Hello Chaos, how are you?
Supplies: All the papers and the butterflies are from the Caldera kit by The Queen of Quirk, plus these negative frames and these borders by Carina Gardner and trim from this kit by Holly McCaig.
Ever have a day that starts with extreme organisation then spirals into pure crazy? That would be today in ShimWorld. I’ve been to those places you go only when trouble abounds: two different auto repair places (and still no car outside our place) and the confidential customer service desk at the bank (where they let you sit when they don’t want all the bank patrons to know just how much they have messed up lately). I came home and opened the curtains to let the sunshine blast away all of that, only to find the window pane has been smashed. Does it put my day in perspective if I tell you I did some ironing to calm down?
Thankfully I think I have managed to put it all into perspective now: broken cars and broken glass can be fixed. It is really not that much of a big deal. If anyone ever figures out why these things throw us so much, I’d appreciate a memo.
So once upon a time, I had a plan for an exceedingly well-thought out blog post. I think that plan has been thrown far, far through that broken window. Instead, I give you assorted notes in bullet point form:
...the winner of the free place on Go To Press is Beth. I’ll be in touch with your class sign up details tomorrow morning!
...tomorrow (Wednesday) I’ll be doing a live chat at 8pm UK time // 2pm Central time. Come say hello and chat away with me! The chat will be here as part of a three day online CHA party—but we can chat about anything you like!
...the digital page above is my answer to this weekly challenge to scraplift yourself. I lifted a paper page from 2005 with a new favourite digi kit.
...and now I have a question for you! I want to update a little research I did a while back. When do you scrapbook? Weekends? Evenings? Daytime during the week? Please let me know in the comments! Thanks!
PS: This weekend. This site. Be there or be square. That’s all I’m saying for now.
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28 July 2009
Next post: So, about this weekend:
Previous post: A little bit here, a little bit there
28 July 2009, 16:53
Wow, that really is a day and a half!
Me, I scrapbook in half terms and holidays. During term time, I try to make a little time each weekend. And when I’m really on a roll, I can do a teeny bit in the evenings too. But holidays is when I really get going!
P.S – the weekend thing sounds interesting!
28 July 2009, 16:57
Oh, I’m sorry your day sucked so bad! I’d been wondering what happened to you.
I scrap mostly in the evenings, after 8:30 (kids in bed!). Not always… good intentions often evaporate into watching dvds.
28 July 2009, 16:59
Wow! Ironing to calm down – that is a bad day. Byron said something about your car catching fire, but I guess I missed it on Twitter. Just wanted to leave a note that I was thinking about you. Here’s to better days!!
28 July 2009, 17:36
I got to a weekly crop on a thurs night so thats my main set aside scrapping time. Aside from that it would be the odd evening or mornings at the weekend. I need to get better at scrapping at home.
sounds like a rubbish day, tomorrow can’t be any worse :)
28 July 2009, 17:38
I don’t have a set time for scrapbooking, it’s more as the mood takes me and when I have the time. Sorry, don’t suppose that really helps. By the way, did you buy the Silhouette in the end?
28 July 2009, 17:50
Wow what a day you have had, Still, they say the bad stuff comes in 3’s so car, window and you can pick bank or ironing, i would say it can only get better!
As for when i scrap, it is mostly evenings, after little one has gone to bed & when OH is winding up his stuff from the work day, i get a little bit of time thats purely for me!
28 July 2009, 18:19
Wow, I’ve had one of those days too… but mostly cause I’m trying to get stuff done for moving house and had to drag the screaming 4 year old around with me to places like Carpet Right and B&Q! Nothing like boring shops to get a 4 year old to misbehave!! Hope you’re feeling better now tho’... and that the car and the window get fixed pronto.
As for the scrapping… well, I don’t seem to have much time anymore! I always intend to do some once the kids are in bed, but somehow the time seems to disappear. I blame Facebook and UKScrappers!! I’m just about to pack up my scrapping stuff too, but I fully intend to get scrapping again once we’ve moved house next week! Mind you, give me a little time to unpack everything first!
28 July 2009, 19:19
I am so sorry you had such a bad day Shimelle. Just know tomorrow will be better, it has to be, right??
I haven’t scrapped anything since the beginning of June but when I do scrap it is late morning into early afternoon, my best time.
28 July 2009, 19:30
Since I work in an office during the week, it’s evenings or weekends for me. For some reason, Wednesday evenings are usually productive!
28 July 2009, 19:56
I craft at night, during afternoon kiddie nap time, and in quick bursts in the morning sometimes as time allows. I flutter in and out – totally depending on what’s up in family land.
29 July 2009, 02:11
Have to say that I scrap whenever I am inspired to…can’t seem to try to force it when I’m not motivated. Mostly the inspiration comes at night after dinner, but sometimes I have bursts of inspiration in the afternoon or morning and then I just have to go with it!
29 July 2009, 02:37
I Scrap every Saturday while my husbands at golf – so much better for my inner self than hitting a little white ball around some paddocks!
29 July 2009, 02:54
I scrap whenever I possibly can but mainly in the evenings and I also go to a monthly crop. I turned my dining room into a scrap room so I just nip in there whenever I have a bit of spare time!
29 July 2009, 03:46
I scrap really when I feel I want to – but during term time that is usually at the weekends and occasionally in the evenings. During the holidays – it can be anytime.
29 July 2009, 03:48
I scrap when ever I get the chance, no set times, during the day usually not evenings, I don’t like doing it in the dark !! I don’t go to crops, I like my own company, I know weird aren’t I.
29 July 2009, 05:58
What a sucky day. Poor you. And ironing as therapy??? Hmmmm…. Maybe try that instead of raging !!! I scrap in the evenings and DD nap time BTW!!!
29 July 2009, 09:05
Now I’m retired, I usually scrap during the day. It’s such a luxury to be doing something so relaxing when I used to be teaching! I have been known to scrap late evening if there’s a deadline to meet, but I try not to have those nowadays! Sorry about your bad day…..ah, life!!!!!!!
29 July 2009, 10:42
I don’t scrapbook nearly often enough. On the rare occasions I do, it tends to be weekends, most likely in the evening, or late Sunday afternoon.
29 July 2009, 11:31
I scrap in my head during the day while I’m at work but normally wait until after dinner in the evenings to actually get my paper out.
Would like to do more on weekend mornings before my husband wakes up but often choose longer lie-in instead.
29 July 2009, 13:32
must be a bad day when ironing is the only form of calming that will work! heres hoping ur week gets better.
i dont scrap enough at the moment…have a picture to stitch before the wedding so my uncle can take it home with him!!!!!
however, i generally scrap whenever, because i work shifts. i also get the luxury of having all day sessions as i do such long days, i get more days off…yippee.
29 July 2009, 14:18
I can’t wait for the weekend b/c I’ll be babysitting (for a couple of older kids) and I can do some scrapbooking! Yay! So you can see I do most of my scrapbooking on the weekend and evenings (but not nearly as much as I want to).
29 July 2009, 14:56
Hope you have a better day tomorrow. I think I scrap pretty much everyday and anytime of day. Whenever the urge takes me : )
29 July 2009, 18:50
Well, if it helps your day…you’ve totally made my day! :):) I’m so excited to win a place in your class. Yay!! Thanks Shimelle.
29 July 2009, 19:53
I have a hard time wedging in scrapping during the week so it’s weekends for me.
Fun to see you @ South Point. That old wind farm always makes me sad. My sons thought it was so cool that at the very moment we drove their last year, a helicopter and water crew were search and rescuing a missing diver. Life is harsh on the big island.
30 July 2009, 02:29
So sorry that day sucked so much for you!
Can’t wait for the weekend, the anticipation of something which I don’t know yet apart from the word ‘party’ is killing me!
30 July 2009, 02:52
Hi Shimelle..sorry to hear about you having such a bad day! I too would like to know how come these things throw us so much…personally I think its just our brains initial reaction to a negative action…and like you once I put things back into perspective..my world is ok again :D
As for when I scrap…mmm usually anytime I am at home and the mood strikes me…I do perfer mornings when my brain is fresh but if I have people to scrap with then anytime is great!
30 July 2009, 05:11
I mostly scrap on a Saturday and Sunday evening, although I do hold a monthly crop with 4 friends on a Wednesday evening and if I am not too exhausted/busy with housework after work during the week I may do a layout or two then!
30 July 2009, 05:32
Ironing therapy—reminds me of when I used to spend Saturday afternoons with my mom, ironing my dad’s khakis for work. Thanks for the wonderful memory! Yes, these irritations are salt on the bread of life. Gives it flavor, you know!
30 July 2009, 10:10
I scrap at funny times, OH works shifts so really depends on what he’s doing… When he’s on afternoons (working 5pm to 3am) is when i get most of my scrapping done as i have nothing to distract me – quite often end not even stopping for dinner, unless you count a bowl of cereal…
30 July 2009, 16:24
Since I don’t have a dedicated scrap space, I scrap when ever I have enough free time to pull out all of my supplies and set up the table in the Living Room. I also love to go to weekend crops where I can leave things set up overnight. Waiting for the day when my daughter goes to college and I have a spare room to use.
1 August 2009, 09:49
i tend to scrap when the ideas are flowing as my scrap room is now opposite the kitchen, i can go in and out when kids at school(well that is the idea). i sometimes get the kids to do scrapping at w/e so i can also.
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