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Scrapbooking with Studio Calico :: Four Square

Scrapbooking with Studio Calico :: Four Square
studio calico scrapbook page
I can’t tell you how many times I got confused over how add-on three was called Four Square, but that’s where I’m up to with this video series for Studio Calico. Using this add-on and the main kit, Elmwood Park, I decided to pretty much ignore the patterns on the papers and think purely in terms of colour. This was a bit of a twist on how I normally scrapbook, but I really enjoyed the process of not worrying about whether things went with letters or pie charts or butterflies or hearts or anything else. Sometimes things can be all about colour if that’s the strongest part of a particular memory.

I’m afraid there are no more of those pie chart stamps since this kit is sold out, but you can find many of the items from Four Square on this shopping list if there’s something you love!

studio calico scrapbook page
And yes, if you caught the date, that was part of Christmas day not so long ago. Such an amazing day that there is no shortage of scrapbook pages about it and yet I still haven’t written down everything about that day.

My goodness, I love scrapbooking.


09 July 2012

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9 Comments for Scrapbooking with Studio Calico :: Four Square

  1. Linda In Aus Says:

    I always wondered how you sprayed your mists after your LO was finished, now I know, what’s the bet I get blobs everywhere. Thanks Shimelle you always inspire me.

  2. Debbie Piercey Says:

    Excellent video series. Very inspiring!

  3. zeffy Says:

    Did you see the sleeping face in the waterfall??Looks like a large face lying on its side…..lovely per usual..thanks for all you teach us!

  4. Cindy Says:

    Beautiful photos and loved your LO! x

  5. Char Says:

    This is my favorite lo you made with these kits. I could not see how you could use this stamp set. Love what you did. I love how you always use 4×6. That is my favorite too. Keep up the good work.

  6. Nora Says:

    Love love love this video series! Wish SC would hire you to do these every month:D Your layout turned out great as always.

    PS: Did you get my email the other day? (About winning the retro print:))

  7. Evelin Says:

    Thanks for your inspiration :) Love your layout as always :D

  8. Catherine A Says:

    Thank you for putting so much time and thoughtful effort into this series. I’ve learned much and enjoy them immensely.

  9. Edwa harker Says:

    The blog post is great. The article talks that Scrapbooking with Studio Calico. The content a video series for Studio Calico. The images and video added in the article will help you to understand what is being mentioned right through the article.
