Scrapbooking giveaway day
One new thing I’m excited to bring you for 2011 is a weekly giveaway here at! Something new each week, and all you have to do to enter is leave a comment, then check back to see if you’re the winner!
Our first giveaway is from Everyday Keepsakes, the beautiful handmade jewelry collection from the lovely and talented Meredith. Two lucky readers will win $50(USD) gift certificates to Everyday Keepsakes to choose personalized, handmade keepsake jewelry just for you! Great for yourself or as a gift to someone special, every piece is made by hand by Meredith Fenwick, owner and designer at Everyday Keepsakes.
_Meredith says…
I started making jewelry in September of 2008 and opened my Etsy shop selling handmade jewelry pieces in January of 2009… Originally, I mostly made and sold gemstone and crystal jewelry. As the business grew, I wanted to work more with custom and personalized pieces. Also a graphic designer, I began designing and making my own fine silver charms and selling those through my Etsy shop. Combining two of my favorite things – cool design and sparkly stuff, this was finally the thing that I had been looking for as a business. In October of 2010, Everyday Keepsakes opened its virtual doors and the new adventure began._
My personal favourite from Meredith’s collection has to be the Sweethearts design – initials carved on a tree trunk? Cute! And actually nicer as a necklace than an actual tree, of course. I like this style with the layered tags a great deal too – although there are so many lovely designs it’s hard to pick.
To enter this giveaway, leave a comment on this post mentioning one thing you want to do at some point this year — absolutely anything, big or little. Entries close at 11:59pm UK time, Sunday night, and the winner will be posted on Monday. Don’t forget to check back to see if you’re a winner!
This giveaway has now closed. Winners have been posted, so check to see if you won!
If you would like to sponsor a giveaway in 2011, please email me at shimelle at gmail dot com and I’ll get back to you with all the details. Thanks!
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Previous post: Five ideas with Lilybee Papers

8 January 2011, 00:19
Those are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win something from her shop, it all looks amazing! I would love to put my one little word on one – it’s something I want to remind myself of not only this year, but every year…
8 January 2011, 00:19
at some point this year, i REALLY want to put my layouts into their albums!!
8 January 2011, 00:21
Sometime this year i want to do the zipline at Mt Hermon,
i love the cupcake necklace:)
8 January 2011, 00:31
I love the personality necklaces. Thanks for an opportunity to win the gift certificate
8 January 2011, 00:31
I’d like to learn how to make my own SVG files.
8 January 2011, 00:48
These are all so gorgeous!!
What I’d like to do, is go to dinner and a movie by myself. Nothing fancy, but I think it would suit me to a t!
Thanks for the chance!
8 January 2011, 00:59
Gorgeous jewelry! I resolved to try something new this year, so on the 24th of this month I start scuba diving lessons. I’ll post pics once I start! Thank you
clworkman4 at gmail dot com
8 January 2011, 01:00
Beautiful, thanks so much for the chance! One thing I would like to do this year is complete my family research and finish the album I am making.
8 January 2011, 01:28
I love those necklaces!! I have been wanting one. Thanks for the chance. This year I want to really get my scrapping space in order so I can find stuff!!
8 January 2011, 01:33
One ‘little’ thing I want to do this year is finish the building work at my house that was started a few years ago and due to ill health (and resultant lack of money as I was not being paid) has never been finished. Would be so lovely to have a utility room that is not filled with buckets waiting to catch the rain!
Thanks for the chance to win and love seeing all your wonderful adventures x
8 January 2011, 01:42
My one thing for this year is to spend more time scrapbooking. this means being much more organised so i’m using the new house of 3 printables to do that
8 January 2011, 02:09
I have just takn up karate. I want to get my yellow belt this year If I tell you i haven’t done any formal exercise since I left school (and I skived most of it at school) you might understand what a big deal this is for me!
8 January 2011, 02:11
Thank you so much Shimelle, for offering the chance to win one of these wonderful pieces of jewellery. I love the idea of carving into a tree effect. That would be just perfect gift for my daughter who has just had a new baby.
Loving th stories about your travels. Have lots of fun & very happy memories to bring home.
Sandie x
8 January 2011, 02:17
This year I would like to visit more places. Like flower gardens and pretty parks!
8 January 2011, 02:18
Sometime this year I want to take a roadtrip around the UK to visit all my friends who have dispersed across the country
8 January 2011, 02:18
Gorgeous prize to be won, got lots of things on my list of things to do in 2011 but losing weight is the main one.
8 January 2011, 02:30
Love these! One thing I would LOVE to do is go to Florida. I think I’m the only person who has never been to Disney!
8 January 2011, 02:32
i would start driving the car….in some point of the year.thanks for the chance..really love this jewelery
8 January 2011, 02:59
I would like to go bodyboarding this year, I love the sea. Thanks for the opportunity
8 January 2011, 03:06
Lovely giveaways.
I would love to learn to sew this year. I see so many people making beautiful quilts and i would love to be able to do it.
8 January 2011, 03:17
This year my aim for work is to get more books marked at school so I have more time in the evenings to do things for me. Thanks Shimelle!
8 January 2011, 03:23
What a generous giveaway.
I am a scradey cat at heart and haing braved the HP ride at Universal, maybe I’m ready for some ziplining when we’re in France this year?
8 January 2011, 03:36
I have been learning to drive for quite a while so would love to be able to pass my test this year!
8 January 2011, 03:40
Wow! This year I would like to learn to use Photoshop Elements (and get a new job).
8 January 2011, 03:59
I intend to go the opera – never been and feel it is something I should do! Super giveaway :-)
8 January 2011, 04:02
wow these are stunning, i want to move house! like next week :)
8 January 2011, 04:18
This year I want to set up a crop group at my house. Thank you for the opportunity to win some lovely silver.
Christine, if you’re looking for a nice opera to start with I’d recommend Mozart’s “Cosi van tutti”
8 January 2011, 04:28
How exciting!
One thing we’re doing this year (which I’m not sure I’m looking forward to entirely) is moving cities for 6 months. I’m sure this will bring lots of new adventures, but perhaps some challenges too. We’ll see :-) But what I want to do is to embrace the change and make the most of it.
8 January 2011, 05:41
I have a real long list of things to do this year, but i guess the most important one is just to enjoy every day of it!
Thanks for the chance to win something pretty!
8 January 2011, 05:48
Thank you for this lovely give-away. I want to get the strength back in my leg after breaking it last year.
8 January 2011, 06:11
I would like to incorporate sewing into my scrapbooking. I will need to learn how to use a sewing machine…
8 January 2011, 06:16
I try to catch up with my pictures from last year!
Thank you for your give-away Shimelle – gorgeous jewelry!
8 January 2011, 06:22
I would like to go back to university this year
8 January 2011, 06:33
I would like to get my scraproom finally sorted out so that I can get some scrapping done. it doubles as the house junk room at the moment :-(
8 January 2011, 06:33
One thing I really want to do this year is to travel. I’ve been dreaming about it for quite some time. Right now I’m just saving money so I can make it possible.
8 January 2011, 06:37
This year I will absolute be happy with whatever happens, I am to finish my master’s, my boyfriend will get a good job, we’ll live togeteher at some point, i’ll find a job myself too, i’ll do all the crafty things i love, i’ll be happy with it all!!!
8 January 2011, 06:44
Life 365
….I really should be doing this right now instead of looking at my favourite sites !!
8 January 2011, 06:53
these are so pretty! thank you for the giveaway. I would like to go to Chicago this year for a weekend getaway with our daughters.
8 January 2011, 07:12
Thanks for the chance to win something so wonderful! This year I’d like to finish something around the house instead of discussing things for hours without ever DOING anything :)
8 January 2011, 07:13
SO lovely! I’d really like to win one of these!
8 January 2011, 07:22
I’d love to learn to use my camera on manual settings!
8 January 2011, 07:49
I would love to make resin and metal jewelry this year. Im looking into some workshops…this is the year! Thank you for the chance to win.
8 January 2011, 07:49
This year I really want to start running.
8 January 2011, 08:28
Ooh, these are so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win the gift certificate!
I would really like to be “brave” enough to start scrapbooking my wedding this year…It’s been on my “yearly goals” list for a few years now ::blush:: And more immediately, I want to finish sewing a dress for myself this weekend ;-)
8 January 2011, 08:34
These are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win one these pretties!
8 January 2011, 08:34
Thanks for the opportunity! This year I want to grow an herb garden and use the herbs in my cooking!
8 January 2011, 08:43
That’s an easy one for me. Scrap more. I want to go to local crops and meet more like minded people.
8 January 2011, 08:49
Lovely jewelery! This year I want to really grow a great veg garden!
8 January 2011, 08:53
I would like to swim in Lake Michigan—we live only 40 miles from the shore and yet never go to the beach.
8 January 2011, 09:00
How exciting! These are beautiful – and I can see several ‘M’s, is that a good sign?!
This year, I really want to suss out my new dSLR, and apply all I learnt last year about aperture, shutter speed etc on my old point and shoot to this new camera :-)
8 January 2011, 09:22
I really HAVE to get my scrap space organized and the 4 Iris boxes of layouts into albums this year. I’m running out of room to work!
8 January 2011, 09:30
Love this stuff & it has my initials & my name. It is meant to be. LOl
This year I am hoping to collect supplies & donations to donate to a women’s shelter.
I am trying to teach my 4yo about helping others.
8 January 2011, 09:31
I want to go on an Alaskian cruise.
The Jewellery is absolutely FAB.
8 January 2011, 09:46
Thank you for the chance to win something so delightful! I’m sure that it would be a tough job to narrow down what to order. I want to take a trip to New York City sometime this year!
8 January 2011, 09:57
This year I would like to run more…I signed up for a 10K in April, so I’m on my way!
8 January 2011, 09:57
fun giveaway! those necklaces are great!
this year i want to be like you – i want to visit another country!
8 January 2011, 10:12
I want to take a class to learn to make soap.
8 January 2011, 10:13
Love thos tags. Been eyeing them forever. I’ve been collecting fabric and instructions on how to sew a quilt. I hope to make one this year. Thanks!
8 January 2011, 10:23
Gorgeous giveaway!
I’d like to go on holiday – anywhere would do! Our last holiday was in new year 2008/9 so I am ready!
8 January 2011, 10:24
I plan to take my second trip to New York City to explore some more of that vast city with my best paper crafting friend.
8 January 2011, 10:30
This year I would like to try one new recipe every week. I am getting soooo tired of the same old thing for dinner.
8 January 2011, 10:32
I want to find myself practicing my OLW this year (peace) while laying on a sandy beach somewhere. If it comes down to buying a bag of sand and a heat lamp for my backyard… so be it. :-)
8 January 2011, 10:40
I’d like to save up the money and buy a new car. We really need one. Thanks for the chance!
8 January 2011, 10:57
I want to stop biting my nails- I kinda stopped over a week ago but left my thumbs out! LOL
8 January 2011, 11:01
I want to look back in December and say: hey look at those 50 lbs I was finally able to shed! Thanks for the giveaway!
8 January 2011, 11:35
I want to keep a positive attitude to life and all its ups and downs – not easy but i am going to give it my very best shot!
8 January 2011, 11:38
I want to finish a baby book of my first years.
8 January 2011, 11:41
Pretty giveaway! This year — no, THIS MONTH— I’d like to begin taking yoga classes so I can relax my mind and body after a long work week :-)
8 January 2011, 11:41
Great Giveaway.
The one thing I would love this year is to possibly set up a little side business selling cards and other crafty items and also develop my blog more. This year is my year of creativity.
8 January 2011, 11:48
This year I want to be nicer to the people around me…and hopefully make more friends from it!
8 January 2011, 11:51
This year I would like to drop 3 dress sizes! Thanks for the giveaway!
8 January 2011, 11:58
What beautiful pieces of jewellery, thank you for a lovely giveaway. This year we’re facing some difficult times so my wish is to still be smiling at the end of it!
8 January 2011, 12:01
One thing I’d like to do this year is to learn to paint and draw.
8 January 2011, 12:05
This is silly but actually read my manual on my camera and learn more about it and learn how to use my cricut.. Thanks for the chance to win.
8 January 2011, 12:14
i would like to finally buy the DSLR i have been drooling over for the past few months and learn a bit more about taking good photos :)
8 January 2011, 12:17
What a great giveaway! I want to finish scrapbooking the last of my “film days” photos.
8 January 2011, 12:49
I really want to take my kids back to ND this summer to see my family. Its almost two years since they went.
8 January 2011, 12:56
I want to paint & redo my bedroom. In the past ten years I’ve done every room in my house(some 2x) but never my room. the time has come!
8 January 2011, 12:59
These are so pretty!!! Thanks for the chance! This year, I want to sew more, including make a new slipcover for my couch!
8 January 2011, 13:11
Oh cool! Giveaways are cool! let’s see, I want to index all of my stamps by year’s end. Whew, what a job that will be!!
8 January 2011, 13:15
What an amazing giveaway.
2011 will be the year I complete my JYC album!!!!
8 January 2011, 13:30
finish cleaning my craft area is my #1 thing to do this year!
8 January 2011, 13:48
I would love one of them lovely pieces. I want to learn to make my own jewellery and have just signed up for a class
8 January 2011, 13:49
The one thing I would love to do this year is some more fossil hunting, such a buzz.
8 January 2011, 13:53
Beautiful jewelry.
This year I will scan in all our old slides and pictures. It will be such a relief to know they are preserved forever.
8 January 2011, 13:58
I will be rearranging my scrap space!
8 January 2011, 14:00
wow love your blog just stumbled upon it a few days ago. these peices are beutiful thanks for the chance to win one. Something i would love to do this year is be more adventurous and less predictable.
8 January 2011, 14:15
This year I would like to take a vacation to Hawaii for the first time. I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
8 January 2011, 14:18
Sometime this year I would like to take advantage of the opportunities that meet my desires: make my own journal, see the grand canyon, find a better job, etc.
8 January 2011, 14:31
Oooh. PIck me! I am going to srapbook this year.
8 January 2011, 14:48
I want to take a trip up north and see my grand babies. Miss them so much
8 January 2011, 14:53
this year I want to do more scrapbooking, thx for the chance to win.
8 January 2011, 15:10
This year I would like to scrapbook more often! Thanks for the chance to win.
** Kate **
8 January 2011, 15:14
I would love to finish all my half finished pages!
Lulu x
8 January 2011, 15:16
beautiful jewelry – thanks for the chance to win! i would like to visit my brother and sil in Alaska this year – he has now lived there for 30 years and i have only been able to visit once – for his wedding 11 years ago – time i went again!
8 January 2011, 15:53
This year I would love to complete the very long list of to-do’s I started last year!!
8 January 2011, 15:59
Gosh, where do I begin?! I’d like to see one of my short stories accepted for publishing, somewhere, anywhere! Keep having fun! xx
8 January 2011, 16:26
I’d like to get my family history scrapbook finished this year x maybe rescue another dog……
8 January 2011, 17:49
I’d like to move forward in 2011 and stop worrying about things that have already happened and look forward to what might be :)
8 January 2011, 18:13
This year I want to paint and sew and scrap…wellll…let’s just say craft more!
8 January 2011, 18:37
Hey Shimelle! Loved your post on stretching supplies. This year I am going to focus on using up my stash so I really appreciate the inspiration!
8 January 2011, 19:04
This year I want to become a better photographer! I have the camera, I have the new lens, I have the right info (thanks Karen Russell!!), and I think I have the time. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long, long time.
8 January 2011, 19:17
I want to get a family picture taken this year. I put this off time after time, and as it gets harder and harder to get everyone together I am determined not to put it off again! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
8 January 2011, 19:47
I would love to relax a little more this year!!!
8 January 2011, 19:52
I want to graduate and start work as a junior Dr :). I hope the travelling is wonderful, the pics are amazing.
8 January 2011, 20:02
Move from Alabama to Wexford, Ireland. And would really, really love to take one of those lovely necklaces with me!
8 January 2011, 20:06
I want to go to a scrapbooking event abroad!
8 January 2011, 20:31
I’d like to plant zinnias in the front flower beds.
8 January 2011, 20:31
Wow! Gorgeous prize. I would like to save up for a trip back to the UK. I miss it so much.
8 January 2011, 20:45
I really want to cut my hair very, very short!
8 January 2011, 21:39
Very cool! Great prize! I would like to make time to do more art projects and learn to draw better! Thanks Shimelle!
8 January 2011, 21:42
I have long admired this jewelry but have never bought anything. I’d love to win a gift certificate – thanks for the chance!
8 January 2011, 21:46
I want to walk barefoot in the rain this year….and splash in the puddles!
8 January 2011, 21:47
Probably should have read the instructions – it sounds like winning a gift certificate is my goal for 2011. Really, I want to feel good about my last semester of school and get a job teaching theatre. :)
8 January 2011, 22:01
I have decided to study graphic design this year.
Meredith, I have just browsed the EK shop and I am rather taken by the ‘Peas in a pod’, the ‘owl’ and the ‘bird’ pendants – absolutely gorgeous!
8 January 2011, 22:03
Hi Shimelle! Thanks for the giveaway! This year, I want to make it onto a design team.
8 January 2011, 22:03
I’d like to take a Zumba class this year. thanks for the chance to win.
8 January 2011, 23:15
Photoshop!!!!! i would love to learn how to use it!!
9 January 2011, 00:04
At some point this year, I will go on that weekend jaunt instead of just daydream about it!
9 January 2011, 00:08
At some point this year I am going to get a large portion of one of my kids scrapbooks done (their “baby” album). I really am so behind. Pics are all ordered so now to just MAKE the albums! :)
9 January 2011, 03:38
I really intend to get some of my photos printed this year.
9 January 2011, 03:52
Beautiful necklaces. My goal this year is to finish my teaching qualification so i can finally fulfill my dream of teaching Reception class xx
9 January 2011, 03:59
Thanks for the chance to win. And even more for your wonderful blog!
9 January 2011, 04:18
My goal this year is to find a new job……..
Thanks for the chance to win!
9 January 2011, 04:21
Thank you for chance to win.
This year I would like to see the Northern Lights. My partner has booked me a belated 30th birthday pressie trip to Iceland. Keeping my fingers crossed we see them.
XX9 January 2011, 05:04
What a great giveaway! This year I plan to take a few courses and get a bit of direction in my life.
9 January 2011, 05:55
One thing I want to do this year – around October the 1st – is go to sleep in a room in Cambridge, filled with my books.
9 January 2011, 06:34
oh, i LOVE everything in meredith’s shop!
i ordered some earrings just yesterday!
at some point this year, i would love to go to portland, again!
such a fun city!
9 January 2011, 07:15
I would like to finish 3 of the online classes that I started. Thanks for the chance.
9 January 2011, 07:24
This year I’d love to make an “Ocean Waves Quilt”, my all time fav. pattern.
Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful necklace :).
9 January 2011, 07:33
I want to have an enjoyable wedding day and honeymoon in April this year!
9 January 2011, 07:37
What a great giveaway thanks. 2011 is the year when I finally get back into all those clothes I have bought and not worn for years.
9 January 2011, 07:37
I really want to get my living room decoration finished, it’s been going on since August 2010 and it needs to be finished soon! Thanks for the chance to win :)
9 January 2011, 07:39
I hope to get lots of writing done this year; journaling, blogging, and of course scrapbooking. :)
9 January 2011, 07:41
I want to organize and purge my scrapbook stuff and make some sense out of all of those supplies and eliminate the stuff I never touch that’s taking up space! Awesome giveaway, thanks!
9 January 2011, 07:44
Love these!!
9 January 2011, 07:45
I want to get the house re wired and my scrap space organised so i can soend more time scrapping and less time hunting for stuff
fantastic give away if im lucky enough to win i will get something for my daughters 16th
9 January 2011, 07:47
I’d like to swim with the manatees :)
9 January 2011, 08:00
I want to re-design my master bedroom! I’ve worked on every other room of the house except for my own!
9 January 2011, 08:03
My wish for the year is pretty big. I want to move back home to the US. This jewelry is gorgeous. Thanks for a chance to win!
9 January 2011, 08:08
This year I’d like to enter & finish a 10 k race x
9 January 2011, 08:26
Those are beautiful! I am going to start art journaling this year
9 January 2011, 08:28
The one thing I WANT to do this year is become a mommy! We’ve been working with 2 adoption agencies & almost 2 years later … nothing. Totally out of my control, but that’s what I really want more than anything else.
9 January 2011, 08:36
I want to get some clutter under control!
9 January 2011, 09:12
What fabulous jewellery!
This year is the year I take control of my life! I’m going to get out and about and learn to live for today and ENJOY it (taking lots of pics along the way :) ) x
9 January 2011, 09:46
What a beautiful giveaway, a lovely start to the year. This year I want to make more gifts and card for people.
9 January 2011, 09:53
I want to capture life more. My little ones are growing up by the second and I don’t want to miss a sec
9 January 2011, 10:17
I want to have a better balance in my life this year and to recognize all of the beauty around me each day…
9 January 2011, 10:25
This is the year I grow in confidence, the year I realise I CAN do stuff & that actually I AM good at what I do. This is the year I take my sewing skills from bags & other accessories and make myself some fab retro clothes! Great giveaway, thanks Shimelle!
9 January 2011, 10:48
I’d love to get married this year! We got engaged over christmas and really looking forward to a summer wedding in nz. : ) thanks for a great giveaway.
9 January 2011, 11:01
I adore her jewelry! I would so love to be picked!
9 January 2011, 11:10
In 2011 I would like to design my perfect craft room.
9 January 2011, 11:18
I really really want to pay off ALL of my bills! Credit cards, medical bills, student loans, all of it!
9 January 2011, 11:32
I would love to read at least a book a month. I love to read but it has slipped as a priority for me recently.
Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway. The necklaces are beautiful!
9 January 2011, 11:56
I would love to win one of these wonderful pendants.
9 January 2011, 12:12
I would love to be able to sell our home in this crazy economy and move closer to family
9 January 2011, 12:53
This year I would like to do even more scrapbooking than last year :)
9 January 2011, 12:54
Those are beautiful! Now why couldn’t I have heard about this shop BEFORE Christmas? Note to self, start NEXT Christmas’s wishlist.
9 January 2011, 13:33
I’d like to decorate one of the rooms in my house red. Love this jewellery !
9 January 2011, 13:37
Lovely charms.
One thing we are definitely doing this year is moving house – not sure whether it will be locally or further afield (or even overseas – eek!), but new house is certain.
9 January 2011, 13:53
Some time this year I would actually like to get organised, clear my backlog and actually finish some of your classes that I have started!
9 January 2011, 14:48
This year, I am hoping to get my boys room painted and completely organized. (Even the stuff at the top of the closets!)
9 January 2011, 14:50
This year I would like to get back to some other crafts that I have always loved – crochet and knitting and cross stitching.
9 January 2011, 14:55
Lovely prize!! I would love to have more time this year to scrapbook and maybe actually finish a whole album. As I hit the big 30 this year, I’d like to take the leap and go to uni to re-train as a primary school teacher!! :)
9 January 2011, 15:12
This year I would like to not buy quite so many Cath Kidson handbags
9 January 2011, 15:24
Okay, one day this year I will go with my family to the seaside and just enjoy our kids playing on the beach and just taking a million pictures of them and the area around us. That’s first thing on my list, after buying a new camera… Thanks for the change to win the fab giveaway. Enjoy your week. Greetings, ines
9 January 2011, 15:57
These are beautiful! Crossing my fingers!
9 January 2011, 16:09
i want to finish my jyc!
9 January 2011, 19:47
The one thing I really want to do most this year is have my first novel accepted for publication!
9 January 2011, 19:53
LOVE those necklaces!! This year I have plans to visit Portugal with my family again…love it there:)
9 January 2011, 20:55
Thanks for letting put my name in the drawing.
9 January 2011, 21:50
This year I really want to go on a long road trip!!
10 January 2011, 19:21
This year I hope to run my first 5k
10 January 2011, 20:22
so lovely. am enjoying your travels vicariously.