Wedding Scrapbook Pages
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This time last year, I declared it wedding week on my blog and you know what? I’m thinking this should be an annual event. So welcome to Wedding Week 2011! How’s that for spontaneous theming? By now I’ve probably shared way more wedding things from my own wedding than can be exciting to anyone who isn’t me, but rest assured I have actually attended weddings of other people. It’s an amazing concept. So if I add their wedding fun into the mix, I’m pretty sure there’s a whole week of stuff to share. (Plus, there’s a new 4×6 Photo Love class tomorrow, so if you have scrapping time today and haven’t entered the seven photo challenge, hop to it while you still have two chances to win!)
To kick off Wedding Week, here are three scrapbook pages I made for the wedding themed garden at Two Peas this summer. This first page is a real rarity for me – no writing! I really thought about that for a while because pages without any writing really sadden me. When you see just one page at a time in a scrapper’s gallery, it’s easy to assume that one page without any writing is representative of albums filled with pages without writing and I can’t cope with that idea. If we never write on our pages, there is very little to differentiate a beautiful scrapbook page from one of those shoeboxes of old photos in an antique store, with all the pictures of unidentified people doing unidentified things. I really want more than that from my albums.
But I think by now you know that. And sometimes it’s nice to just have a page here or there with just a photo, like a chapter break in a novel. Breathing room. So I added this to my album with no writing. But I assure you, it’s surrounded by pages with plenty of words indeed.
© Click here for supplies and details.
At our reception, we used books instead of numbers to mark the tables. So that needed a little explanation in our wedding album. It was quite funny to see the people on each table try to make a connection to the book chosen to represent them. Sometimes there was a definite link to the guests… other times it was just a book that had some sort of meaning to both of us.
© Click here for supplies and details.
And this page makes a break in the album between the fancier professional photos and the haphazard images that came from the vintage cameras on each table. I wanted to start that section with a bit of explanation as to why the old cameras were there, as several people had mentioned in advance that surely we wouldn’t get any decent photos from these cameras at all. And truly, the vast majority are blurry, under-, over- or double-exposed and of course very grainy as they were all shot indoors without flash. But there were plenty of pictures that made them completely worthwhile – unexpected photos that captured great expressions and different combinations of guests. I love those pictures and am so very glad we had film as well as digital on our wedding day.
So… let’s see what other wedding fun I can find to share this week! And maybe you’ll join me in making a wedding-themed project or two!
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Previous post: Bank Holiday Album Sale

29 August 2011, 06:08
These pages are so beautiful, it’s just a wonderful souvenir of your greatest day! I love the way you inform us, I have the feeling I’m reading a book! thanx for sharing it with us, I’ll try to scrap a photo from my wedding day too!
29 August 2011, 09:27
I love the idea of a book on every table. How fun and a great way to get people talking and interacting with each other. I will have to remember that if I am lucky enough to find Mr. Right. :)
29 August 2011, 10:40
What wonderful wedding layouts! Scrapping my wedding is on my bucket list of things to scrap (as my 3 kids keep me plenty busy scrapping!). Love the fun touches like the books and vintage cameras! Thanks for sharing -Amanda
29 August 2011, 11:19
love the layouts and your book idea is brilliant. Thanks for sharing.
29 August 2011, 12:10
These layouts are so sweet. I love the books the wedding tables. Great idea!
29 August 2011, 14:10
Love the books on the table idea. So clever.
29 August 2011, 14:52
Love the break for the candid photos. What a great way to include them.
29 August 2011, 15:28
gorgeous work!!!
29 August 2011, 15:37
Fabulous as ever, Hoping this week of wedding posts will inspire me to scrap some more of my wedding pics. I’m borrowing your travel album idea of keeping to a certain colour cardstock for my album and making sure that every page includes a butterfly as that was my theme. Thanks for the inspiration.
29 August 2011, 17:23
love both the idea of the books to mark the tables and the vintage cameras for candid shots.
You continue to amaze, delight and inspire me! thanks.
29 August 2011, 17:58
I love that you used vintage cameras!!! That is awesome! And the book idea rocks as well!!! I imagine it was a very lovely wedding!
30 August 2011, 02:37
Happy Anniversary Shimelle, Hope you and the boy have a fabulous day. xx
30 August 2011, 03:40
I’ve not scrapped any photos of my Wedding which was 11 years ago now and they are not digital either however I do have a few I could use so might just do some with your lovely inspiration.
30 August 2011, 09:51
A book on every table is a great idea! :-D
I love your work!
30 August 2011, 14:23
i love your wedding photo layouts.. i love to be inspired by the long term projects that you do. I always feel like it takes me too long to finish. And yes, pages without writing – i agree why bother at all! I love how my kids love to read the journaling…to remind them of things…which i then add to the scrapbook. a very cyclical process
30 August 2011, 14:34
Love all the little details from your wedding and the use of formal and informal pics is a great idea. It inspired me to finally scrap the pic from my final dress fitting.
3 September 2011, 00:21
Thank you for sharing your wedding photos layouts – they are brilliant! I have been married for 14 years, and am still afraid to tackle them. :)
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