Hybrid scrapbooking project :: Halloween Shadow Box
All through October, Two Peas is hosting a SpookCRAFTular Halloween event, filled with projects, special guests and prizes. Today it’s my turn to share a project and start a challenge that is open to anyone who would like to participate.
This Halloween shadowbox is made with the Maya Road Trinket Box and a digital kit by Rhonna Farrer that is available for download at Two Peas. I also used buttons and pins by Jenni Bowlin and pleated ribbon by Pink Paislee. You can find all the details about this project here, including a full supply list and a PDF instruction sheet to download. Or if you prefer to watch rather than read instructions, you can watch a full video of the project from start to finish.
Your challenge is to create any Halloween-themed project that includes at least one Two Peas digital kit. There are plenty of Halloween kits available so you can find something right up your street. Print something out and make a scrapbook page, card, decor project, cupcake topper, tag or anything else — as long as it’s Halloween-themed and you’ve included something printed from a Two Peas digi kit, then you’re in. Upload your project to the gallery at Two Peas and remember to check the box for this challenge in step 4 of the upload process so you’ll be entered for a chance to win a prize!
In other news…
…The brand new online class will make its first appearance on the blog later tonight and you’ll be able to sign up any time from then! ETA:The class details are now here and registration is open!
…The last of the prizes from the last online crop (and some Banana Frog giveaways) will all be sent this week – the last of the boxes will hit the post on Friday and several others have already been posted this week. So if you have been waiting, I promise it will be with you very soon.
…If you fancy a bit of a scrappy bargain, there are some great Halloween deals here, tons of BasicGrey is marked down and today only, the Greenhouse collection is 50% off — it’s one of my favourites, filled with hot pinks and mod flower illustrations.
…I’m interested to know what you think about videos shot like this rather than from overhead. Does it just depend on the project, or would you in general like to see everything from one vantage point? And would you want to see longer videos like this regularly or better to stick to things that are short and sweet? Just curious as to what you would find most useful!
Have a lovely Wednesday!
Read more about: digital-scrapbooking-and-hybrid-scrapbooking
Next post: Guest Star Scrapbookers
Previous post: Scrapbooking with pink and green

13 October 2010, 13:23
I really enjoyed the project and like this style of video. I am now thinking about what I can do.
13 October 2010, 14:07
OMG… I L-O-V-E it. I’m not even a big Halloween decorator, but that is just too too cute.
13 October 2010, 18:03
Hi Shimelle
Love this project its gorgeous must find one of those maya rd boxes… loved this style of video very clear and its like being in a class with you…
thanks for sharing
13 October 2010, 20:05
I agree with Sheree. I really need to find one of these. thanks Shimelle
14 October 2010, 03:17
Looking forward to the new class – totally going to sign up!
Just wanted to say that my address has changed since the online crop – where can I send you my new one?
14 October 2010, 08:03
I like the new style blog but miss having a date on the post.
looking forward to the class – another one to sign up to & not finish:)
14 October 2010, 08:35
Great video Shimelle, I love your Hallowen Hello Kitty t-shirt :) I like both the long and short videos that you have done. I think this project lent itself well to a longer video and to the way it was shot instead of over head as well. I think it really depends on the project and I think you have had it spot on with the videos that you have done so far.
I am totally inspired to buy one of those boxes now and my supply wish list has just grown too ;)
Can I ask, who makes the little tool you used to ink the edges? I really liked that tool.
I am excited to hear all about the new class too.
17 October 2010, 15:46
Finally got the chance to watch the video – I LOVE it:) liking the videos shot from the front too, it does depend on the project though I think. This worked really well! Thanks x
18 October 2010, 09:31
Do you know where you can get one of these boxes, or something similar, in the UK? I’ve tried everywhere I can think of…