10 Things (June 2011)
1. How many scrapbook pages I’m going to make this morning with these words then come back and add to this post. Mark my words.
2. The issue of Mollie Makes magazine that came out this week and is happily waiting for me to sit and read. Preferably on a train. Possibly in the rain.
3. Quantity of scrapbook pages I have made since Monday.
4. How many recipes I have tried based purely on pretty pictures from Pinterest.
5. The number of days this week I have worn stripes. Totally unplanned, but perhaps subtly inspired by this, though I haven’t taken any pictures.
6. Kinds of cheese that have made an appearance in our fridge so far this June.
7. Precision pens I found at the bottom of my bag. I wondered why my scrap drawer was seeming a bit bare for writing utensils.
8. My favourite number. True story.
9. Days until I must be packed for a trip home for a little work stuff and mostly catching up with family. Pretty excited about that.
10. Things. on the tenth of the month. Something brought to you by the participants in Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers starting today. Each participant will share something totally of their own creation – but always ten things. Some will share ten photos, ten crafty ideas, ten sources of inspiration, ten recipes, ten things in a collection… always ten things and always on the tenth of the month.
You’re welcome to join us if you like! Blog your ten things on the tenth and add your link – easy! Then click through to visit other participating blogs to meet some new friends and revisit old favourites. We’ll be doing this every month, always on the tenth!
There’s a 10 Things badge too – copy and paste this code into your blog sidebar to display it!
<a href="http://www.shimelle.com/paper/1075/10-things-june-2011/"><img src="http://www.shimelle.com/images/2254.jpg" /></a>
Can’t wait to see what all these girls have planned for today… but first, I better get that scrapbook page finished! Have a lovely Friday.
Read more about: 10-things reading-material
Next post: Scrapbooking Giveaway Day
Previous post: Scrapbooking sketch of the week

10 June 2011, 00:09
What a super cute post Shimelle. All I can say is WOW!! You’re one busy lady!! I don’t know how you do it all but I wanna be just like you when I grow up. LOL
10 June 2011, 00:36
When I saw your idea for 10 on the 10th I couldn’t wait for the 10th to come around. What fun!
10 June 2011, 00:39
I just LOVE this, Shimelle. Huge fun but something to keep me focused too. Perfect ingredients for a successful project. THANK YOU!! You are so inspirational, my day has got off to a perfect start :)
10 June 2011, 00:43
I’m so excited to do this every month. It’ll get me thinking and inspired! Thanks for starting this Shimelle.
10 June 2011, 00:43
Thank you Shimelle ! Can’t wait to see the others posts !
10 June 2011, 00:49
Great idea Shimelle, It has kept me occupied the last few commuting sessions! x
10 June 2011, 00:50
Thanks Shimelle for an amazing class! I agree the 10 things will be a way for me to FOCUS! :)
10 June 2011, 01:02
Thanks for organizing this Shimelle & for all the additional BBFS bonus material!
10 June 2011, 01:02
Just posted my link although it’s not active until the AM. I will also be working on my layout tomorrow as well.
10 June 2011, 01:03
loved your post and love this 10 things on the 10th~ty
10 June 2011, 01:20
I totally love this concept. A group blogging effort that allows for individual preference as well. Truly genius, Shimelle!
10 June 2011, 01:22
Oh for goodness sake. Please ignore my first link! I put in the wrong url but the second one is good. This was a lot of fun and I loved your approach Shimelle! Will try something like that in the coming months. :)
10 June 2011, 01:25
What a fab list! Dont think I can think of 10 things at the min but I mayb back later to link if I have any ideas:-)
10 June 2011, 01:53
This is so much fun! Thanks Shimelle x
10 June 2011, 01:54
What a great idea! Thank you!
10 June 2011, 01:55
Thank you Shimelle! I’m looking forward to reading the others’ posts!
10 June 2011, 01:59
Great idea – my 10 are the first things that popped into my head this morning.
10 June 2011, 02:18
When I told my husband what I had done for this challenge he raised his eyes to the ceiling and shook his head! Now I’m beginning to regret it … please don’t think I’m crazy!
10 June 2011, 02:42
Ha! Great list! Our weekly menus are now highly Pinterest inspired too!
10 June 2011, 02:49
Great Idea, It will encourage me to plan and I am looking forward to being inspired.
10 June 2011, 02:54
Another super fab idea from our teacher/guru Shimelle ……. yay!!!! Thanks so much I love joining in with these blogtastic ideas and I can’t wait to have time to work my way through everyones ’10 things’. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
10 June 2011, 02:57
What a fab idea, glad we can join in if we are not beyond bloggers as well (although I am seriously considering those two courses!)
10 June 2011, 03:04
Great fun blog hop! Off for my dog walk now but will be back later to check out everyone’s posts
10 June 2011, 03:04
Thought I’d give this a go, and yes, one of my ten mentions pinterest too.
10 June 2011, 03:09
Love this idea! Really looking forward to writing & reading lots more 10 things posts throughout the year :)
10 June 2011, 03:17
Love doing this and also hopping around seeing everyone else ideas. Thanks.
10 June 2011, 03:17
Oops, I just realized I didn’t give a direct link…and I don’t know how to make a “do-over.” Sorry!
This was a fun project, thanks so much for hosting it!
10 June 2011, 03:33
Thanks for arranging this, I have seen a few posts already and they’ve all been different and interesting, so I had to join in too! I’m off to check out the rest aswell! x
10 June 2011, 03:35
Love this ides, thanks shimelle, even got my husband involved!
10 June 2011, 03:42
At work today, so will have a look at everyone else’s 10 things over the weekend! Looking forward to this :)
10 June 2011, 04:02
What an awesome idea! I sometimes join in with a Things I’m Loving linky-thingy-ma-bob on Fridays so decided to make it 10 things I’m Loving today :-)
10 June 2011, 04:10
Thank you Shimelle – I even managed to join in with this whilst on holiday. Will have to check out all the other “tens” at weekend. J x
10 June 2011, 04:10
I couldnt think of what to do for this, now I see the limitless opportunities! Great idea.
10 June 2011, 04:11
Family visits are the best kind … I’m off on one this weekend myself :-)
10 June 2011, 04:11
Great idea Shimelle and I look forward to seeing everyones blog :-)
10 June 2011, 04:27
Thank you for setting this up. Such fun!
10 June 2011, 04:29
This is a great idea, Shimelle, and I had fun putting my list together. I’m looking forward to reading some of the other posts. Thanks for doing this!
10 June 2011, 04:35
Great idea Shimelle, thanks for hosting this! I used the ’10 things’ as inspiration for a layout :D
10 June 2011, 05:05
Having great fun looking at everybody’s 10 things. Brillant!
10 June 2011, 05:33
great idea shimelle xoxo
10 June 2011, 05:41
Can’t wait to start hopping! Thanks Shimelle!
10 June 2011, 06:07
Awesome idea Shimelle. Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.
10 June 2011, 06:13
This is fun, will be back with my link later
10 June 2011, 06:15
a great way to keep me focused, thanks Shimelle
10 June 2011, 06:52
great idea x now gonna hop around & be nosy !
10 June 2011, 07:32
That was fun, thanks so much! I’ve been meaning to do a post with my idea for a while and it just came together perfectly with the 10 on the 10th :) Can’t wait to see your page! xx
10 June 2011, 07:53
Great idea! Just added my link. Off to work but will check out all the other posts this weekend.
10 June 2011, 07:54
I went for a walk this morning and used 10 things from that for my 10.
10 June 2011, 08:34
Great idea! Thank you!
10 June 2011, 08:44
I love this idea and I decided to join. Thanks.
10 June 2011, 08:45
even when following fatihfully through all the blogging for scrapbookers and the beyond I still can’t get the bit of code you give us to work on my blog. Computer illiterate, that’s me
10 June 2011, 08:47
Lovely idea Shimelle; I have notes for quite a few months to come, woo hoo! Can’t wait to see how everyone has interpreted this!
10 June 2011, 09:17
Love this idea, thanks for organising it. So many new blogs to visit and follow …. working my way through them all. I have blogged about 10 things making me happy! x
10 June 2011, 09:43
I’m so excited to see everyone’s 10 things! What a great project. I know I will look forward to this every month. Thanks!!
10 June 2011, 10:05
I really enjoyed thinking of 10 things, I’m going to start making notes for next month! Thanks Shimelle :)
10 June 2011, 10:34
Love your list, Shimelle! I can’t wait to sit down later today for a good blog hop! Thank you, as always, for your inspiration!
10 June 2011, 10:46
Fab idea, and perfect for me as my baby boy’s birthday falls on the 10th :)
I’ve joined in today.
10 June 2011, 11:02
Simple, do-able & fun! I just got back yesterday from a ten day vacation and yet I was still able to throw something together and participate. Thanks!
10 June 2011, 11:16
what a great idea!
i will think of my list today and post tonight when i’m home from work. :)
10 June 2011, 11:21
Did it, love it!
10 June 2011, 11:22
Love this. I shared a mini this month.
10 June 2011, 11:47
What a great idea! Thanks for your blog hospitality!
10 June 2011, 11:58
Can’t wait to visit everyone!
10 June 2011, 12:27
Great post Shimelle! You’ve inspired me to order the magazine too!
10 June 2011, 12:32
Such an inspiration! Thx Shimelle :)
10 June 2011, 12:36
What a great idea. Liked it so much I’ve joined in :)
10 June 2011, 13:16
didn’t think i would get a post up. but it is done. yay. now to actually work on my list…
10 June 2011, 14:45
Thanks so much for organizing this Shimelle! BBFS was such a content-rich class and the added content was a HUGE bonus! And what a fun blog activity to help keep us connected!
10 June 2011, 15:23
Definitely no time for scrapping tonight, but i will do it after the weekend!
10 June 2011, 15:34
Really got me thinking outside the box xxx
10 June 2011, 16:36
Great idea. Hope I keep it up :)
10 June 2011, 17:38
Thank you Shimelle for another great project. I have a family visit this weekend too. x
10 June 2011, 17:46
Love this idea :D So many things to explore! Have a fantastic trip back home.
10 June 2011, 21:09
Great idea Shimelle! Thanks!
10 June 2011, 21:10
I’m a bit late but I got it in and it’s still the 10th here. :) Looking forward to checking everyone’s posts out over the weekend.
10 June 2011, 23:31
Thanks for providing this opportunity! I’ve got some other ideas too.
11 June 2011, 00:13
Love this idea, Shimelle. I wasn’t too prepared but I finally came up with ten things. Will do better next month :)
11 June 2011, 00:33
i shared ten things I always scrapbook with :) thank you for this lovely idea!
11 June 2011, 05:12
Great idea and such clever interpretations!
11 June 2011, 10:28
got my post up! :)
11 June 2011, 19:18
Hi,everyone and thanks for the comments on my 10! I have been on several lovely blogs where I haven’t been able to leave comments because my google identity kept asking me to sign in and I just couldn’t leave a comment. Sorry!
11 June 2011, 20:12
I think I forgot to comment yesterday but I blogged my 10 things! Love this idea :)
12 June 2011, 10:49
Love this idea – better late than never – I promise I’ll be on 10th in future.
12 June 2011, 17:51
This is a good way to stay on top of my goals for the year plus great fodder for blog posts. Thx for the inspiration and the forum.
12 June 2011, 22:21
I am a bit late (ok, it’s the 12th here) but I love the 10 things concept and will totally be on it for next month! Thanks for the idea Shimelle!
15 June 2011, 16:02
Love this idea thank you for the inspiration!!My post was ready to go on the tenth but eek having problems with blogger but woohoo managed to get it to post today..sorry it`s late but looking forward to the next one.
Big hugs
18 June 2011, 19:37
Sorry I’m late with my 10 on the tenth. Loving the idea though. Some great entries girls.
15 July 2011, 04:10
I enjoyed reading this a lot and I really hope to read more of your posts in the future, so I’ve bookmarked your blog. But I couldn’t just bookmark it, oh no.. When I see quality website’s like this one, I like to share it with others So I’ve created a backlink to your site (from my website, and don’t worry it is a do-follow one) you can see it here if you want to:
1 September 2011, 16:09
I really enjoy reading everyone’s 10 Things. I’m more like ’10 on the 18th’ tho!