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Year of Adventure Scrapbook Page

2011 end of year scrapbook page and new year card
2011 end of year scrapbook page and new year card
Click here for supplies.

2011, you were a year of adventure. A year of 50,000 miles and thirteen countries, yet moving house by only a quarter mile. Of backpacks and notebooks and cardboard boxes. Of no scrapbooking for the first three months followed by falling head-over-heels in love with it upon getting back to my desk. Of becoming the house-of-freelance wherein neither of us did anything that seemed like a ‘normal’ job. Of a few hopes being completely dashed and unfulfilled. A few others doing their best to make up for it. A year of growing and giving and letting go of what I cannot control.

2011 end of year scrapbook page and new year card
I will remember this year as one that changed my perspective. That made realise the real definition of luxury and unnecessary. That an adventure through new places followed by coffee with a stranger would lead me to find a way to support and help even when I can’t physically spend all my life building schools in places where there are none. (One day I will help build one. Not in a someday maybe kind of way, but in an my eyes well up at the thought sort of way. Some part of me was meant to do that and not all that long from now.)

It was the year that I raised my hand a great deal. Who wants to volunteer? Who wants to help? Who wants to give this a try? Who wants to audition? My hand was in the air. Seriously: 2011 was the year we ATE SPIDERS*. On purpose. That’s a year of adventure, right? A year of signing up, pitching ideas, meeting people and constantly rewording my explanation of what I do for a living. But always ending with the idea of ‘it’s not really traditional, but it’s perfect’.

I hope the adventures of 2012 are just as lovely.

2011 end of year scrapbook page and new year card
Click here for supplies.

And can I just say there are some very new things coming here to throughout the new year? December has been quiet on the blog as we worked behind the scenes so much. But I am excited. I love this craft. I love pretty paper. I love creative people. And I love the idea of sharing even more of all that with you throughout 2012.

Best wishes for a beautiful new year.


*I say ‘we ate spiders’. I mean ‘he ate spiders’ and ‘I ate a spider femur’. But I still think it counts. The menu asked ‘who wants to try fried tarantula?’ and my hand my have been very timid, but it was somehow in the air. I’m calling it a win. And I’m making no plans to eat spiders on purpose any more. They aren’t as crunchy as you imagine.

31 December 2011

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30 Comments for Year of Adventure Scrapbook Page

  1. Jen Says:

    Lovely year indeed. Here’s to much joy in 2012 and a hope that I get to hang out with my dear friend again. Loves you!

  2. Kittyscrapper Says:

    Happy New Year Shimelle, and thanks for the continuing inspiration

  3. Lisa-Jane Johnson Says:

    That’s quite a year when you look at it in one lump like that. I’m excited about what you have planned and I hope you have a wonderful New Year xx

  4. Jennie Says:

    Happy New Year Shimelle :)
    Thanks for all the classes and inspiration.
    Jennie x

  5. k8 Says:

    Happy New Year, Shimelle! I’ve loved sharing your 2011 adventures and look forward to more in 2012. Bring it on!


  6. Roxane Says:

    Happy New Year, Shimelle. I hope your 2012 is awesome. Thanks for all of the inspiration this past year.

  7. Jennifer Rogers Says:

    Well-written, as your entries always are. Comparatively rare, in the blog world. Look forward to seeing it all and wishing you all you wish yourself in 2012.

  8. MissSmith Says:

    I’ve got to say I’m looking forward to what you have in store for us. It sounds like it’s going to be great!

    After all, it always is :D Happy New Year!

  9. Jennifer Says:

    Loved this post! Thanks for always providing so much fun and inspiration to our passion!

  10. Julie Jeavons Says:

    Happy New Year. I’m hoping to be able to slow down a bit and actually participate in some courses I sign up for this year. If your plans include a course that isn’t every day, I’ll be there.

  11. Pamela K. Says:

    Can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store for you! Happy New Year!:-)

  12. onetake Says:

    Happy New Year, and may it be better than 2011 :-)

  13. Ashli Says:

    Thanks for continuing to share your talent – Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve for 2012!

  14. Christa Says:

    Happy New Year! Hoping for a fantastic 2012 for you!

  15. Madeline Says:

    happy New Year Shimelle. You did have quit a year.

  16. LisaE Says:

    An impressive year for sure! Sounds like all that volunteering might have opened up new opportunities?

  17. joscie Says:

    by the way, glitter girl, I think you’re about the cutest thing ever. Happy New Year!

  18. MaryM Says:

    Goodbye 2011 and hello 2012… Here’s hoping and wishing 2012 is a HAPPY year for all of us.

  19. Dan Says:

    Hoping you have a wonderful 2012!

  20. Miriam Says:

    Happy New Year Shimelle. Just wanted to say thank you, For You.

  21. Mel Says:

    I love this layout and love your cute outfit even more!

  22. Chipper Says:

    Happy New Year Shimelle!!!!! You past year was def adventurous and I hope that this coming year is all you are looking for.

    I am ready to join you for all the adventures here :-) Looking forward to it.
  23. Ann Says:

    Happy new year to you and yours xx Looking forward to continuing to be inspired by you and indulging in this wonderful hobby some more in 2012 x

  24. fafuna Says:

    I love this post!!! I think I might need to raise my hand more… thanks for making me think about that.
    & I LOVE the layout!! It’s just so pretty!!!

  25. Glen Says:

    Eek Shimelle!…I have held tarantulas but never eaten one! You are so brave.
    Thank you so much for your comments and input over at 2ps…much appreciated. It’s good to get advice from one who has been here and there. Ü Happy New Year to you. TFS. Glen

  26. Manualidades Says:

    Great year for learn more crafts!!!

  27. Annie D Says:

    Oh my life – I couldn’t even be in the room with the fried spider!! I prefer fried mars bars but that’s a Glaswegian for you. All the best for 2012 and thanks for the great website xx

  28. helen Says:

    happy new year shimelle, wishing you and all of us, a fantastic 2012!!

  29. Carmen Says:

    I think I may have just sicked a little in my mouth at that last little bit. You are indeed a braver woman than I.

    Happy New Year :)

  30. JC Says:

    So excited! Happy 2012!
