Journal your Christmas :: Win an online scrapbooking class!
Journal your Christmas starts next Tuesday on the first of December. This weekend you can win a place for you and a friend just by leaving a comment!
To enter, leave a comment with one thing you are looking forward to or planning this Christmas – anything! One comment per person, and comments close at 6:00am Monday morning UK time. Winner will be announced later on Monday.
If the winner has already signed up for Journal your Christmas in 2009, she’ll have the choice of a refund or a place to gift to another friend. If the winner signed up 2008 or earlier, she’ll receive places for two friends.
You can find all the class details here so go ahead and sign up!
Don’t forget to leave your comment! Good luck!
ETA: comments now closed and the winner is posted.
Since the winner gets a place for herself AND a friend, why not tell all your friends? Click to share via Facebook and elsewhere.
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27 November 2009, 16:44
I am going to New York for the first time on Wednesday, with my JYC scrapbook in hand, and of course my trusty tote with all my supplies! Can’t wait to use my prompts over there as I start this year’s book – so excited!!
27 November 2009, 16:46
Wow what a lovely giveaway i would love to play along. Im most looking forward to spending time with ym baby nephews this christmas, oh and being a big kid again yippie xxx
27 November 2009, 16:47
I never do anything towards Christmas until the 1st of December, I just like to keep it to 1 month! I am however looking forward to getting organised and started on everything next week!
27 November 2009, 16:47
Next weekend, a new puppy joins our household. We already have a rescue dog, and this little one makes us a “family” of four. This is the first Christmas I won’t be spending with my parents, so me and my new little family are planning to have a Christmas Day walk on the beach, then curl up together for lots of snuggles. Boxing Day, I get to introduce the little one to everyone!
27 November 2009, 16:55
Great give away – thanks for a chance! I am most looking forward to going home to the Caribbean for Christmas – its been five years since I have been back. Looking forward to spending the holiday season with my mum and my in-laws and family and friends I have not seen in very long time.
27 November 2009, 16:57
I am looking forward to my father visiting from Australia for Christmas…I haven’t seen him in over a year!
27 November 2009, 16:58
This Christmas, things will be a little different to what I had planned! My df was made redundant and we are moving in with my family next weekend. But I am so looking forward to being so close to my family at Christmas, I will put the tree up with my Mum and we will play the family game (whatever board game madness my Mum buys this year!) and that will be the same as every year, even if some things have changed :)
27 November 2009, 16:59
I hope to take the family to road to Bethlehem this year.
27 November 2009, 17:00
I am looking forward to more time with my dear hubby home and hopefully spending some quiet time just us on a peaceful beach somewhere as it will just be us for Christmas this year.
27 November 2009, 17:00
I’m looking forward to my 1st Christmas in my new house, can’t wait!
27 November 2009, 17:05
I’m looking forward to real quality time together. Just hanging out with no running around. Up early, coffee, watching the kids, just the simpleness off it all. That will be pure joy!
27 November 2009, 17:06
What a lovely giveaway!
For the first time since few years I’m ill, we’ll go to England for Christmas. Amazing!
27 November 2009, 17:09
I am looking forward to spending xmas with my son, a xmas eve with my daughter, and planning a new start for 2010. A brand new me along with a brand new year :) xx
27 November 2009, 17:10
I am looking forward to quiet family time, No running around for sports, school or scouts :)
27 November 2009, 17:11
Shimelle, I would love to win an entry to your class:) I’ve just completed Blogging for Scrapbookers which was my first Shimelle class, and I’m a convert!
My oldest son is at the stage where he now understands Christmas so I’m most looking forward to sharing the joy and excitement with him – we’ve already been practising baking gingerbread men lol!!
27 November 2009, 17:16
I am looking forward to taking my son to see a production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” For some reason, that’s become a popular Christmas-season show in our city. He loves it, and I love that he loves it.
27 November 2009, 17:27
oooh, would love to win this and I KNOW which friend would be thrilled to do this with me!!
hmm.. what I’m really looking forward to this Christmas is my children’s excitment. They make it special for me. It’s been a tough year for the world over and I hope that the Christmas holidays will bring some joy into all of our hearts.
27 November 2009, 17:28
I have to say, I am really looking forward to journaling this Christmas. Not only am I taking the JYC class again this year, but I purchased a log your memory book for December. I am hoping that between both items, I can keed my Christmas a little less stressful.
27 November 2009, 17:32
I am hosting a chistmas party this year and hoping that it would go really well as it’s my son’s first christmas as well (:
27 November 2009, 17:36
I am REALLY looking forward to spending the whole of Christmas Day at our house, just us and the kids. No frantic scrambling in the morning to open presents and then dash to the inlaws for the next 3 dull days. Yay!
27 November 2009, 17:41
I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends, to relax and not do any school work, and to scrapbook!
27 November 2009, 17:47
My first time this Christmas! I’m doing a 6×12 album and I’ve just been cutting papers in readiness. Can’t wait.
27 November 2009, 17:48
I’m looking forward to our first proper Christmas together in our lovely new home, and hopefully the cats will not take the tree down for me!
27 November 2009, 17:49
I am looking forward to baking cookies with my niece and nephew and son.
27 November 2009, 17:51
Hey Shimelle. I would have loved to do your JYC class but my budget wont allow me :( so if I was lucky enough to win a free place AND one for a friend well I would have to blog it!! It would be rude not to ;)
27 November 2009, 17:54
What a great prize! After an amazingly busy year I am looking forward to a relaxing Christmas with family soaking up the true meaning of the season. After Christmas we have planned to leave the hot hot weather of Australia and head over to Canada for a couple of weeks.
27 November 2009, 17:57
I’m looking forward to going away for a few days with my wonderful bf and then having my operation on the 18th to have my gall bladder removed..i know its a bit weird to look forward to an operation but a pain free xmas sounds like heaven right now!!
27 November 2009, 17:57
I’m SO looking forward to this year, its the first time my daughter really gets the concept, and its my sons first christmas, bliss!
27 November 2009, 18:03
I’m looking forward to seeing my kids’ faces on Christmas morning. My 3 year old should be a hoot!
27 November 2009, 18:09
ooo thanks for the chance to win!!
27 November 2009, 18:22
I’m most looking forward to going home and spending the holidays with my family and getting to play with my 1-year old niece – since we live 2000 miles apart I never see them, so I’m super excited!
27 November 2009, 18:35
I’m looking forward to the unknown. I tend to want to plan everything. This year I’m not. This year I’m planning not to plan…
27 November 2009, 18:47
I know two friends who would LOVE to join me in this class!! It would be fun to share the joy with them! I am already signed up and can’t wait to start :)
27 November 2009, 18:48
I’m looking forward to JYC, of course! I’m also looking forward to just enjoying the many wonders of the season, from the annual Christmas parade to hot cocoa near the fireplace. I love it all.
27 November 2009, 18:49
I am looking forward to doing my third JYC album this year and will have to settle for my web cam to visit with my family this year
27 November 2009, 18:53
I am super excited because this is the first Christmas (since I was 19) that I don’t have to worry about essay submissions at the beginning of January! So I can finally enjoy the holidays without feeling guilty…and I can’t wait to celebrate my new-found freedom by working on my first JYC album…To win a free place would be the icing on the cake!
27 November 2009, 19:06
I am looking forward to some quiet time with my family.
27 November 2009, 19:08
Boy oh boy, that is a loaded question for me this year. This is the first time in 2 years that I haven’t “ignored” Christmas, it was my Fathers favorite holiday and it just hurt too much after he passed to even think about it let alone do anything. This year I’ve pulled myself out of my funk and now I even have my tree up, day after Thanksgiving! Yahoo, go me! My daughter and I went and looked at Christmas lights on houses this evening as well. We found one that is completely covered in lights all the way around including their camper and the lights twinkle to the Christmas music. Yup, I think I’m ready to be in the holiday spirit again!
27 November 2009, 19:13
I’m so looking forward to this class. It is the one online class that I am most diligent about completing. This will be my fourth year doing the class, and I have 2 friends that I so want to take the class along with me.
27 November 2009, 19:17
Wow great giveaway!
This Christmas, we’re getting ready for our first baby.
27 November 2009, 20:01
I am looking forward to going to see the terra cotta warriors at the nat geo museum.
27 November 2009, 20:04
Cool! Already signed up though and am looking forward to starting!
27 November 2009, 20:04
Would love to win a class and if not I might just sign up.
27 November 2009, 20:07
I would so love to share this class with friends.
27 November 2009, 20:09
I’m looking forward to a family reunion 3 days before Christmas!
27 November 2009, 20:21
My mother in law bought the whole family tickets to see ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ (broadway show) at the Pantages in Hollywood. !!! Can’t wait!
27 November 2009, 20:28
I am so looking forward to doing some Christmas events around town that we’ve never done before!
27 November 2009, 20:48
i am going to texas for xmas this year and am looking forward to seeing how different the US “traditions” are from the canadian ones! (aside from the vacation itself which i am VERY MUCH looking forward to as well :)
27 November 2009, 21:25
I am looking forward to my baby’s first Christmas and to our first Christmas as a family of five!
27 November 2009, 21:41
We’ve already started one tradition this year, and that is a Thanksgiving family craft. For Christmas I am looking forward to more new traditions, one of which will be making Egg Nog French Toast on Christmas morning!
27 November 2009, 21:54
Very simply, I’m looking forward to spending the time with my family.
27 November 2009, 22:27
I am looking forward to my Mama opening up each of the 25 treasures I have put together for her advent calendar. They are all so cute and are hanging on a tree ready and waiting. :D
27 November 2009, 22:39
Looking forward to just enjoying the spirit of the holidays. Watching Christmas movies, hot cocoa, putting up the tree, etc. I’ve heard such good things about your class, but have never taken it myself. Would love to win a spot! =)
27 November 2009, 22:40
Oh such a wonderful giveaway, and opportunity!I am so looking forward to seeing all my children together in one place and at one time, as well, my parents, and sisters and their families will be there also, how wonderful indeed!
27 November 2009, 22:53
I look forward to time off of work, relaxing and spending time with family.
28 November 2009, 00:04
I’m looking forward to all the special traditions I enjoy with my children (visiting Santa, reading Christmas books, decorating, baking Christmas cookies, and more)!
28 November 2009, 00:18
Christmas is my favourite celebration ! My children have already started to decorate the house with all the Christmas decorations & pictures they have made at school, so the house is looking festive. Next week we will put up the tree and then need to do some shopping & wrapping of gifts – such fun !
28 November 2009, 00:30
Hey Shimelle:
I’ve taken a few of your classes…always love them but haven’t finished one yet. Life just gets in the way. This Christmas, I just want time to stand still a bit. I want to sit back and relax and appreciate all that I have—and then get some fantastic pictures to scrapbook on a cold January night. Also, so resisting this class but perhaps a way to get past that would be to WIN an entry! It looks so fun!!!
28 November 2009, 00:31
I am anticipating my first Christmas in my new house!
28 November 2009, 00:39
I’m looking forward to Christmas at home as last year we were cruising the Caribbean.
28 November 2009, 00:53
I am done shopping, and almost done wrapping. I am determined to thoroughly enjoy the season this year! I was so inspired by this class that I have already begun making an album entirely out of “scraps” in anticipation of journaling every day of December! With four kids I know I’ll have LOTS to journal about! Wouldn’t I love to have a prompt every day to keep me going! ;)
28 November 2009, 00:53
I am looking forward to spending more time with my family this holiday season. And making my Christmas cards a little earlier than rushing it at the last minute.
28 November 2009, 01:10
Wow, this is such a generous offer! I’m taking this class and SUPER, SUPER excited about! I’ve already put together my pages and numbers! And boy would I love another spot for my friend who is making a December album with me! We’re both doing it for the first time and it’s an adventure we’d like to make a tradition! :) Happy December!
28 November 2009, 01:13
I am looking forward to spending Christmas Eve with my family at my aunt & uncle’s new country house. They just settled in and want to have us over for Christmas. It should be fun! :)
28 November 2009, 01:29
I am most looking forward to seeing my loved ones faces when they see the surprise gifts i’ve got them! for the hubby, a photo from our wedding day put onto canvas (after nearly 10yrs of marriage, finally we will have a pic on the wall! lol)
for my mum, another gorgeous handbag for her to stroke! and a homemade calendar filled with photos of her grandkids, but best of all….
I can’t wait to see my 1yr old sons face when he opens his dancing Teletubbie! he loves Teletubbies, bless him, Happy xmas Oliver, i hope the dancing, singing LaLa rocks your world like you rock mine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28 November 2009, 01:30
I am looking forward to what I do every year, having all my family with me!
28 November 2009, 01:46
i’m looking forward to hosting christmas for the first time with my family. hope you had a great trip away x
28 November 2009, 02:13
I’m looking forward to our first Christmas as a family of four, just the four of us together.
28 November 2009, 02:30
Im not having my children xmas day which is the first time ever and not sure how i will cope lol We are off to london on the 18th so hoping this will make up for it – so this year I WILL have some good news to journal lol Book looks lovely x
28 November 2009, 02:30
I’m planning our first Christmas all together with the in-laws!!!
28 November 2009, 02:37
I’m looking forward to my little girl’s first school nativity play!
28 November 2009, 02:56
Great giveaway as usual, I’m most looking forward to putting up the decorations as it’s my son’s first christmas, I can’t wait to see the look on his face
28 November 2009, 03:01
I’m looking forward to NOT cooking this year, and actually getting to play with my children on christmas day!
28 November 2009, 03:18
Lovely giveaway; I’m most looking forward to a rest and some old films with a box of choccies…
28 November 2009, 03:50
I can hardly wait to decorate the Christmas tree,it will be the first time since moving house, SIX years ago! I know which friends would love the gifts of JYC, just the thing to get them both scrapping again. Thanks Shimelle
28 November 2009, 04:01
Oh my word have been thinking about this class and signing up… so I will enter this and then see what happens. I have a fab friend who would just love to do this with me.
I love love Christmas… I love looking round the shops and all the lights though have done my prsent shopping already so I can enjoy the seasonal activties that happen to the run up to Christmas
Caroline x
28 November 2009, 04:13
this will be my fith time i am taking this class and it would be a lovely christmas present to give to friends
28 November 2009, 04:37
I joined up last year as Christmas seemed to have its magic for me and was so pleased as JYC definately brought back my Christmas spirit! I’m really looking forward to JYC this year as I’m now an aunty and will have loads to scrap about my new little nephew!!
28 November 2009, 04:55
I am looking forward to spend the last christmas in this house….before having my new house!!! i am sad to leave my house…I t is where my daughters have grown…
I went to spending swwet time with my family…and scrap scrap scrap…
28 November 2009, 05:00
I’m looking forward to a relaxing couple of days hanging out with my parents, yummy food & pretty decorations. Also I love getting Christmas cards, especially from penpals overseas and such. Christmas mail is the best :)
28 November 2009, 05:31
I’m looking forward to all the Christmas lights!
28 November 2009, 05:45
I’m looking forward to spending Christmas at home with my family this year as I was in hospital for 5 months last year & it wasn’t the happiest Christmas. I didn’t make a Christmas album last year so I can’t wait to get started on my December Daily Diary this year & would be so happy to win a place in the class. Thanks for the chance :)
28 November 2009, 05:51
I’m looking forward to my first time doing this class! And also to the family birthdays we have throughout the month. December is very special to us :-)
28 November 2009, 05:54
I would love to win a place on this class, always looks so amazing!
28 November 2009, 06:14
I am looking forward to make Christmas more meaningful and more memorable this year.
28 November 2009, 06:20
Well this is my first christmas in the UK for years so I am looking forward to rediscovering old traditions!!
28 November 2009, 06:37
It’s a great giveaway and I hope I win :-). I’m planning a trip to my brother and his family. But first I need the ok from my brother because they must work on Christmas Day. This is something I’m looking for.
28 November 2009, 06:39
What a lovely giveaway!
I’m looking forward spending time with my family, my hubby and our sons. I’m also looking forward to spending time with my parents who lives far away but will come see us for Christmas.
28 November 2009, 07:17
awesome, giveaway! I am most excited this year about going to bed on christmas eve with that tingly feeling knowing that it will be Christmas morning in a few hours.. I am 17 (nothing changes!) xxxx
28 November 2009, 07:21
I am looking forward to spending time with family and a few days off work, after I have finished my shift on christmas day. I am hoping that the traffic won’t to bad on chirstams day for travelling home!!
Thanks for the giveawy
28 November 2009, 07:27
this year my dh is going to be working 200 miles away till christmas eve so for the first time ever the kids and i are now hoping for NO snow! at least untill christmas day lol
28 November 2009, 07:37
I am looking forward to exploring everything Christmas in New Orleans. I am usually so busy I don’t take time to go exploring, but this year I made sure to do the bulk of my shopping ahead of time so I can enjoy all of the things Christmas related in the city.
28 November 2009, 08:04
i’m excited for everything this christmas- it’s my first christmas being married!! i’m excited for christmas cards and decorating and gift buying and giving- all of it!!
28 November 2009, 08:22
Christmas is my favorite time of the year. The joy of the season is a wonderful reminder of where I come from and what the miracle of my faith is all about. I always enjoy the gatherings of family and friends during the holidays. : )
28 November 2009, 08:51
Well I’m off to NZ for Xmas this year. I’m not looking forward to the flight but looking forward to some sunshine and chilling with my Mum for sure!
28 November 2009, 08:52
What I’m REALLY looking forward to is journalling my Christmas !! I see it as my time in the busiest month of all ( i’m a Primary School teacher so we’re already gearing up for it all !! ) Here’s to having fun !! XX
28 November 2009, 09:08
This is the first Christmas that I’m without my DS as it’s his Dad’s turn to have him so it’s going to be a strange one. But I’m looking forward to it all the same. This year I’m going to order a turkey from the farm shop. That’s a first for me. And all the veg is coming off my Dad’s allotment. So if nothing else, I’m looking forward to a tasty Christmas.
28 November 2009, 09:23
i am really looking forward to this class, again, this christmas. last year it, magically, made my christmas the BEST one ever and i really am looking forward to another BEST christmas ever!
28 November 2009, 09:28
Im spending Christmas in Norway, where I live since almost 2 years. Hopefully we will have tons of snow like last year. Im looking forward to this season. I love winter in Norway!
28 November 2009, 09:43
I am looking forward to the possibility of actually scrapping/journaling this Christmas as we go along…instead of a year later like I ususally do. LOL! I’ve heard great things about this class – so I’d love to give it a shot!! Good luck to everyone! :)
28 November 2009, 10:13
Oh, So Fun! I would love to participate. I am really looking forward to making my own Christmas ornaments with my fiance this year.
28 November 2009, 10:35
We’ve just done the christmas ‘job’ I was looking forward to – making the christmas cake! Next is the mince pies – yum! Looking forward to eating the goodies this christmas!!
28 November 2009, 12:11
Really looking forward to christmas thei year, in my sister’s house for the first. Also I’m feeling organised so hopefully I’ll get to enjoy the season this year
28 November 2009, 12:19
I LOVE christmas, probably just as much as my 5 year old. I love the traditions, the decorations, the home decor, the magic of it all. I currently have swine flu which has meant eerything has had to take a back seat (thankfully I made my sons advent drawers before illness struck!), next week sees the end of my ‘house arrest’ can’t wait to get out and get my tree and get all the festiities started!
em xx
28 November 2009, 12:58
I would really like to win this giveaway. Seems like the holidays cause old wounds to surface and I’d really like to have a place to journal that and figure a few things out! The thing I am looking forward to this year is my family’s reactions to the scrapbooks I have made for them. I make a sort of family year in review for my in-laws, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. each year. It is so much fun because they are all different, each focusing on the recipient, and they are traded around and everyone looks at everyone else’s. I enjoy hearing the comments they make as they thumb through each other’s albums.
28 November 2009, 13:19
The one thing I’m looking forward to this christmas is having the whole family together for lunch on christmas day. Last year my partner had to have emergency surgery on the 22nd December so we spent christmas day (and new years) at his hospital bedside. We’re counting our blessings this year that we’ll all be together and will all be well and healthy.
28 November 2009, 13:32
Hi Shimelle
I’m a pagan so I get 3 celebrations! I’m looking forward to Yule, Christmas AND seeing in a new decade.
Loved your Learn Something New Everyday course, if your Christmas is half as good, it will be amazing!
28 November 2009, 13:36
I’m looking forward to making mince pies for my family, I live with my husband and mother-in-law and M.I.L has already made two christmas puddings and a christmas cake from scratch. We’re having a handmade christmas. I have already signed up to the class so even if I don’t win I will still enjoy it.
28 November 2009, 14:02
I am most looking forward to spending time with the kids doing things for others this Christmas season.
28 November 2009, 14:08
The thing i’m most looking foward to this christmas is seeing the pure inocent joy on my childrens faces when they realise that Santa has been.I’m on borrowed time with my daughter as she is 7 years old and i can’t bear the thought of when she finds out that Santa is really mummy!.So i try to make each year a little bit better than the previous one.So that is the thing i’m most looking foward to & planning this xmas.xx
28 November 2009, 14:19
My sister is getting married just before Christmas, so I am looking forward to the excuse to visit my family over the holidays! It’s so hard to travel with my little ones that we rarely go anywhere and needed the extra reason. :)
28 November 2009, 14:40
I’m really looking forward to Christmas as this is the first Christmas that my husband, 2 boys and I have had Christmas dinner alone as a family – I am really excited about this and think it will be a wonderful day.
28 November 2009, 14:51
The interior of our house is being painted in December, so I’m not going to be able to do any Christmas decorating until that is all finished. But I am looking forward to being able to set up my very own scrap/craft room for the first time ever!
28 November 2009, 15:00
Well…I am SOoooo looking forward to decorating our new house this year with Christmas decorations to fill it with cheer for my boys and friends who will be with us this year! Fa la la la la…la la la!
28 November 2009, 15:03
I’m looking forward to having time this Christmas actually to journal it and put up a tree for the first time in three years.
28 November 2009, 15:23
i cant wait! my first ever year!
28 November 2009, 15:41
I am looking forward to having Christmas day off! I have worked the last two Christmas days and can’t wait to spend it chilling out with my family for a change.
28 November 2009, 16:06
My 24 year old daughter is coming home for the first time in 2 years. We live 3,000 miles apart.
28 November 2009, 16:23
I’m looking forward to my brood coming home for Christmas – since my youngest went to University, I’ve been complaining the house is too quiet & empty – this will change on the 19th of December, it will be crowded and noisy and I just can’t wait!
28 November 2009, 16:41
Looking forward to taking a trip to stay with my mum, she has built a new extewnsion for us so we all have bedrooms! Less chance to all fall out!
28 November 2009, 17:18
I am looking forward to some chill out family time and having my daughter home (she was working away last year and will be doing so again in 2010 – this year will be special)
28 November 2009, 17:41
looking forward to Lots of mistletoe kisses (hopefully) and listening to Mariah Carey’s ‘All i want for christmas’ again and again and again. Plus all the presents and baking x
28 November 2009, 18:13
I have spent the last two days at crops getting my albums prepared ready for this class and now like a kid I have only 3 sleeps till if officially starts
28 November 2009, 18:16
I’m looking forward to finally starting my own traditions. My whole adult life, we’ve went to my parents house for Christmas. This year, we’re doing our own. It makes me feel very grown up! :)
28 November 2009, 18:20
This year I am planning a “laid back” Christmas. I have talked with my husband and he agrees that should I not get everything done, then that is OK!!!! If I don’t buy everyone’s presents – they get $$. My hopes are to not be so stressed this year.
28 November 2009, 18:27
Great class – can highly recommend it – just blogged my album all ready to go :-D
28 November 2009, 18:55
Thats a great Chance!
would love to join!!!
Katharina from the BlackForestRegion/Germany
28 November 2009, 19:33
The last few years the holidays have been rough due to family illness so I am looking forward to reclaiming some of the joy of the season.
28 November 2009, 20:01
I haven’t done a December daily before and I’d love the opportunity to take part in yours. If I don’t win the freebie I think I’ll be signing up anyway. Thanks for the opportunity.
28 November 2009, 20:08
I loved Journal Your Christmas last year and would LOVE to give one of my friends the chance to participate. Can’t wait to start again!
28 November 2009, 20:24
I didn’t finish my journal last year, so I would love to win spots for friends so we can encourage each other to “get er done”!
28 November 2009, 20:32
I signed up today & am really excited. Our last Christmas in our house in PA and I’m wanting to make it memorable…
28 November 2009, 20:33
Hi Shimelle
This Christmas I have my family over from various parts of the UK….as well as celebrate we are also making plans for my sons 21st, his fiance’s 21st and their wedding! So its all exciting celebrations one way or the other!! :)
28 November 2009, 21:12
I am looking forward to continuing to find the freshness in each day. Happy happies.
28 November 2009, 22:19
I am looking forward to… FUDGE!
28 November 2009, 22:53
WOW! What an awesome prize. And in the Spirit of Christmas, a chance to share. I am looking forward to lots of snow & ice-skating Later a hot cup of cocoa by a twinkling tree & listening to Christmas songs.
29 November 2009, 00:21
I really look forward to decorating for Christmas while drinking hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music.
29 November 2009, 01:20
I’m looking forward to a little break we have planned to Center Parcs. It is fabulous at christmas time.
29 November 2009, 01:36
Not sure that I’m looking forward to it that much this year, it’s the first one since my brother passed away and I’m not able to get home to be with my family :(
29 November 2009, 02:22
This will be my first Christmas away from home (mother and sister) in a long time, my first one with my husband, and my first in Europe. Lots of firsts.
29 November 2009, 02:26
Gosh looking forward to so much – my first year not working Christmas and or New Year for 30 years. Being with all my family at home in England. Going for a walk together (I cant believe Im saying this) all wrapped up in the cold ……. well its always warm where I live now!
Christmas Baking, Wrapping presents, seeing friends, visiting the German Christmas Market, mulled wine and lots of great photos to scrap in the new year when I get back to Asia!
29 November 2009, 02:58
Earlier this year I was introduced to scrapbooking and it has enriched my life in so many ways. So this will be the first Christmas I will be remembering in this way and I am so excited! I have been making exploding boxes and mini books as Christmas presents and preparing an album for me.
29 November 2009, 03:18
I love shopping for my daughters although it can be very stressful trying to think of present ideas for them sometimes. I also love the tree decorating and getting the yearly “kids under the Christmas tree” photo for sending to the relatives :-)
29 November 2009, 03:21
My dh has been out of work for 6 months so this Christmas is going to be a very simple one. I am looking forward to spending quality time with my family without all the pressures. I’d love to win this class so that my sister in South Africa could do it with me.
29 November 2009, 03:39
Since my cooke broke on Christmas day lasy year..I am really looking forward to preparing and eating (LOL) our Christmas meals with the new cooker :)
29 November 2009, 04:13
I am looking forward to all the Christmas carols, the mince pies, the joint family event of making dinner and chilling out after stuffing ourselves silly! I LOVE Christmas!
Hugs Claire
29 November 2009, 06:45
Since we’re moving across the ocean, we have to cram all of christmas into the last half of the month— shopping, decorating, everything! This will be the first year my son, almost two, will really get to participate so we couldn’t be more thrilled! Lets hope it goes better with santa this year!
29 November 2009, 07:14
I am looking forward to making gifts for my Aunts and Uncles. c x
29 November 2009, 07:17
I’m looking forward to the chance for resting and enjoying simply being and spending time with friends and family.
29 November 2009, 07:57
I’m looking forward to the way the Christmas tree makes the house smell. And a glass of eggnog!
29 November 2009, 08:02
Christmas has always been a difficult time for my family since the death of my younger sister, then in recent years both my parents died, so Christmas has been especially lonely, just another day to get through. I really feel that Shimelles class JYC will be thought provoking and remind me of previous happier Christmastimes. I really want to rediscover the magic of this season to share with my two boys. Thanks for the opportunity!!
29 November 2009, 09:30
I like to make my own christmascards, so it would be lovely if i win this beautiful scrapbook!
Thank You!
29 November 2009, 10:43
I love christmas! The important thing for me at christmas is family and friends and the importance of giving. I love giving people presents and watching their faces light up, but for me its also a time for reflection and sadness as near each xmas is the anniversary of my daughters birthday and the day she died.The magic of the season still lives on though it took a few years to come back! and i still love the magic and sparkle of christmas and the build up xmas cakes decorating the tree visiting santa and wrapping presents.
29 November 2009, 10:59
I am so looking forward to some down time with our family. My husband travels a lot but he tries to stay home for the couple weeks before and after Christmas. It is a great thing to look forward to!
29 November 2009, 10:59
Christmas this year for me is, me and my 3 boys – my husband, my grogeous ickle son and my sweet ickle hamster (Dexter). So JYC would be a lovely escape for me, from all things that boys like and girls dont! Thanks for the fantastic opportunity. Jx
29 November 2009, 11:02
I’m looking forward to the down time. Spending time with my family, the time my husband will take off work. Seeing the kids reaction to all the Christmas decorations when they wake up on Christmas morning! :)
29 November 2009, 11:15
I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and decorating the tree!
29 November 2009, 11:16
What am I looking forward to this year? JYC of course! I hope it’ll help distill all my Christmas memories and plans into something I can keep and enjoy for years to come. Roll on Tuesday!
29 November 2009, 11:17
I’m looking forward to some time off with my family and friends, good food, good memories, all sorts of holiday love.
29 November 2009, 11:19
This Christmas I can’t wait to spend some quality time with my best friends. We have a girly Christmassy weekend away all booked for 2 weeks’ time!
29 November 2009, 11:20
The thing I am most looking forward to this holiday season is less stress! I am very organised this year and will have finished and wrapped all my gifts by 1st December! That means I can really focus on my JYC journal! :) So exciting
29 November 2009, 11:20
I’m looking forward to seeing my children’s faces when they open their stockings – and my bf’s face too!! :)
29 November 2009, 11:22
I’m looking forward to a happy, peaceful month. We will get to spend time with our daughters and enjoy our family traditions.
29 November 2009, 11:23
I’m looking forward to making this holiday season more about enjoying my family rather than the gifts.
29 November 2009, 11:30
Can’t wait to get started again :D Had tonnes of fun last year and I’ve got a great album to remember!
29 November 2009, 11:36
I’m looking forward to spending quality time with family and friends who I have not been able to see as often as I’d like, and time to get some scrapping done!
29 November 2009, 11:37
Looking forward to starting on Tuesday – hoping it will make me feel more Christmassy!
29 November 2009, 11:39
Oh jingle bells how I would love to win this class, so hopefully the magic fairy can sprinkle it’s magic dust and tell you that Santa says I’ve been a good girl!
29 November 2009, 11:40
Looking forward to inspiration, journaling,family together and Christmas!!!!!!!!
29 November 2009, 11:42
Christmas is my favorite time of the year and this year I am doing a Advent Calendar for my grandson. It’s a felt tree and I will put little scrolls in each slot where there will be a treasure map waiting. Then he’ll have to go by the treasure map to find that day’s gift.
29 November 2009, 11:45
I am looking forward to the excitement in my little ones on Christmas eve when they realize that Christmas is only 1 sleep away x
29 November 2009, 11:48
Quiet family time at the end of the year is always something we look forward to.
29 November 2009, 11:50
This class is totally amazing! If you haven’t done it before, you will not regret signing up for it!!! I haven’t journaled my Christmas the past two years, but I am going to do it this year! The thing I am looking forward to this year actually takes place before Christmas. My son has qualified to skate at the US Junior National Championships for Figure skating in Cleveland Ohio. It will be his Christmas present that he more than earned. I am so excited for him. It’ll be my Christmas present as well! I have a friend that needs a pick me up, I’ve talked to her about the class before, but I think that this year, it would be perfect for her! Thanks for all the past and future inspiration Shimelle!
Aloha nui!!
29 November 2009, 11:50
I am hoping this will be one of our best ever Christmas’s, not least because my mum and step-dad are coming for the day (something that hasn’t happened since before we had the kids, and our eldest is 10!) but also because we are off to Lapland with our two boys, and they don’t have a clue!!! I am looking forward to planning that all that these two amazing events involve, food, travel, how to transfer the annual santa hunt overseas, games, the whole nine yards – bring it all on!!!
29 November 2009, 11:52
I have finished work, rather suddenly due to ill health, and am looking forward to enjoying the Christmas season in a more relaxed way – less money but loads more time to scrap and just enjoy the family!
29 November 2009, 11:52
Looking forward to spending time with family and friends—can’t wait to start the class!!
29 November 2009, 11:56
I’m looking forward to seeing family and friends.
29 November 2009, 12:03
What a wonderful gift for some lucky person(s!)
I’m looking forward to just spending time with my family!
29 November 2009, 12:06
It’s that time of year again! Looking forward to “the most wonderful time of the year”.
29 November 2009, 12:08
I really looking forward to spending time with the Family. My Folks are going to my Sister in South Africa for Christmas – so this year we will have 2 Christmas meals, the 1st on the 19 December with my Folks and then again on Christmas Day
29 November 2009, 12:09
I am looking forward to making handmade gifts for friends and family.
Thank you for such a generous offer!
29 November 2009, 12:14
I am looking forward to having Charley home this Christmas…..she went off to uni in September and we’ve really missed her, so it will be lovely to have her home and have her help in the preperations…..and maybe it’s time (as she is all grown up now) to bring in a new tradition – one that she picks. But the most important thing is to have her home with us again :)
29 November 2009, 12:19
Can’t think of a nicer way to spend the month of December than to collect and record memories for future generations to come…
29 November 2009, 12:24
I’m looking forward to some time off spent with family and friends.
29 November 2009, 12:28
My tree goes up on Tuesday! That and wrapping the pressies is my favourite Christmas thing.
29 November 2009, 12:29
Your class looks like a lot of fun.
29 November 2009, 12:31
This year I would like to make Christmas as festive as possible. The last years we just tried to ‘survive’ christmas, hopefully we can turn it this year around and enjoy the season.
29 November 2009, 12:37
I am looking forward to all of the things that make the holidays special and especially spending them with the ones that I care about.
29 November 2009, 12:37
My first year doing JYC…can’t wait
29 November 2009, 12:38
hi i am looking forward to seeing the lion king show on the 4 th december, we saved hard and are so looking forward to it.katharine
29 November 2009, 12:45
I’m really looking forward having a Christmas tree to decorate together with my daughters this year.
29 November 2009, 12:49
Iam looking forward to Christmas smells and twinkling lights.
29 November 2009, 12:55
I have been thinking of doing the Journal Your Christmas this year. My Gran is going to pass any day now and I was thinking that this would help me to focus on the positives about the season. It will allow me to relive our times together and re-experience the joy that we have had with her in our lives. Even without the sadness of a death in the family it seems as though the season often becomes all about the shopping and not the real “Reason for the season”. I saw a friend’s JYC from last year and was so impressed with it that I knew that it would be good for me too! Regardless of whether I win the contest, I will be signing up for the class.
29 November 2009, 12:58
Thanks for giving us this opportunity…love your classes.
29 November 2009, 13:04
This will be my 1st grandchild’s 2nd Christmas and I want to capture every magical moment with her and record it! I really, really want to sign up for the class but am still wavering if it’s the right thing do. I’ve been unemployed for 3 years and I have to consider my “wants” vs my “needs”. I’ll say a pray and ask God to guide me in this decision. Merry Christmas to everyone!
29 November 2009, 13:09
My little boy has just started to use a pair of sissors at the grand age of 3 so I am so looking forward to sitting with him and making some new christmas decorations
29 November 2009, 13:09
I look forward to having all my children around.My two oldest live away from home but will be here on Christmas eve.
29 November 2009, 13:13
Oh, I would so love to join you in this class! I’m looking forward to a family Chirstmas at my parent’s house with all my brothers and sisters and their familiies. This is the first year we’ll all be together at the same time in many years.
29 November 2009, 13:26
Looking forward to this years JYC. I love all your classes. x
29 November 2009, 13:28
Sounds like so much fun!
29 November 2009, 13:31
I’m looking forward to a relaxing time.
29 November 2009, 13:34
Love your classes Shimelle, have already taken a few. I would love to win a spot in this one. Since my DH has been laid off since January, things are tight,so winning a spot would surely hit the spot ! Thanks for the chance.
Love and cupcakes :)
29 November 2009, 13:46
Looking forward to this class, not sure if I already posted a comment, but would love to offer this to a friend. I can’t wait until Tuesday!
29 November 2009, 13:56
Hi Shimelle, I’m looking forward to the white christmas that is being predicted for us this year and staying at home all warm and snug with my family.
29 November 2009, 14:10
Would love to have a go at this but most of all would love to share it with a friend.
29 November 2009, 14:19
i am just looking forward to all that christmas brings – christmas carols, nativity at church, infant christmas play, the smells of christmas and having family here to share it with. Also cant wait to start my 3rd JYC loved it every year.
29 November 2009, 14:26
I love waking up on christmas morning in our own home seeing the joy and excitement on the childrens faces. We all spend the day together doing exactly what we want.
29 November 2009, 14:33
I’m looking forward to a simplified Christmas where we really focus on hte important things in life, and how blessed we are!
29 November 2009, 14:56
I am looking forward to spending time with my family and friends, enjoying the joy in my children’s eyes as they open their gifts on Christmas morning. I’m especially looking forward to finding opportunities to be a “gift” to other people in need this holiday season.
29 November 2009, 15:17
The most I am looking forward at Xmas time, is to create our tree decorations with my 2 children. A great time to spend together.
29 November 2009, 15:18
I’m looking forward to baking Christmas cookies with my kids – we are in the midst of our second remodeling project and this time it’s our kitchen, so we’ve been eating lots of precooked meals that are microwavable. It’s not about the cookies, but the time we spend together being creative and talking and building memories. It’s one of those traditions that makes Christmas very special for our family.
29 November 2009, 15:19
I’m looking forward to the mulled wine!!
29 November 2009, 15:21
I’m looking forward to sparkly lights and rich smells – mulled wine, a real christmas tree, a baking fruit cake and the frosty morning air.
29 November 2009, 15:25
I am sooooooooooo excited! I am looking forward to getting a real tree this year and special time with my girls, one of whom it will be her first christmas! xx
29 November 2009, 15:26
I’m looking forward to creating wonderful childhood memories for my 3 children this christmas and cementing family traditions for years to come x JYC will be a perfect record of my favourite time of year x
29 November 2009, 15:36
Taking part in JYC this year will have special meaning for me. It will be a lovely reminder to look back on in years to come to see how I got through this month. My family have given me so much strength, it will be a fabulous reminder.
29 November 2009, 15:43
I am looking forward to seeing my goddaughters face when she opens her present on Christmas day.
29 November 2009, 15:46
This will be the first Christmas that my mum has been without my dad in 55 years. I am looking forward to looking after her, making her feel special, and seeing a smile on her face at least once, even if its in the remembering of Christmasses past.
29 November 2009, 15:56
I am looking forward to taking my husband to see The Ratpack Christmas Show next week – he’s a sucker for their christmas songs and he doesn’t know a thing about it!
29 November 2009, 15:57
Decorating the tree with my husband and not by myself and having our daughter help with outdoor lights as she did when she lived at home.
29 November 2009, 16:14
My mother turned 87 this year, her health is failing and I fear this may be her last Christmas. The holiday will include all the activities and foods she loves. I am also working on a special Christmas album that will help her remember all the wonderful times of Christmases past.
29 November 2009, 16:21
I’m looking forward to christmas dinner – surprising my family with a nice dessert. My fingers are already itching to go through some inspirational dessert books ^^
29 November 2009, 17:01
Food for the Lowry’s Parade! We tailgate and have the most fun. No cars—only horse-drawn floats.
29 November 2009, 17:04
The best part of Christmas is being together & doing things with my kids & husband and this year we leave on Xmas day for a holiday in India!!
29 November 2009, 17:28
This year i look forward to scrapping some precious family time with my new son and his two older brothers as my husband works away alot!:)
29 November 2009, 17:34
I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the class. I thank you for the chance to win. How gracious! My fingers are crossed, luck is on my side, I hope I win.
29 November 2009, 17:37
I am looking forward to watching my niece open her presents she is old enough now to really get the magic of Christmas!
29 November 2009, 17:42
I’m really looking forward to my nephew’s first Christmas, and of course a week off work!!
29 November 2009, 18:00
sweet giveaway! I am looking forward to having my mom spend Christmas with us this year!
29 November 2009, 18:18
I’m making lots of cranberry-orange breads as gifts. So much fun, can’t wait!
29 November 2009, 18:28
This Christmas I’m planning on doing a December daily album. I really want to capture my family’s story of how we spend Christmas.
29 November 2009, 18:48
I am looking forward to my son coming home for Christmas from Arizona. He’s only been gone two months, but it just didn’t feel right that he wasn’t here last week for Thanksgiving. I miss him – and it will be nice to have him close enough for a hug.
29 November 2009, 18:58
Oh I would love a spot in JYC! This year I am looking forward to making hand-made gifts for my mom and brother :)
29 November 2009, 19:11
I’m looking forward to the holidays as I’m expecting my first child. It makes everything feel more meaningful!
29 November 2009, 19:30
My husband will be out of town at training for work for the next few weeks. He arrives home again for a break at Christmas. I’m looking forward to spending the holidays with him.
29 November 2009, 20:35
I have a little girl and I love watching her – the innocence and eyes that are full of wonder.
29 November 2009, 21:42
I am looking forward to this holiday with my 3 year old little girl who very much believes in magic and my brand new son who was born 2 days before Thanksgiving!
29 November 2009, 21:56
I’m looking forward to all of the Xmas traditions I have been practicing for years: baking cookies, spending time with friends and co-workers, taking my students to see Santa,opening presents with my family on Xmas Eve and celebrating my b-day on Xmas Day!
29 November 2009, 22:36
Working to capture the joy of our Christmas traditions this year. I think this class would be a big help. Thanks for the chance to win.
29 November 2009, 23:00
I am most looking forward to my annual visit to see my best friend and my two “nieces.” I get to experience all of the wonder, excitment, sharing, joy, hope, and love of the season through the eyes and hearts of two very special young girls.
29 November 2009, 23:59
I’m trying to get the holiday spirit again by doing a December Daily album and to embrace the season rather than looking at the “to do” list as a chore.
30 November 2009, 01:22
Can’t wait to start again!! Love Sarah xx