and Eloise: my dogs! All three are rescues and they’re what I scrapbook about the most, too! They’re very excellent snugglers <3
30 January 2011, 14:13
Even after 21 years I still love my husband very much even though he washed my dry clean wool jacket in the machine this weekend and shrunk it xxxxxx
30 January 2011, 14:43
Well I’m sure like everyone else here, I just love love love scrapbooking. Some people would call it more than love…they’d say I’m obsessed.
30 January 2011, 14:43
I love my husband. He is so good to me and our grand daughter who has special needs!!!
Love my guy!
30 January 2011, 15:00
What a fab give away. I love my cats – Tigger and Maddie
30 January 2011, 15:11
I love your blog! Seriously love it!
30 January 2011, 15:30
I love my family but especially today my eldest daughter who turns seven tomorrow. How time flies! Great giveaway. Thanks
30 January 2011, 15:33
dark chocolate…and scrap booking!! :)
30 January 2011, 16:03
I love chocolate. And my children. And my husband. Probably in that order! ;-)
30 January 2011, 16:04
I love my 2 gorgeous girls, my husband who is also my best friend, I love making mini books that remind me of so many good times & finally I love a nice cup of tea with chocolate straight from the fridge.
30 January 2011, 16:16
I love my three children, even though they are grown up now and dislike being called ‘children’! I am also lucky enough to have two very good friends who I also love very much.
30 January 2011, 16:45
I just hopped over to your blog and what do I discover…blog giveaway day. Well your blog is lovely and I will certainly be back and what a nice way to meet – the giveaway is really cute too :D and who can’t use more “stuff” for their art? lol
Beth P
30 January 2011, 16:53
I love my mac x
30 January 2011, 17:36
I love tea!
30 January 2011, 17:41
As it’s almost valentine day I’ll admit to being crazy in love with lens guy. Lovely heart stash
30 January 2011, 17:45
OMG!! All the Valentine’s stuff is so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!
30 January 2011, 17:50
i love my husband. on february 23rd we’ll have been married for 3 years, and i love him more and more with each day that passes :)thanks for this awesome giveaway, and what a great way to win!
30 January 2011, 19:05
I love my husband :D
30 January 2011, 19:20
I love my kiddos!
30 January 2011, 19:38
I love my family and friends x
30 January 2011, 19:43
What a beautiful giveaway!!! Thanks for the opportunity! I must say that I love my four little blessings from God – today I was challenged by them, but I can’t imagine life without them! Children bring the greatest emotion a heart will ever feel!
30 January 2011, 21:33
Well I could say I love my family – but that is a given so I love Supernatural because its sooo hilarious and has me laughing all the time
31 January 2011, 04:26
I’m loving my baby girl at the mo as we’re currently potty training and she’s doing really well!
31 January 2011, 05:23
Great stash – might have to go shopping! I love my 5 month old Shih Tzu puppy Nemo!
31 January 2011, 06:46
I love my life with my husband of 35 years – we’re best friends and complete each other!
31 January 2011, 13:15
I love my 2 children & husband VERY much!!!
31 January 2011, 14:22
I love those, they are so cute.:-)
1 February 2011, 23:05
I LOVE my girls and my husband and my family. Wouldn’t they be cute for valentine cards.
2 February 2011, 08:40
I love the river outside my window. It reminds me that things are always changing.
mahgwi21 (at) yahoo
5 February 2011, 10:50
I love my husband and son more than anything. I’m so happy that I found your blog – it’s always a treat!