The Scrapbook Process - A New Online Scrapbooking Class!
It’s (almost) finally time for an all new class here. It’s been a while since I’ve developed a big workshop with daily emails and all new content and a specific direction. I’m excited, and I really hope you’ll find it worth the wait!
My favourite classes all come from a key personal experience in my own crafting. Journal your Christmas came from keeping my own diary one year, Cover to Cover came from my frustration at stacks of layouts and no order and no easy way to show someone what scrapbooking could really be. Both of those experiences completely changed the way I worked going forward, and I’ve had more changes in the past year as I got my head round this craft again. The changes all came in my process, and most importantly realising that one single process is not the way I work best on every project.
I kept coming back to this word, process, and it wasn’t lost on me that a film of a scrapbook page being made from start to finish is now commonly known as a process video. We tend to think of a process video as just one layout being created, and like I talked about so much in Cover to Cover, one layout at a time is not where I find the greatest value in this craft. I love the book in scrapbook. I needed a way to go beyond the page at a time of a process video and share how each of those layouts is just one small part of my process of creating a bigger and more valuable project. That’s where this class comes into fruition.
The Scrapbook Process is an online class that begins Monday the 2nd of May 2016 and runs through to the end of the month. It includes 22 videos, each accompanied by a PDF, emailed directly to you Monday to Friday, plus a weekly review sheet for weekends to help you put the ideas into practice with your own scrapping, no matter the style or subjects you scrap. The class also includes a private forum to chat and share your work with other participants, and you’re welcome to email me at any time to discuss anything you’d rather not take to the full group. Like all classes, this course comes with permanent access, which is something I take very seriously and I’m happy to discuss with you if you have any questions about what that means here. I’ve been teaching online for twelve years now and all of those classes have archives available to the participants. Work at any pace and return at any time, so if the schedule of materials throughout May doesn’t suit you, you can make it work with a better time on your calendar.
In those twenty-two videos, I’ll take you through three specific albums in depth, including creating new pages (one and two page layouts are both covered) as well as other relevant topics dealing with printing photos, selecting supplies, and writing your stories. One is a plain old family chronological album with no specific theme and the other two albums have a narrower focus, but I promise you do not need to have an album with a similar topic to apply the ideas to whatever themes you want to document. Each of the three albums has a different process, each with its pros and cons, each with its way of being just right for a given situation. You may find one process is the best for how you work or you may find it useful to flit from one to the other. Both options are worthwhile! Along the way, we will talk extensively about making it your process, and that means that everything is just how it works best for you, from choosing what to scrap to creating the embellishments on your page. This is definitely not a ‘now do this just like me’ class and more a class for picking, choosing, and adapting to find things that not only work for you right now but invigorate your process and leave you wanting to push everything else aside and scrap!
There are no specific supplies needed for this course, and it’s quite likely you’ll want to use supplies you already have on hand.
I’ll share a bit more about The Scrapbook Process throughout April as we near the first day of class, but I think that’s enough food for thought for now. The class is $30 US dollars or £20 UK pounds, and if neither of those is your currency you can click on either option and it will automatically convert to your currency. XE gives currency exchange rates if you want to see what that works out to in numbers that make sense in other countries.
To sign up in US Dollars:
To sign up in UK Pounds:
Thank you so much for the tremendous response to the early bird offer. I had hoped to open the forum today but today we have been finding a remedy for a technical hiccup that was preventing some participants from accessing their classes. First thing Tuesday, I will verify that everything is indeed working and open the forum! Don’t worry, there are no class materials until the 2nd of May, so it’s just for friendly chat between now and then.
Happy scrapping!
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11 April 2016, 22:15
I’m very excited for this new class. I loved Cover to Cover and am looking forward to going to the next phase of turning my pages into books.
12 April 2016, 14:49
I am thrilled beyond words to participate in another Shimelle class! I can’t wait! I gave a little shout yesterday when I got the email! (scared the dawg!) I want to say thank you for having pdfs along with the video! PDFs provide a non-internet way for me to have a quick review of the class! I truly review all your class PDF’s routinely for inspiration! THANKS for ALL the inspiration you are providing us!!!
12 April 2016, 16:59
So glad I signed up “blind” for this class, and like Lisa I’m very happy that you are still using pdf files with the videos. I barely get time to watch the videos with my full attention, just what happens with 2 nosey 4.5 year olds around! ;) So reading something printed or on my tablet/phone makes things easier and more enjoyable for me. :)
12 April 2016, 17:56
I am so excited to be taking your class online…hugs, Julierose
13 April 2016, 01:55
I’m so excited for this class I’m dancing around the room throwing confetti in the air. Well, at least in my head I am. :)
3 May 2016, 20:24
Hello, I signed up for the class a few days ago. I haven’t received any details on how to view the class details. I have sent an email but no reply. Please could someone get in touch? Thanks, Hannah
6 May 2016, 09:59
I signed up as well for the class a few days ago. I haven’t received any details on how to view the class details either. I have sent an email but no reply. How long does it take to get a confirmation? Thanks!
19 May 2016, 12:20
Hi Shimelle, I signed up for this class a few days ago, I was just wondering if I wait for your email to start like with past classes. I’m so excited to start watching your wonderful videos. :)
3 June 2016, 22:56
Where is the final video? Hope everything is okay.
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