Scrapbooking Giveaway Day
This weekend, one extremely lucky commenter will win a signed copy of Rob Ryan’s book “This is for you”. A collection of Rob’s beautiful hand cut images which are inspiring, romantic and thought provoking. I am a huge fan of Rob’s work, and so very excited to bring you this giveaway. We actually received a copy of this book as a wedding present, so I can vouch for its beauty.
Rob was born in 1962 in Akrotiri, Cyprus. He studied Fine Art at Trent Polytechnic and at the Royal College of Art, London where he specialised in Printmaking.
Since 2002 he has been working principally within the paper cutting medium. Although he views himself first and always as a fine artist his intricate papercut work adapts itself readily to screenprinting which have then transferred to ceramics, fabrics, lasercutting and other surfaces.
He has collaborated with Paul Smith, Liberty of London, Fortnum and Mason and Vogue along with many other established companies. His work, often consisting of whimsical figures paired with sentimental, grave, honest and occasionally humorous pieces of writing he readily admits are autobiographical.
Recent exhibitions have included “The Stars Shine All Day Too” at London’s Air Gallery on Dover Street and “Your Job is to take this world apart and put it back together again…. but even better!” – an exhibition of papercuts and ceramics at The Shire Hall Gallery Stafford.
He lives and works in London. You can read more about Rob on his Blog and on his Website.
To enter, just leave a comment on this post sharing with us, what you wish you could cut from paper…
Entries close at midnight Sunday UK time and the winner will be posted Monday evening, so be sure to check back to see if it’s your lucky day!
Good luck!
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3 June 2011, 14:44
World Peace would be good!
3 June 2011, 14:46
I wish I could cut a sunset from paper.
3 June 2011, 14:50
A family home all shiny & new …
3 June 2011, 15:05
I think I’d try and cut a new job from paper
3 June 2011, 15:28
Gorgeous! I wish I could cut a nightmare so it wouldn’t bother me at night but would become an interesting piece of art.
3 June 2011, 15:36
The perfect man :D
These are so dreamy and beautiful.
3 June 2011, 15:44
Oh yes, I love his work. In fact, I think it was through a skirt with one of his screen prints on, that you posted about, which led me to discover him?!
I would cut a story from paper, one that’s so good you wish it would never end! x
3 June 2011, 15:44
Wow his work is amazing, to be honest I wish I could just cut a straight line! Even with a paper cutter itls still wonky lol!
3 June 2011, 16:24
After trying this out recently I know how difficult it is but I think I wish I could cut a few more hours into the day to allow for scrapping time as I haven’t managed any recently :0)
3 June 2011, 16:49
This is amazing! I wish I could cut happiness from paper. :)
3 June 2011, 16:49
This would be completely exciting to win! I love that type of paper cutting (I can’t spell it, but I love it)!
3 June 2011, 16:55
His work is wonderful, I’ve seen it before and I’m still sat here gasping at it.
I’d cut a big house with lots rooms all filled with my family doing the things they love the most.
3 June 2011, 17:13
I love Rob’s work – fantastic. After the hot day we have had I would cut a forest of white trees complete with rustling leaves & a forest floor of flowers to set up a picnic on.
3 June 2011, 17:14
What a super prize.
What would I wish could be cut from paper? All the pain and illness that friends and family are suffering because then I could screw it up and throw it away…
Have a good weekend everyone.
Toni :o)
3 June 2011, 17:21
When I was a little girl, I remember reading a story about a girl who was ill in bed and to keep herself busy, cut things out of paper. Her grand project was a palace, complete with guests at a party, and one night, it was enchanted and the party came to life. A bit like Carolyn describes above really! Myself I would love to cut a fantastically detailed tree, complete with birds and squirrels and tiny leaves. I love Rob Ryan’s work!
3 June 2011, 17:21
I would cut a valentine for every day for my amazingly wonderful husband and sons.
3 June 2011, 17:24
I would cut more time out – so I could scrap all day!
3 June 2011, 17:45
I love Rob Ryan! I wish I could cut a bright future for my children out of paper.
3 June 2011, 17:48
What a fab giveaway! Frankly, I wish I could cut anything out of paper beyond chunky snowflakes or dolls holding hands.
3 June 2011, 18:10
What a great giveaway?
That book looks amazing. I wish I could cut scenes and letters from paper like Rob. I would cut a summer picnic or playground scene.
3 June 2011, 18:17
A London skyline with 2012 cut from the silhouetted buildings-has got to be a better than what was chosen for the Olympics :)
3 June 2011, 22:35
Love this generous giveaway! What would I wish to cut fr paper? Anything summery esp the blue sky, sunshine and a smile fr all people in the world. Is that too much to ask?
3 June 2011, 22:42
Health and Happiness always and forever
4 June 2011, 00:08
I’d love to cut a picture of Frida Kahlo out of paper!
4 June 2011, 00:15
Wow, these are amazing… If I could I would cut out a graphic novel, like the ones that are coming out these days, full of tone and emotion in the absence of words… Hmmm…
4 June 2011, 00:21
Wow! I am in awe of Rob’s work. I too would like to cut out some more time for scrapbooking.
4 June 2011, 05:03
I love this guys work – in fact the inspiration for my blog name came from a story that starts with one of his prints…
I’m sure you will all love it as much as I do!!
If I could cut anything I wanted out of paper – it would be my niche in the world (if only I knew what it looked like!!) with a job that I loved, and all the people I love around me, and just a general bunch of happiness in the world!
4 June 2011, 05:36
It may sound a bit corny but I would like good health and happiness x
4 June 2011, 06:27
Lovely pictures – I would like to cut from paper a picture to show my children how much I love them… and that making them have a shower and brush their teeth is a show of affection!
4 June 2011, 06:42
Oh my word – how much do I love this guy’s work?! Thanks so much for the chance to win :)
I’d love to be able to cut something that would tell my family how much I love them, that would make them smile and feel safe and warm and cared for whenever they saw it….
4 June 2011, 06:58
What an awesome prize. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would create a collage of my 5 yr old niece’s love notes to me and cut those out of blue paper because blue is her new favourite colour.
4 June 2011, 07:43
What a great prize, I would cut a little bit of inspiration out of paper, I certainly need it!!
4 June 2011, 08:57
£20 pound notes!!
So i could take the boys around the world, to experience first hand how others live in the hope that it will give them direction when they leave school!
4 June 2011, 09:54
His work is stunning – but sometimes I struggle to cut a straight line!!!
4 June 2011, 12:03
The Quangle Wangle’s Crumpetty Tree with bells and buttons and loops and lace … (talent permitting but not likely) x
4 June 2011, 12:29
Awesome Giveaway!
I would like to cut out the moments when everything goes right – they are so few and far between, it would be lovely to have them preserved in beautiful detail.
4 June 2011, 13:46
Love this! A paper garden maybe? I have such a total black thumb!
4 June 2011, 13:52
I’d cut out all the needless distractions in my day. These images are beautiful, I can barely cut out a snowflake.
4 June 2011, 14:16
His work always inspires me … I love the combination of inspiring quotes and images.
4 June 2011, 16:09
What a beautiful book! If I could I’d cut my mom out of paper to have her back one more time to meet her grandchildren. Thanks for the chance.
4 June 2011, 17:29
I do admire Rob Ryan’s work. I decided, one year, to make All my Christmas cards by paper-cutting…. I managed three! It is amazingly time-consuming and needs such patience. I really enjoyed what I did and it looked lovely – but not to this standard!
I would love to cut a detailed and intricate picture, for my husband, then give it to him on our Anniversary this month!
Great post, Shimelle and a fab giveaway prize!
4 June 2011, 17:39
I’d like to be able to hand cut anything as long as it was even half as fab as Rob’s work.
4 June 2011, 17:39
Such beautiful work! I would love to be able to cut anything actually like Rob does~His work is truly amazing!*
4 June 2011, 17:53
I would cut out a globe and make it beautiful.
4 June 2011, 19:03
What amazing work! I would love to have an image of my dog cut out of paper.
5 June 2011, 02:16
I never enter these giveaways but this weekend I feel I need to. I would cut out a new body for my 97 year old Granny whose brain is spot on but whose body has failed to such an extent she needs 24 hour care. Granny has led an incredible life, she lost both parents to the flu pandemic when she was 5 and she outlived all of her 3 husbands (!) I wish I had more time with her. H
5 June 2011, 03:25
Stunning work! can you cut patientce? I’d like to try a fern, or something with a spiral, to represent nature, but can’t see how that would work!
5 June 2011, 04:16
What an amazing guy!
5 June 2011, 05:08
What an amazing and talented artist, I’d cut a huge heart out of paper to show my family how much I love them xxx
5 June 2011, 05:49
The book looks awesome!! Would love to add this to my collection of inspiration books! Thanks for the chance shimelle!
5 June 2011, 06:56
Oh i love Robs work its stunning. I think most friends of mine have had something with his work on over the past few years
5 June 2011, 08:14
I wish I could cut out a large flood defence and protect my family.
5 June 2011, 09:16
Oh, I LOVE Rob Ryan’s work. Actually, I have bought a couple of books on how to papercut – but I haven’t taken the plunge… ! Another really good website is www.papercutting/ and I would LOVE to be able to cut out some fairytale designs for my daughter’s bedroom ! Thanks for the opportunity!
5 June 2011, 10:43
Kittens. Always kittens. That way, if I’m having a rubbish day I can cut myself out a kitten to cheer my up!
5 June 2011, 11:28
These are so inspirational and remind us of how precious our loved ones are
5 June 2011, 11:55
Oh, love! I wish I could cut my children playing. :)
5 June 2011, 12:21
what a fab give away, i collect rob ryan stuff, so this would be an amazing addition to my collection. i would cut out a house with a massive garden and a bedroom each for my munch bunch :)
5 June 2011, 12:48
omg I LOVE ROB RYAN, for years and years and many more!
I wish i could cut my sweet girl out of golden paper! because she’s my golden star!
5 June 2011, 13:00
I love Rob’s work…so much so that I have rewritten the scheme of work for my class for the new term so that instead of sticking to traditional sculpture we will also be looking at paper sculpture, that way I can share my love of Rob Ryan and all things paper with my class and hopefully capture their imaginations as it captures mine!
If I could cut anything out of paper I would cut an intricate magpie, with detailing made out of words to my favourite Plath poem, to remind myself to always be my own magpie, never stop looking for ‘shiny’ beauty every day :)
5 June 2011, 13:43
I would cut out a perfect house in Derby for us to move to so that we can be near dh as he starts his new job, rather than sat here 200 miles away.
5 June 2011, 14:19
Ah – I love that guy! Thanks so much for the chance to win. :) I would love a paper cut of my twin sons, husband & I on swings all in a row.
5 June 2011, 15:28
I would cut trees if possible, but if not a summer or autumn landscape
5 June 2011, 16:58
beautiful work. I’d love to cut landscape silhouettes out of paper. I just imagine they’d look really pretty! X
5 June 2011, 17:37
Oooh- I have little Rob Ryan cards on my kitchen walls. A cut out of my beautiful Kitchenaid mixer would complement them fabulously…
5 June 2011, 17:40
I would be happy to just be able to cut the little paper dolls from paper… They always go wrong for me :)
5 June 2011, 18:37
I would love to cut out a good nights sleep! It seems to be something that always eludes me at the moment and it is playing havoc with my creativity :(
5 June 2011, 19:34
hmmm. I would cut out and capture the scene playing out in my yard now…my husband tinkering with some project while my son follows behind him “helping” mimicking his every movement.
5 June 2011, 21:09
I would love one that cut and captured my love of my fella, it would be something to see
6 June 2011, 00:00
I’d love to cut out a perfect little house for me :-)
6 June 2011, 15:09
How about a really intricate designed dress? I love papercutting! Ever since picking it up at 16 for my graduation project, I have a new found respect for people who can do this well because it takes many finger hurting hours to cut the tiny holes and lines out! :)
16 July 2011, 04:07
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