Just once a year
Yes. It is that time of year. Christmas chocolates are out. Special shopping bags are in the stores. I’ve even heard a few Christmas carols here and there.
To me, that means it’s time to get ready for Journaling my Christmas. Something that started so many Christmases ago now as just a book I kept for myself as a way to reclaim my Christmas and put a happy ending to a year that had been anything but fabulous. And it worked. So from there, I shared it with a small group of people…most of whom I knew in real life…that next Christmas. And after that, well…it’s something that has grown and grown, to include scrappers, artists, photographers and writers from more than thirty countries. And it really is my favourite time of the year.
Now is the time when you can join in too. Journal your Christmas is an online class that helps you document the holiday season for you and your family. The class starts December 1st and goes through the 6th of January — the twelfth day of Christmas. Every day, you receive a prompt with a theme for that day’s page, writing to get you started and pictures of pages from a range of artists, all designed to let you decide if you want to take your time to make something original and from scratch or work quickly by borrowing ideas from others.
You work with your own stash of supplies — and you’ll see a mix of Christmas themed accents alongside supplies that wouldn’t necessarily scream Christmas at all. You can work in any format or size. You decide how much or how little you do every day.
And to really make that work, once you join, you’re in forever. So you can join us this Christmas and make as many pages as you like without the pressure to try to finish everything in a limited time frame. Because next Christmas? You’re still in, and you can add to what you already made. Some of the original participants are working on one album compiled over four years while others have made a new book every Christmas. Whatever works for you is the key.
Every year I add something to make the experience that little bit better. This year it’s the November preparation. Before the official start of the class, you’ll receive tips and sketches for preparing your supplies and book so you can minimise some of more time consuming work when you are at your busiest during Christmas. It can also help if you need to put your crafting supplies away during the holidays to make room for extra houseguests or presents that need a place to hide.
For those who have participated in courses throughout this year, I’ve also listened to your feedback regarding the organisation, and this class will use a new private forum for discussion instead of the old email-group set up.
So, if you sign up for Journal your Christmas, you receive:
*37 daily prompts from December 1 to January 6
*November preparation prompts
*Three audio messages throughout the course
*Access to a private forum for members to chat and share their work
*Access to a permanent archive of the course materials
*Ongoing membership for every Christmas that you would like to participate.
You can purchase the class in either US dollars or UK pounds. Just click the appropriate button to pay in the currency of your choice, through the secure payment system at Paypal.
If you have any questions, comment here or send me an email. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks.
Answers to questions posted in the comments:
If you participated last year, you do not need to sign up again. You will receive an email with details on how to move to the new forum. I’ll post here when that is sent out so you will know if you have missed the email.
You can sign up a friend as a gift. Just click on the button, and make sure you write her name and email address in the comment section during the payment process, or sign up and then send me an email with her name and address.
If you have received your paypal receipt, you are all signed up. The next message you will receive from me will be during this coming week, as we get everyone set up on the new forum. I’ll be sure to post here to say when the last of those have gone out, so you’ll know if anything has gone astray. You’ll be able to access the preparation material then too, so not long now!
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5 November 2007, 15:24
Hi Shimelle,
I joined your christmas journal class last year… so does this mean this I’m in for this year too? Or do I have to sign up again?
5 November 2007, 16:17
My album has been in my mini album bowl and I’ve been checking it out throughout the year. I’m looking forward to adding some more stuff to it this year seeing as it’s my first Christmas after moving out of my parents house, so I’m going to add quite a lot to it this year.
5 November 2007, 16:30
HI there! I’ve been waiting for this! I loved last year and just wondered what I have to do to get the emails this year! :) Hope you’re having a great time with those wedding plans! :) Robin
5 November 2007, 16:38
Hello!!! I joined in last year and have the same question as PJ. Am I in this year or do I have to sign up again?
Thanks for the fun in advance :)
5 November 2007, 16:47
Oh lovely! Have been looking forward to the “official” count down. hehe
5 November 2007, 16:47
Really enjoyed doing this last year and looking forward to doing another one this year. Same question as above – do I have to do anything to get the emails this year.
5 November 2007, 17:28
Me too – I started last year and LOVED every minute of it. I was so sad on 1/7 when the emails stopped!!! Same question – do I need to do anything to get on board this year?
5 November 2007, 17:34
Hi Shim,
glad to hear the Christmas Journal is going to happen again. Still haven’t finished my first one (ooops! 3rd (?) year now!) but have best intentions for this year! :)
Can’t wait for the 1st!! :)
5 November 2007, 19:36
Hey shim!
Can’t wait for class this year! My book from last year is my favorite ever. Like the others, I’m wondering how to get signed up for the new format!
Can’t wait!
5 November 2007, 20:55
I have the same questions. I loved last year’s class and my journal is one of my favorite projects. What’s the process for repeaters? Thanks.
5 November 2007, 22:13
I have been waiting for this! I have the same question as others-about if there is anything we have to do to get emails again this year?
6 November 2007, 03:30
This will be my first class with you, and I can’t wait. Found your site last christmas, and was so inspired by the layouts I saw. Now I can join in all the fun!!!!
6 November 2007, 04:09
Is there a cut off for the sign up on this? I really want to sign up, but it won’t be until pay day! LOL. love Marie
6 November 2007, 05:22
Have just signed up – really looking forward to doing this class. Can’t wait for the prep to get underway!
6 November 2007, 08:13
Yay – I’ve been waiting for this – I already have my book ready and I’ve bought the papers – Hopefully I’ll finish it this year :)
6 November 2007, 08:23
I’ve been looking forward to this and am excited to get started. I saw pictures from last year’s class – what treasures.
6 November 2007, 08:31
YAY!! I’ve been waiting for this:) Can’t wait!!
6 November 2007, 12:18
Hi Shimelle I signed up for this years ago but forgot my log in number I still have the paypal receipt.
I would love to join again & actually complete it this time please
6 November 2007, 12:38
Sooo looking forward to this. I wanted to join up last year but left it too late. Can’t wait to start :)
6 November 2007, 12:43
Hi Shimelle,
Just signed up! Im so excited – i love xmas!
Smee x
6 November 2007, 13:03
Hi Shimelle
This is my second class with you and I’m really looking forward to doing a book on Christmas!
6 November 2007, 13:06
Hi Shimelle! I just signed up for the class. I remember hearing about it last year and loved seeing the journals. Will I receive a confirmation via email?
Also, I signed up for a class or two of yours at Scrapbowl 2008 in VA. Can’t wait. ;D
6 November 2007, 15:01
I took this class for the first time last year. Loved it! I am so looking forward to this year’s. You are awesome, Shimelle! Thanks for sharing your talents.
6 November 2007, 15:22
HURRAY!!!! I’ve been waiting all year to finally get to do this class!
I’m working hard on living my Christmas this year, instead of being “too busy” and then stressed, and feeling like I missed most of the little things.
6 November 2007, 15:33
I had no idea we’d get to do it againIt’s still my fave class ever and will start thinking of a new format for this year
6 November 2007, 15:34
Loved this last year – so keen to do it again!!
6 November 2007, 17:00
Ooh I’ve just signed up too! Really looking forward to this :o) xx
6 November 2007, 17:28
ooh how exciting my sister and i were lucky enough to win a place on this at the moxley massive birthday bash can’t wait for it to start
6 November 2007, 17:40
Thank you so much Shimelle that you are doing the Christmas Journal again. I never got to finish mine last year and so now I can finish this year. You’re the bestest!!!!
6 November 2007, 17:46
So happy to see this happening again and so many familiar faces. This is becoming a tradition.
6 November 2007, 23:30
I’ve missed this class for 2 consecutive years now and sadly, again this year. Just can’t do it. Maybe…One day Congrats to all you lucky girls! I have heard nothing but HUGE LOVE for this class! I have had the pleasure of taking some of Shim’s other classes and they are all amazing!
Will we get to see some entries on your blog Shimelle? Hope so…
7 November 2007, 02:17
I am well up for this. Are you popping into the shop anytime soon, then I can pay you.
Oh and you have been tagged!
7 November 2007, 04:43
Okay, I just signed in! This is my first time, and I am really looking forward to this. :)
7 November 2007, 05:11
Really interested in doing this..esp after a day with you at The Moxley Massive bash…
what is the closing date for signing up tho as Im going to NEC on sunday and want as much money as poss to take with me..but also dont want to miss this either..
7 November 2007, 06:06
When in November do we get our preparation prompts? Just want to get an idea! Thanks :)
7 November 2007, 06:09
Put me down for another year, Shimelle….CAN’T WAIT! I look through my litle basket from last year, from time to time, yearning to get started again!
7 November 2007, 08:28
Shimelle…I have a new email address since last year…how shall I get it to you? p.s.I’ve been preparing for this all year!!!
7 November 2007, 09:06
I truly loved the class last year, and I’m considering participating again!
LOL…I just noticed you’re paying your technical help in cupcakes. That cracks me up!
7 November 2007, 09:28
I loved this class so much last year and look at my book often. Looking forward to this christams!
7 November 2007, 12:04
So excited about this class! Just waiting for the electronic transfer to arrive in my paypal account! :) Wasn’t able to really look at your sample at CKC-KCMO, is there a place online we can browse before the official start date?
7 November 2007, 13:04
I’ve been waiting for this! Loved last year!
7 November 2007, 15:52
count me in…...i’ve been looking forward to this as i didn’t get round to it last year and i love Christmas….
7 November 2007, 17:51
Do you accept any other payment methods apart from paypal? Happy to provide card details but prefer not to use paypal. would love to do this class though…... I wait with fingers crosssed!
7 November 2007, 19:05
Really looking forward to this again this year. Almost finished it last year. Have no excuse this year as I’m no longer working full time. lol
8 November 2007, 04:54
This will be my first time taking any of your classes and im so looking forward to it.
8 November 2007, 09:04
i just signed up for your class-my first one and I’m really looking forward to it!
8 November 2007, 09:56
I’ve just signed up too….now the wait begins!!
8 November 2007, 09:58
Hi Shimelle!
I signed up the other day and I can’t wait for this to start! For two years I have wanted to do this and each year kicked myself for not doing it so I made sure to sign up early this year. When can we expect the November prep to start?! I am so excited to get going!!! :-)
8 November 2007, 10:07
Is it possible to see a photo of the inside ? I have never seen your work and would like to preview before I sign up for your online class.
Thank You,
8 November 2007, 10:55
Yea I am excited. I need some Christmas FUN!
8 November 2007, 12:28
Joined up for the class last night – sooo looking forward to getting started!
8 November 2007, 16:20
i think this has been asked, but what date does the november prep start? I have never done one of your classes before, but i have heard very good things and i am sure i wont be disappointed! just itching to get started now!! lol!
8 November 2007, 21:22
Oh YEAHHHHHH!!! I am so excited to participate again this year!! Can’t WAIT!
9 November 2007, 00:58
My first time for the Christmas journal. Can’t wait to get started! Any suggestions as to what to get ready?
9 November 2007, 04:23
Yay, I have been waiting for this all year! Will hopefully get around to finishing mine this year, and might even post some of my work (got a bit slack last year)!
9 November 2007, 08:53
I was in this class last year and I loved it! Even though I didn’t get to complete my book, I did do all of the journaling and I plan on going back to finish my pages. I do however, browse through along with my family, and I know it’s something that we will treasure forever!
9 November 2007, 15:33
Hello! How about if we aren’t so bright and we signed up last year, didn’t get it done and want another chance this year BUT I already paid a second time just now….Oops, I didn’t read far enough, sorry PLEASE HELP ME and Thanks much, Susan
10 November 2007, 00:57
I am a digital scrapper, would this work for me to do this the digital way?
10 November 2007, 02:57
i’ve signed up! i’m hoping it will help me get my mojo back – afterall – christmas is my favouritetime of the year!
10 November 2007, 03:41
Hi Shimelle,
I am just finishing off the uks cybercrop multi media book class you ran this year. I loved that kit. I can’t wait for this class to start, by the comments I have read it sounds great fun and could well end up a family heirloom!!!!!
Also looking forward to chatting with everyone else involved.
10 November 2007, 04:29
I just signed up and am so excited! Looking forward to creating with everyone!
10 November 2007, 04:54
Hi, I love this idea! I saw the link on Ali Edwards blog. How can a girl from Australia without access to paypal join in??
10 November 2007, 07:54
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to follow the class too good but this Christmas it’s going to be special and I’ve decided that it’s worth to join it, even if I just do a few pages and continue later with them.
My brother is living in the UK and will spend a few days with us after two Xmas away, and my boyfriend, who lives down South Spain, will be here too. I’d like to “build” the best of the memories this year :-D
Thanks Shimelle!!!
10 November 2007, 14:08
I signed up and paid but have not heard back from you. I really want to do this. Please HELP!
10 November 2007, 23:12
Just signed up, can’t wait!
11 November 2007, 09:57
Highly recommended by my friend, Teresa, so I just signed up, can’t wait to start. Lois
11 November 2007, 19:34
I just signed up and can’t wait to get started. I have some friends that have done it in the past and loved it. I’m very excited about journaling our holiday in this way!
12 November 2007, 08:11
Same question here….I participated last year(I had a different email addy) Does this mean I am in this year as well?
12 November 2007, 12:12
HI! I’ve just signed up for the class…I can’t wait to start it….
12 November 2007, 12:29
I’ve just signed up and I’m very excited about it. It’ll be my first time doing anything like this.
13 November 2007, 03:21
I’m in. My DH has even said he’d like to contribute to this too. We’ve had a weird year but all continuing to be well, Christmas will be very special. So Yay!
13 November 2007, 05:58
Have looked at this for the last few year and this year decided i would join in , looking forward to it :)
13 November 2007, 13:13
I have just signed up too and am excited to get started. This has been a rough year and I “need a little Christmas”! Thanks!
13 November 2007, 16:22
hi- i signed up last week, should i have rec’d anything from you yet? thanks!
13 November 2007, 16:49
Beautiful album! I wanted to let you know that I recently posted a recap of the Stitch indie craft bazaar in Austin, Texas. I am also hosting a swag bag giveaway. I’d love for you to enter & to pass the word on to your friends!
13 November 2007, 16:51
Hi! I just signed up and can’t wait to get started! =)
13 November 2007, 17:24
I meant to ask if there was anything I need to do ahead of time to prepare for the class?
14 November 2007, 10:55
Thanks! First class with you and it sounds like FUN! Can’t wait!
14 November 2007, 20:19
YIPPEE! I can’t wait!
14 November 2007, 21:26
Hi Shimelle,
I too, am wondering if there is anything we need to get before the class starts. It’s Thanksgiving here in the States next week, so it can get crazy busy. I haven’t taken the class before, so I don’t know what to expect. Thanks!
15 November 2007, 01:56
Hi Shimelle-
I considered last year and committed this year. I enjoyed your class at CKC Seattle a couple of weeks ago and thought this sounded like fun. You’re work is so inspiring. Love the cupcakes too!
15 November 2007, 04:38
Hi Shimelle,
The 1st time I’ll take this class and so excited!
15 November 2007, 11:37
Hi there,
Have just signed and paid via paypal – very excited as I love Christmas – looking forward to getting started – this will be my first ever class !!
19 November 2007, 21:44
Just sent a pay pal for the prompts,and can’t wait. Please be sure to send them to this email, not my husband’s…who has the acct. I used! Thanks!
29 November 2007, 06:00
Can I still join this class. I did a paypal payment today
1 December 2007, 01:03
Just joined at the very last minute. I only just found out about it. Can’t wait.
1 December 2007, 03:58
Just joined, I hope that is OK. Looking forward to starting.
1 December 2007, 10:31
It took me long enough to decide to do this—but I joind today
13 December 2007, 16:30
I would like to find out its to late to sign up for the Christmas class? If I sign up will I be able to receive the prompts from the beginning?