Coming soon: a scrapbooking masterclass
a fourth layout with supplies just from the April Best of Both Worlds kit. This was the last I could do with full sheets of paper, so the remaining projects will include some non-kit items too.
Happy Friday! My Friday has been a waiting game… waiting to share something new with you! If you’ve listened to the latest Paperclipping Roundtable podcast, you heard my first announcement of something new coming up around here. It’s called Scrapbook Concentration.
I love teaching full classes, and I have two in the works at the moment: one that will debut quite soon and a second booked for later in the summer. But full classes take a lot of time to develop and a long time to devote as a student playing along. For quite some time I’ve been looking for a way to have something in between: something that would give you some quality instruction – in-depth discussion of one specific topic – but still be something you could do on one day rather than devoting several weeks. I’ve figured it out, and the new things available in the realm of video have opened up some new opportunities. Scrapbook Concentration will be a series of scrapbooking masterclasses in a video format. Each one is about two hours, broken into six segments that are each about twenty minutes long. No PDFs, no list of assignments. Also no waiting for me to process your registration. For Scrapbook Concentration, you can just purchase the video and then you’ll have access to it straight away, and the purchase price includes online viewing as many times as you want and any time you want for a year. You can also download the video to have a copy you can watch offline – including on your iPad, phone, or whatever you fancy – and that won’t expire at the end of the year, so you can keep it forever at that same price. I know some of you have been unhappy about video content that was online-only in the past, because streaming video can be painful when you have a slow internet connection! I definitely feel your pain. This new option will eliminate that problem because you can just download it (overnight if needed) and then have a copy to watch any time without worrying about access to fast internet.
This is a little different for me because it means I’m hosting the video content through a different set-up than I’ve used before, and at the moment everything is submitted and waiting for their approval, and then it will go live! I’m not sure if that approval comes from a person or if it’s a machine – so I don’t know if things get approved over the weekend. It’s a mystery to me for this first run! But as soon as it is live, I will definitely let you know, and if you choose to sign up, then I hope you enjoy it!
While there are no PDFs for Scrapbook Concentration, I know many of you enjoy having the class forum to discuss your projects amongst yourselves! So I have a little compromise for this. If you have taken any online class in the last six or seven years, you will have an account on the class forum. All forum members will have access to a discussion board for each Scrapbook Concentration video. Basically, that means there is a forum for you to discuss this if you have taken at least one class. Of course you’re welcome to purchase the video without ever having taken a full class! It’s just that the system for giving you that instant access to Scrapbook Concentration is different to the method where I personally process your registration and account for any full class here, so that’s why the forum is a bit of a compromise. For those of you who already use the class forum, you’ll have the extra benefit of having a designated place to chat.
One further clarification – this is completely separate to the videos and layouts that come from the Best of Both Worlds kits. Those videos will always be free. I use a range of other supplies in the video, and I can see about putting a product list up in the forum if that’s something you think would be helpful. But it’s very much designed to be adapted to your own supplies rather than needing to find the exact same stuff. The idea behind all my classes is always to leave you able to take the lessons forward with your own work so you can create happily and confidently on your own! (Yes, that school teacher side of me is still here. She is very happy she doesn’t have to grade exam papers or stay late for detention in the scrapbooking world!)
So… until I get this magic message that says everything is ready, I have to wait! I can tell you that this first Scrapbook Concentration focuses on layering, and it breaks things down to several different styles and techniques of layering, discusses how it can be easier and more efficient on your supplies than you think, and includes tips for adapting the ideas to your own style. You can choose if you really want to spend two hours watching it straight through, or if you would prefer to watch segment by segment, in twenty minute blocks that each give you something specific to try.
I’m very excited to offer this new masterclass approach, and I hope you enjoy it! More details here as soon as it’s live!
Have a beautiful and safe weekend!
Read more about:
Next post: Confetti Pockets:: A Scrapbook Tutorial by Stephanie Bryan
Previous post: Gardeners' Digest scrapbooking blog hop (May 2013)

24 May 2013, 17:43
I’m so excited! I’m definitely on the sign up list!
24 May 2013, 17:59
this class sounds cool. I will definitely be signing up. Thanks!
24 May 2013, 18:14
This sounds so exciting and innovative! THanks! Can’t wait!
24 May 2013, 18:31
So excited. Such innovation. Can’t wait and I will definitely be signing up :)
24 May 2013, 18:33
the wait is always worth it.
sign me up!
for anything you teach, actually!
24 May 2013, 18:42
Sounds fabulous! Just wondering – have you had a chance to share the other pages you’ve made using the April Best of Both Worlds kit? would love to see them!!
24 May 2013, 18:43
This sounds awesome! Any idea what the cost will be? And this will be ongoing? Any idea how often you will offer new ones?
24 May 2013, 18:43
From what you described on PRT I am waiting with baited breath! Can’t wait to see what your new classes are too … any sneaks? :)
24 May 2013, 19:05
as always it sounds really gr8 Shimelle. I love ur classes in whatever format and I have gr8 fun learning new techniques and reflecting on my style,
Jo xxx
24 May 2013, 19:06
This sounds spectacular. I love the format and am excite for this first installment! I will almost definitely sign up!
24 May 2013, 19:08
More classes by Shimelle? Be still, my beating heart! Can’t wait!
24 May 2013, 19:08
Like the sounds of this, when can we sign up
24 May 2013, 19:10
This sounds fantastic! I can’t wait to watch the first video! In the meantime, I’ll catch up on Glitter Girl!
24 May 2013, 20:42
Sounds fantastic! Can’t wait to see the new classes you have coming up as well!
24 May 2013, 22:46
Oh yes count me in.
24 May 2013, 22:53
Hummm, a late scrapbooking detention sounds pretty good to me. ;)
Seriously, though, glad to see you offering new classes, Shimelle.
25 May 2013, 00:05
Very exciting! I can’t wait to take this class, you’re such a wonderful teacher and I always get so much out of your videos.
25 May 2013, 00:43
Great idea and I can’t wait to see it. Good luck with the upload :)
25 May 2013, 02:00
So excited! Can’t wait to sign up!
25 May 2013, 03:11
Sounds great!!
25 May 2013, 03:36
can’t wait.
25 May 2013, 03:49
This sounds just wonderful. Also that we can download the videos to watch them when and whereever I like.
25 May 2013, 04:08
This really sounds great! Looking forward to it, Shimelle! x
25 May 2013, 04:48
Looking forward to seeing more details, cost etc!
25 May 2013, 05:06
As always looking forward to it! I love your videos!
25 May 2013, 05:13
Fabulous idea! Looking forward to it.
25 May 2013, 06:30
Sounds great Shimelle , I can’t wait to join up :)
25 May 2013, 06:47
Oooh. Perfect. Videos I can download and watch in my (internet-free) holiday
25 May 2013, 07:57
This sounds delightful as I don’t have the time for a full class but I could fit this in on a random day off! Looking forward to it.
25 May 2013, 08:03
Sounds great, will be signing up for sure.
Thanks Shimelle I love your stuff and look forward to learning more!
25 May 2013, 10:34
This sounds like a great idea to be able to get help in certain areas. I’m looking forward to further details – I NEED the layering one! Thanks Shimelle. Maria
25 May 2013, 11:11
Sounds exciting. Not sure whether you meant it was an ongoing course that you sign-up for once or if it is per ‘masterclass’. Perhaps you could clarify when you are ready with the rest of the signup details? Looking forward to it, thanks.
25 May 2013, 15:28
I can’t wait! This sounds fantastic, especially the downloadable videos.
25 May 2013, 15:46
I can’t even keep up with all of the great ideas and tips you are sharing here and @2peas – but will still sign up anyway :-)
25 May 2013, 17:19
More inspiration from you! Yay! And videos! Yay!
25 May 2013, 20:14
Was just listening to PRT and thinking that I wish you had talked more, then you said you had a whole 2 hour video about layering for us! Woo hoo! Can’t wait.
25 May 2013, 21:03
Sounds like so much fun! Can’t wait until we can sign up!
26 May 2013, 07:12
Sounds very good, Shim!! Looking forward to more info! :D
26 May 2013, 10:04
This sounds great! Looking forward to it. Thanks for your time and talent.
27 May 2013, 00:21
Excited about a new class!
27 May 2013, 01:05
I can’t wait to see more details about the Masterclass. I really like the idea of being able to download the videos to play at a later date, when and wherever we want. Also looking forward to the new online course. Thanks for all your work on these.
27 May 2013, 11:55
This sounds great. I am looking forward to it. I also want to tell you how much I am enjoying the Scrapbook Remix class. I can credit you, Shimelle (and of course GG), for ehancing my scrapbooking skills and also helping me to develop my own style. On top of all the other fundamentals in Scrapbook Remix, I am really appreciating the one collection approach in most lessons. It has given me a new way to look at an entire collection and break-it apart (theorectically speaking) into different elements, colours, moods, etc.
You are a FABULOUS teacher!
27 May 2013, 13:02
so excited.
27 May 2013, 14:18
Can’t wait!
27 May 2013, 15:20
Very excited and waiting impatiently for you to get your approval!!! Videos on demand…excellent :)
27 May 2013, 21:25
still waiting……….
7 June 2013, 10:10
Has this started yet? Where do I sign up?
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