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Cover to Cover :: A New Online Scrapbooking Class

cover to cover :: online scrapbooking class
scrapbook pages
For more than ten years, scrapbooking to me was all about the individual page. Take some event in life and memorialise it on a pretty page. Photos and writing and crafty embellishment was all part of that. But then what? The pages were stacked on a shelf or filed randomly in an album and that was that. On to the next page, ever moving forward with completely unrelated pages, growing stacks of layouts and albums that could only be understood by other scrapbookers, because they were never self-explanatory to someone who didn’t live and breathe patterned paper and pop dots.

One day I changed my mind and decided there had to be more to it. It took me a while to find my focus amongst stacks of hundreds of pages, but eventually I found a simplicity that made everything make sense and I fell in love with scrapbooking all over again, more than I ever had before. I went from stacks and random and incomprehensible to books that make sense to anyone, even if they weren’t finished. I found myself going back to the layouts I had created and appreciating them and using them as one of the most important tools in my creative process.

Essentially, I realised I could put the book back in scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is no longer just about the 12×12 page for me, but about this larger volume that those pages create. And what I especially love is that means I have just as much love (if not more) for the individual pages than I did before – but then I also have this new level of creating that has opened up all sorts of new doors. It has been a total win all round, with no complications or drawbacks or banging my head against a desk.

I’m so very excited to share this with you in my new online scrapbooking class: Cover to Cover.

scrapbook albums
Cover to Cover starts on the seventh of May and runs for four weeks, finishing on the third of June.
It includes 25 full-colour PDF prompts sent to participants by email, so you can read straight from your inbox.
It includes an entire series of videos made just for this class so you can see all the concepts in action, including plenty of example albums but also the process of going from a stack of layouts (or um… many stacks!) to a collection of books that showcase your work in the best way for you.
There is a private message board to ask questions and share with other participants, we’ll gather for a live chat session and I’ll be available for questions and answers throughout in case you want a second opinion on what will work best for the way you scrapbook.

You don’t need any specific supplies, though albums are an important part of putting the book back into scrapbooking. You can choose any albums you want, and if you have so many pages needing books that a giant stack of albums is a bit of a concern, don’t worry: you can start with one. You do not need to completely overhaul everything at once, and you can certainly wait for a sale or your birthday or anything else that would help make the album investment worthwhile. (And we’ll discuss some things to consider when you choose your albums too.)

Specifically, we’ll cover five types of scrapbooks I have come to love. All five types might appeal to you or you might pick and choose what suits you best. In each case, we’ll look at the how and why of creating that sort of book, specific page types, planning (or sometimes a plan to not plan), supplies and everything else you’ll need to put that sort of album plan into action. These are not specific themes, but broader concepts of how to make something more than just pages when you assemble an album. If you followed along this past weekend, you might have put together that I’m working on quite a few pages with childhood dance photos at the moment. That doesn’t mean to follow that example you will need a bunch of pictures of your five year old self in a tutu. (Although one thing we are going to talk about is ways to get photos you don’t currently have.) Instead, that album is one of the five concepts, and that particular example is what I call a passion book. If there is something or someone you could call a passion at some point in your life, then that concept might be your answer.

We’ll also cover ideas with chronology and timelines from both sides of the argument, what to do when you just have so many photos of one thing, how to get others to understand why your scrapbooks (and your scrapbooking!) are important and ideas for both current and older photographs. If you’re already looking at your photos from 2012 and wondering how on earth you will get them all scrapbooked, then rest assured you will have complete control of that situation even in the very first week.

Digital scrapbookers, please know the examples in this class are paper, but the principles could still be useful for you. Keeping pages as image files on a hard drive is your equivalent of stacking up lots of paper pages, right? If you’ve been meaning to do something else and need a kick, then you may find it with us. Digi scrappers are always welcome in my classes! But I want you to know up front that the sample albums are all paper, and somethings (like moving pages around, for example) are less flexible in a photobook. But that doesn’t mean it can’t apply – it just means your process will be a little different. And that’s totally okay!

There are also some bonuses along with all the new content made just for this class. They include access to some related videos from past projects, discounts from some of my favourite retailers and interviews with a variety of scrapbookers about what works best for them in terms of photos, pages and books.

I would love for you to join me.

£18 – GB Pounds

$30 – US Dollars

You do not need a Paypal account to sign up – you have the choice when you click of secure card payment or from your Paypal account if you prefer. Please make sure you pay from a valid email address, as it is the only way I can reach you with your class supplies. You will receive a receipt for your payment via Paypal when your payment goes through, then a second email from me welcoming you to class once your registration has been processed, which can be up to twenty-four hours later. If you do not hear from me in that time, you can always send me an email (shimelle at gmail dot com) to check on your registration. It may have gone to your spam folder, so do have a look, but sometimes it’s been blocked even before it gets there and I need to send it again. No problem at all – just let me know.

Speaking of which: early bird registrants thank you so very much for your tremendous response. I need a few more hours to get all of your registrations processed, I’m afraid! But I promise you’re not missing anything yet and your welcome email will be with you tomorrow (Tuesday).

Now… if there are any questions I can answer, please just ask away! I’m happy to chat about this project and help in any way I can! I’m so excited about this class that I actually woke up this morning and added an entire new section to the class materials inspired by the comments and projects you were posting here over the weekend. Thank you for sharing your work here and joining in the conversation! I look forward to helping you breathe new life into this fabulous craft as we explore the power of books!


16 April 2012

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60 Comments for Cover to Cover :: A New Online Scrapbooking Class

  1. Melinda T Says:

    I signed up earlier, now I can hardly wait til May 7th!

  2. Moira OReilly Says:

    Oh wow! I was one of the early-birds, with the little bit of mystery. How happy am I right now you think? Oh so so happy. Can`t wait for the 7th. It is just the class I need, I actually have started a passion album but I find that it lack cohesiveness. Thanks so much

  3. 9isfine Says:

    Your class sounds great, and I was hoping you could answer a question or two. I use the Library of Memories System by Stacy Julian and it generally works well for me. My problem with the system is that I tend to load up my albums with layouts in no chronological order. So while they are all on a general topic,(a family member, travels, everyday stuff etc) they are a mish mash of memories. I tell myself this is fine because I don’t only remember things in chronological order, but it bugs me when I look through them. Will your class mesh with this system and help me with this problem or will it be a complete and total change over? I’m not sure I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak, so I’m torn about what to do. Thanks for answering this question for me!

  4. Madeline Says:

    OK this sounds like just what I need, so glad I got in on the early bird registration. Can’t wait for this to start

  5. LisaZ Says:

    I know I need this class and I’m so glad I was an ‘early bird’! There are literally stacks & stacks of completed and ‘not quite finished’ pages in my scraproom. Can’t wait til the 7th!!

  6. Melissa Says:

    I’m looking forward to the class . . . and seeing your dance passion album.

  7. LouAnn Says:

    I so need this class, glad I was an early bird too, let the fun begin!

  8. Patricia the PaperTemptress Says:

    I will (and have)take ANY AND ALL of your classes…I LOVE your style and learn so much from all of your classes and free videos! You have me scrapbooking again! Thanks!
    the PaperTemptress

  9. senoritascrapper Says:

    Woo-hoo! Looking forward to it.

  10. SandraA Says:

    So excited! This class sounds like just what I need.

  11. Krisje Says:

    I’m looking forward to it!

  12. Allie.Duckienz Says:

    Like 9isfine, I use Stacy Julian’s Library of Memories system which I love and works well for me. Do you think that there will be benefits for me to take this class. For example I now am totally going to add passions as one of the subcategories in my All About Allie albums. Do you think that there are a lot more ideas like that?

    Also 9isfine – I store my layouts in rough chrono order within each section as I like to see people growing up over time :D That may help with you too.

  13. Jacky S Says:

    Glad I signed up early….sounds perfect for me.

  14. Brenda Says:

    Well I did not get to do the early bird special but I am still signing up for the class as it sounds like a wonderful concept! I look forward to starting the next adventure!

  15. Sharon (Sherelm) Says:

    I’m very much looking forward to FINALLY scrapbooking my mother’s photos from the 1940s – when she and my father were dating, and all the family picnics, events, etc., with the end being photos of me in 1952. I have procrastinated on this so long, and this sounds like I’m going to get it done.

    ONE QUESTION – if we have a plain chipboard album cover (I have two 12×12 D rings from American Crafts) should I do the cover first or last? Yeah, I guess you can tell I’m excited! Thanks again!!

  16. Melinda Says:

    wow..this class sounds like exactly what I need! I have all these scrapbooking supplies but have never yet completed an album! I have probably thousands of photos now….some in physical format..some digital..I seriously want to do something with these but am always lost when it comes to scrapbooking. I love seeing other’s creations and work..but often find myself sitting there staring at my STUFF and not knowing what to do with it all! So, I often end up doing nothing and putting it all away or not even bothering to get it out! I just signed up! Looking forward to this class!

  17. Ann Says:

    Also, I wanted to add: In general your classes, videos and blog inspire the storytelling side of things that is so important to me. I’m curious how that applies to a “part-time” scrapper, if it does.

  18. Ann Says:

    I just realized the first part of my comment didn’t post. What I had mentioned is that I also follow a version of SJ’s Library of Memories system. Most importantly, I don’t scrap (or intend to scrap) a lot of pages. I just don’t have the money, space or time. I do, maybe 1-2 pages a month, but no more than 20 a year. I may do one or more pages of the same event, but I don’t get upset if I don’t because it just means I have other things I prefer to focus on. Even when I have more pages from one event, it’s usually travel, and they’re usually separated in my books. For example, I have 3 pages from a recent trip. One is under travel, two are under relationships. I have two pages for halloween, one is under holidays and one is in my son’s album. So, I wanted to see if this class fits a person who follows SJ’s method and doesn’t want to scrap a lot.

  19. kirsty A Says:

    Sounds fab, but i have a book system that works (chronological yearly albums, a heritage album and a Book of Me with childhood pics and passions) May is going to be a hugely busy month with exam prep for my students and myself, so i’ll jhave to pass on this class. Look forward to seeing what people create though

  20. Deborah Clark Says:

    I am so glad to take this class! I am a “to“organized person, so I already have a system that works for me. I LOVE to find out what works for others and to get new ideas. I appreciate all you share with us! It is so freeing to love the books we create. What a great class to share when we are in our “spring cleaning” mode!

  21. Sonia Says:

    Glad I was an ‘early bird’. I’ve not got a system at the moment so keen to adopt one!

  22. Julia Says:

    So pleased to get in on the earlybird offer. I think I am fairly organised but looking for some ideas on other “passions” as you put it and of course looking forward to some more of your fab layouts and videos :)

  23. Irene Fitzpatrick Says:

    I DO need plenty of help with getting organised :)

  24. Sherrie Says:

    I’ve been waiting and waiting for you to create this class as I’m sure you get this questions a lot!! I’m so so excited and can’t wait

  25. Manola Says:

    I took advantage of the early bird offer but I don’t know where to locate the class link.The email that I received says that it is online??

  26. Dawn Says:

    I am so looking forward to this class. Thanks for the challenges this past weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed every post.

  27. J3SS1C4 Says:

    I’m so looking forward to this class! You always have such great classes!

  28. eliseg Says:

    Will the class materials be available for purchase after May?

  29. Rochelle Says:

    I was an Early Bird but I haven’t received any information about the class.

  30. Emma Says:

    I was just wondering if we will be able to purchase any time after the start date?

  31. Alison Kirk Says:

    Just signed up and didn’t see the offer for this class before so definitely glad I didn’t miss it!
    So excited as I have just too many photos in no particular order!! Who hasn’t ?

  32. Lisa Says:

    Hi, can you still sign up for this class?

  33. Kat Says:

    Ach, missed that one, Shim! :) Will be on my list for next time round or do it on own pace once I get my “pocket money” for next month!! :D

  34. Stampergirl Says:

    Will you be offering Cover to Cover again? I would be interested in taking this class.
    Thank you.

  35. Bethany Says:

    I was also wondering the same thing. I saw this class but was waiting on the “pocket money” and I’ve just recently decided to start on my current photos. Can we still order it?

  36. Julie Says:

    I know that his was asked previously, but I now have money and would love to sign up for this class. Can I and, if so, how? Thanks!

  37. Lesley Says:

    When will you be running the next class. Have only just found a link to this and I think it is something I neeeeed to do :o)

  38. Jen D Says:

    I would love to know when the next Cover to Cover class will be, from the description it sounds like a class that I NEED to take. :)

  39. helen Says:

    Tempted by this – but have not done the last class yet !! How do i find more time ?

  40. Laur Says:

    Even thought his class is over, is it something I could still take? Thank you Laur

  41. Stacey Says:

    Is this class still available to take?

  42. it supports austin Says:

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    Then I distilled it all down for the man who wants a distinct fashion style and statement that builds trust and credibility in the business arena.

  44. Lisa Says:

    Is this class still available as a self-paced version? It sounds like just what I need.

  45. Miranda Says:

    Good Afternoon:
    How do I click into this class. I paid the 30 dollars for the class but I am not sure how to log into the account. Please Help?

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    I’m waiting for you the other article.

  47. agentogel Says:

    This is impressive and also great information, This is excellent.

  48. Judi Online Says:

    I’m so looking forward to this class! You always have such great classes!

  49. Cerita Dewasa Says:

    I’m waiting for you the other article.

  50. Cerita Sex Says:

    Nice Article

  51. Agen Casino Online Says:

    I’m so looking forward to this class! You always have such great classes!

  52. Connie Muse Says:

    I just signed up for the Cover to Cover class. How do I access it?

  53. dragon city play online Says:

    This really looks great. I have been looking for DIY projects that would interest my little sister, and this scrapbooking art may be just what she needs. Thanks for posting this! I hope that she will have as much fun making it as you guys did. She hasn’t been as engaging as she used to be as she only wants to play The Sims Freeplay on desktop.

  54. dragon city play online Says:

    This really looks great. I have been looking for DIY projects that would interest my little sister, and this scrapbooking art may be just what she needs. Thanks for posting this! I hope that she will have as much fun making it as you guys did. She hasn’t been as engaging as she used to be as she only wants to play The Sims Freeplay on desktop.

  55. dragon city play online Says:

    This really looks great. I have been looking for DIY projects that would interest my little sister, and this scrapbooking art may be just what she needs. Thanks for posting this! I hope that she will have as much fun making it as you guys did. She hasn’t been as engaging as she used to be as she only wants to play The Sims Freeplay on desktop.

  56. dragon city play online Says:

    This really looks great. I have been looking for DIY projects that would interest my little sister, and this scrapbooking art may be just what she needs. Thanks for posting this! I hope that she will have as much fun making it as you guys did. She hasn’t been as engaging as she used to be as she only wants to play The Sims Freeplay on desktop.

  57. dragon city play online Says:

    This really looks great. I have been looking for DIY projects that would interest my little sister, and this scrapbooking art may be just what she needs. Thanks for posting this! I hope that she will have as much fun making it as you guys did. She hasn’t been as engaging as she used to be as she only wants to play The Sims Freeplay on desktop.

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