Scrapbooking with woodgrain
It’s 8pm so it’s time for another party challenge all about one of my favourite design motifs: woodgrain!
This layout isn’t brand new but it’s one of my recent favourites and it features woodgrain letter stickers and fabric strips from Studio Calico.
Your challenge this time is a little different — it’s not actually to use woodgrain but to use this layout as a sketch. Use a big picture if you want — or you can replace that with patterned paper and arrange standard sized prints over the top. Maybe just use the title portion as the sketch – that’s my favourite part of the page!
Of course… bonus points if you use woodgrain in your layout! Well, imaginary bonus points because we’re not counting but you know…woodgrain! It’s lovely! Is there need for further justification?
Oh, and how about another movie tune for our party soundtrack? Here you go!
This challenge: make something based on the design of the layout above — however you would like to interpret it. Then take a picture, post it online in a gallery or on your blog and leave a comment here with a link.
One project will be randomly chosen to win a prize package filled with woodgrain themed scrapbook supplies. You can enter until 6am UK time on Monday 19th April.
Read more about: inspiration-party
Next post: Scrapbooking with bunting
Previous post: It's Party Time! And there are cupcakes!

16 April 2010, 15:35
I WILL do the sketch but just had to say I LOVE the party music – one of my faves LOL
16 April 2010, 15:55
I LOVE woodgrain. I am putting my cupcakes to the side to stat on this straight away!
16 April 2010, 16:04
Here’s mine:
16 April 2010, 16:26
oh shimelle…i love this page…and i’ve missed it til now!
right…now to hunt the woodgrain!! lol
16 April 2010, 16:28
Here is mine
The end of the post
16 April 2010, 16:31
Will try and have a go at this over the weekend – just love the music – been singing very loudly and annoying the family!
16 April 2010, 17:11
WOW nostalgia moment, I love that film and the proclaimers. first thing tomorrow morning I will be in the loft hunting out that CD !!
16 April 2010, 17:55
Love this page, have made a start this evening and will post it tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration Shimelle!
16 April 2010, 18:46
Going a bit “hybrid” here, hope that’s OK.
16 April 2010, 18:53
Here’s my interpretation!
16 April 2010, 20:30
i NEED to do this one when i get some time saturday night.
i am ALL about the wood grain! LOL!
16 April 2010, 20:35
Oh definately going to do this tomorrow. I have just the thing. Just need the other bits now to fit into place! LOL
17 April 2010, 03:42
I love woodgrain also and have been acquiring some lately-will be getting to work soon on this one!!!
17 April 2010, 05:08
Really enjoyed this challenge. Here is a link to my blog
17 April 2010, 05:16
Catching up
Heres my woodgrain challenge
17 April 2010, 05:47
Here is mine
17 April 2010, 07:03
Here’s mine complete with goofy photos!
17 April 2010, 08:01
my woodgrain LO,
17 April 2010, 08:14
have just put mine on my blog here
17 April 2010, 08:34
Have just loaded mine on my blog. having great fun with these challenges.
My blog
17 April 2010, 08:53
Enjoyed this challenge, this is my interpretation:
17 April 2010, 08:59
My attempt is here. It isn’t a very loyal scraplift as I find sketches extremely difficult. It does feature a woodgrain tag though. There’s another confession on my blog
17 April 2010, 09:12
Wonderful sketch!! Had lots of fun with this one! Here is my take: sketch challenge
17 April 2010, 09:30
Here’s my attempt! Actually scraplifted a card and turned it upside down – smaller piece of paper to the top.
17 April 2010, 09:50
Here is mine.
However, I don’t do woodgrain so I just used the LO for inspiration.
17 April 2010, 11:23
Finally the heart is dry and I could finish the page – take a look HERE
17 April 2010, 11:46
Here’s my woodgrain entry
17 April 2010, 12:30
Loved this Shimelle. I remembered an old wiggly wood kit that had woodgrain tags in it and went for overkill and used them all. LOL.
17 April 2010, 14:27
Sorry that I couldn’t manage any woodgrain (I only have a short piece of ribbon with that pattern!) but here’s my version of the ‘sketch’:
17 April 2010, 14:36
I am not a woodgrain fan but I had a go at including it anyway :) Here’s my LO showing my puppy’s first walk.
17 April 2010, 15:39
Loved this. Here is my take on it: “:
17 April 2010, 17:32
Here is my scraplift :
I don’t have any woodgrain letters so used Wordart and filled in the letters with oak woodgrain texture. I then printed it out onto acetate.
17 April 2010, 17:48
Just a little 6×6 page to catch up. I’ve been meaning to do this album for ages so thanks for the push I needed to start!
17 April 2010, 17:51
Heres my LO for this one :) Sorry for the rubbish photo!
17 April 2010, 18:45
Beautiful LO, so many pretty touches & I love that your journaling is on the photo. I don’t often use larger photos & really enjoyed using a special one I had saved away on this LO:
17 April 2010, 20:37
Layout (click here)
My liftis far off and doesn’t look like the original except for the background being wood grain, the cluster where the title is and my photo is where the journalling went.
18 April 2010, 03:06
ooh. Love big pictures
this is my favourite picture so far this yaer, my son at the Keukenhof Gardens
18 April 2010, 04:29
here is my addition!
18 April 2010, 05:43
Mine is here – even managed the woodgrain!
18 April 2010, 05:44
Didn’t quite manage the woodgrain, but I loved the sketch…
18 April 2010, 05:48
The LO inspiration was really helpful thanks.
18 April 2010, 06:05
No woodgrain in my photo, and I dont know how to make it a clickable link, sorry!
18 April 2010, 07:32
My take for this chaleenge
18 April 2010, 07:32
hey hun, i used the little title bit
“ thanks for supplying the inspiration x
18 April 2010, 07:33
hey hun, i used the little title bit
hey hun, here is my first page for the cupcakes, cute idea hun, here is my first page for the cupcakes, cute idea thanks for supplying the inspiration x
18 April 2010, 07:34
hey hun, i used the little title bit
18 April 2010, 08:16
Love this page! Thanks for the inspiration!
18 April 2010, 08:21
Simply awesome layout Shimelle. Loved it. Mine pales in comparison, but I had a lot of fun anyway!
18 April 2010, 09:46
love it!
here’s mine
18 April 2010, 09:55
No woodgrain,but used the sketch as the inspiration and it is posted in the gallery
18 April 2010, 10:00
Finally got this done. I used all the woodgrain I have!
18 April 2010, 10:49
I don’t really have any woodgrain, so I used the layout as insiration. I’ve never scrapped a photo this large before, but it was fun!
18 April 2010, 11:15
I tried scraplifting, but I ended up changing it more than I thought I would :D
18 April 2010, 12:53
Here is my version of your LO…i don’t often scraplift…but i really liked this LO…your version…and mine! ;0)
18 April 2010, 14:31
Here is my version. Just right for my final March page of document 2010.
18 April 2010, 16:00
Here’s mine:
18 April 2010, 16:14
Loved doing this…mine is here":
18 April 2010, 16:41
I blogged mine and it is a photo I’ve been longing to scrap ever since I first took it. this seemed to fit it rather well.
18 April 2010, 17:24
Oh my, woodgrain. One of my faves too. Here’s mine. The paper has a subtle embossed woodgrain effect and the letters and numbers are woodgrain too!
18 April 2010, 18:49
This is an unusual ration for me, but I happened to have just the thing in my “to scrap” pile. Here you go: [Open in new window]
18 April 2010, 18:54
Woodgrain – I agree, it’s just gorgeous!
Visiting Schoenbrunn
18 April 2010, 19:18
I love Studio Calico! This layout doesn’t use any SC though…
18 April 2010, 22:46
Awesome challenge! You can see my layout HERE. It is titled, “Go”.
1 July 2011, 06:16
Imagine a photograph that is taken of a piece of natural grain and then placed on a transfer material. To create the wood grain effect, a coat of powder is applied to a metal substrate and then semi-baked. When cool, the wood grain transfer is applied and a vacuum is used to remove any air entrapped between the powder and the transfer. Once this step is completed, a final bake of the combined system is performed to ensure the perfect fuse of decorative coating. The dye on the transfer volatilizes and forms the grain as a substantial part of the powder film. The end result is a custom finish coating.
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