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The word is

Content scrapbook layout

My favourite word in the English language is cataclysmic. Not for its meaning, which is actually pretty sad and dire. But because it is so beautiful to say. Cataclysm is okay, but it isn’t nearly as fun as cataclysmic. For fifteen years, I have been finding ways to work cataclysmic into conversations just because I like to say it. And I am perfectly fine with that.

Unfortunately I was not very subtle when I started that effort. I was on my school’s debate team and I could find seven or eight cataclysmic things in every round, no matter which side of the argument we happened to be discussing. My debate partner happened to like the word linkage, and between us we could always find some linkage between the other team’s ideas for global change and one or two cataclysmic results that would shake the world for the worse. Better yet, we could say all this while keeping a very straight face. But today, if anyone says linkage, I will fall about laughing and be unable to explain this except to say ‘you had to be there’.

A few years later I realised I had a friend who would always order the focaccia, then quickly change her mind and order something else. It turned out she didn’t actually like focaccia. She just thought it was fun to say.

journalling close up

I’m guessing now that you’re either in our camp and you have a word or two that you love to say, or you’re ready to click your way out of here to some sane website where people do not like words for their mixture of clattering consonants. Fine, be that way. We will call you vagarious or crotchety in your absence. Not because we mean it. Just because it will be fun to say, clearly.

Actually, you needn’t worry if you don’t have a favourite word. You just need a word that will work for a particular photo or event. I chose content, which has a much better meaning than cataclysmic, even if content isn’t as fun to say. It’s also easier to spell.

free write it down online journalling prompt
Click for print-sized image, and remember to tell your printer to print 4×6 size, like a photo.

A couple of you have asked for a blank card so you can write on something that matches—so here is one of those!

free write it down online journalling prompt

Happy writing…you know, you could even do this with your one little word if you fancied it. (More info on that idea here, if you’re not familiar.


PS: all the red stamps on that layout are from one of my sets for Banana Frog. It’s called Circus Stories, and also has that polka-dotted journaling box I used on yesterday’s layouts. The letter stamp is also from BF, but from an existing alpha called Willing Race. I use that set all the time and it always looks great.

04 February 2008

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23 Comments for The word is

  1. Fay Says:

    More yummy stamps, stop teasing us!! Another great prompt – my favourite word is serendipity – I just love saying it & I’m sure I can find some photos to match!

  2. Julie Ratcliffe Says:

    I’m really enjoying the prompts and actually writing something each day so far. But.. um maybe it’s just me being thick, but I am really struggling to print them out. They come out much too big even for A4 paper. Help!?

  3. Amy Says:

    Okay, I only spent about 8 minutes on this because it is past my bedtime. I usually won’t share my writing (too much pressure as an English teacher), but I can’t help but share my favorite words! Thanks for the great prompt, Shimelle!

    The word is plethora.
    It feels good to say, but I probably say it too much.
    It means overabundance, such as the plethora of unread books on my bookshelf. Or the plethora or papers I have yet to grade. Or the plethora of scrapbook pages I want to create.
    It makes me think of a plethora of items on my “To Do” list. The only thing I don’t have a plethora of is TIME.

    The other word is peruse.
    It also feels good to say and may be overused, but I don’t care.
    It makes me want to peruse the plethora of books on my bookshelf. I want to peruse the Internet and find good scraplifting material.
    It makes me want to stop. Slow down. Look.
    Really look.
    That’s it.

  4. mary Says:

    I am just catching up with this project – and very excited to get into another “every day” habit! I love your layouts, especially the stickers – and did you use a journaling stamp on top of them for today’s page? would love more info on your supplies! (and I definitely plan to tell my lss to get banana frog – circus stories – stamps!) thanks for the continued inspiration! – m.

  5. Suzanne Earley Says:

    I really the example you gave, Shimelle, but my attempt at this one felt very contrived. I’ll have to let the idea percolate and see if I can find a better photo to use this journaling idea for.

    the word is

  6. Lorna Says:

    Fantastic prompt, had fun with this one! Here it is if anyone fancies a look.

    Lorna :o)

  7. michigirl74 Says:

    my word is gobbledygook :)

  8. ElizabethK Says:

    Thought you might like to see a page I made using this prompt:
    Thank you for your amazing prompts! I can’t wait to use more of them!

  9. Bev Says:

    I’m not doing the layouts, but I just had to share


    I don’t say it very often, but I do rather like it, and if you know George Carlin then you’ll know it’s sounds like something you should say when your on fire, which for some reason has always tickled me.

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    Happy writing!

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    Happy writing!

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    Thank you for the example you offered, but I put a lot of energy into my attempt to devise this script. I’ll let the idea percolate and see if I can produce a better image to tell the story this way.

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