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Setting the record straight

be happy scrapbook page

A month into 2008, and this project is still going strong. This page is probably my favourite so far, but I can’t take any credit for the design. It is a little strange to lift projects, but these are pages just for my albums and most importantly, the process of using the inspiration from the calendar each day without reinventing the wheel has meant that pretty much every day I have a layout done by 8am. When I started, I hoped it would act like a little warm up in the mornings, and most days it does exactly that: after I put the calendar page away, I am in a groove to start working on other projects and I’m far less likely to find other things that ‘need’ my attention around the house. We’ll see if that’s a good thing or a bad one in the long run!

I just wanted to share this with you because it links to today’s journaling exercise. That photo of The Boy was taken during the holidays. He spends an awful lot of time and energy every year telling me that he is not a fan of the holidays. Too much stress, too much fuss, too much disappointment when life has to get back to normal. And I’m pretty much the opposite. So I just listen and say the necessary ‘yeah, yeah, yeah’ and go on with Christmas.

But then I get a picture like this and I have to think ‘yeah right’. This boy hates the holidays? Somehow I don’t think he’s totally accurate on that one.

free write it down journalling prompt
Click for print-sized card.

The trick for today is that using someone else’s words to start your journaling can make it much easier to get on a roll. After you try it with the words of a friend or member of the family, you might be able to try something similar with a favourite quotation as a lead in to your own words on a related subject.

So today is your chance to find something you hear too often that makes you roll your eyes or otherwise think ‘yeah right’ or any other response that you would like to set straight for once and for all. Be it that you think secretly, someone really does enjoy the holidays or you want to put it right that there are various definitions for ‘clean room’ in your house and it’s only your definition that counts. Whatever it is, it’s time to set the record straight.


02 February 2008

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12 Comments for Setting the record straight

  1. Karbee Says:

    I think his big smile has more to do with who is behind the camera really :-)

  2. valerie Says:

    I am loving the index cards they look so coool printed off


  3. Lorna Says:

    Rage took over a bit with this one! But it made me feel better.

    Lorna :o)

  4. jen Says:

    I liked today’s prompt eventually- it seemed difficult to me at first- which probably means I need to spend some more time with it, but for the time being you can find my response here.

  5. Suzanne Earley Says:

    I had a really hard time with this one. I suspect this will continue to percolate over time, and maybe try again later.

    Day 2

  6. Sandy Says:

    Ooh, having trouble with this one…
    Everything I’ve written so far reads either bitchy or whiny! Oh well, the people I’m writing about aren’t going to read it, so I’ll let it stand. Food for thought, though.

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  8. essay writers online Says:

    Wow the cards which you make are so pretty and I just love to print such cards and post them from the time I got to know them. Before I have seen greeting cards but for the first time I was looking for these kind of printed cards.

  9. lillieadela Says:

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  11. Sella Frill Says:

    Great article with lots of useful information! If I was less busy in plastic surgery here cosmetic practice, then I would love to do more scrapbooking!

  12. Sella Frill Says:

    Great article with lots of useful information! If I was less busy in plastic surgery cosmetic practice, then I would love to do more scrapbooking!
