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Scrapbooking challenge :: Chop up your paper

scrapbooking challenge :: chop up your paper
scrapbooking challenge :: chop up your paper
When you shop for scrapbooking supplies, do you tend to go for the paper first or the embellishments? As much as I love embellishments, I’m definitely a paper girl. And every once in a while that means I end up with paper from a collection and none of the embellishments, which requires a slightly different tactic. Something brave like… chopping up the paper.

This layout is embellished almost entirely from one sheet of paper – this sheet from Pink Paislee’s Soiree collection – cut into plenty of smaller pieces, including some added with pop dots for dimension in the layers. Aside from the metal flag, everything at the left was a case of cutting different elements from a single sheet of paper and layering them within a certain space on the layout. If layering is a little new to your style and many of your pages are a bit more linear, devoting a certain space on the page (especially in a rectangle) can allow you to try a new technique without completely changing the look of your album’s overall flow.

Here’s your challenge: Create a project (layout, card, etc) that is embellished with paper rather than embellishments. Take a piece of paper (or two) and chop it up until you have enough to dress up your page!

Many thanks to Pink Paislee for sponsoring this challenge! You can find them on Facebook and Twitter.

One entry will be selected to win a prize pack of Mistables from Pink Paislee. Entries close at midnight next Sunday (21st August 2011).

Feel free to use the comment section to chat about this challenge, as the entries should go in the linky widget!

13 August 2011

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84 Comments for Scrapbooking challenge :: Chop up your paper

  1. Jennifer Smith-Sloane Says:

    Time to use up all those scraps or “perfect paper”! You can all do this one!

  2. lynn Says:

    I tend to select papers first to go with my photo, the look at what I have in the way of embellishments.

  3. Angie Gutshall Says:

    Now this is a challenge LOL! I will have to see what I can find to cut up.

  4. Angelfish Says:

    This is right up my street! I tend to choose papers I like, but can’t always afford all the pretties that go with them. I did two LOs of my daughter, earlier this year, just using patterned paper:)

  5. Fay Says:

    I’ve got a piece of paper in mind, but it might suit a card rather than a LO. Off for some lunch and a ponder!!!

  6. Shannon H. Says:

    This will be fun! Off to search my stash for the perfect paper!

  7. Sarah S Says:

    Took me a while to find the digi paper I could cut for how I envisaged the page to be and in the end did a DLO. All the flowers are cut from the PP I chose. Thanks for making me look at the digi papers in a new light xx

  8. Christine Rickert Says:

    Love that you are sending us back to our stash of favorite papers!Am starting there first.Always tend to get carried away with “the search for the perfect paper and supplies-losing precious scrappin time. Thanks, Shimelle for the inspiration LO.

  9. Mel Says:

    Bravey needed indeed! I always save my scraps but have never hacked a paper to bits intentionally. Great challenge.

  10. Jill Says:

    Oooh, tricky, but fun! Tx for the challenge!

  11. Cheri Says:

    I’m a paper girl too – in fact, I don’t really use many embellishments when I’m scrapping!

  12. AllisonLP Says:

    oh my! this sounds hard, but I’ll give it a try!

  13. Lisa M. Zepponi Says:

    hmm…I think this is going to be a bit of a challenge for me. But I am up for it! THanks for making me think outside of the box!

  14. Ladkyis Says:

    oooh and I am into the concertina flowers at the moment sooo…..

  15. ConnieC Says:

    Thanks for another great inspiration. I love pattern paper, too.

  16. Scrapdolly Says:

    I loved this challenge and even cut into one of my last remaining sheets of one of my all time favourite papers. Never gets any easier cutting paper …. gulp!

  17. Linda S Says:

    This is going to be a great challenge for me because I am a texture, lumpy, bumpy scrapbooker. Thanks for pushing my creativity outside of my box!

  18. Nathalie Says:

    Another lovely page and a great challenge for which I already have an idea! :)

  19. marianne Says:

    Another paper lover here! Sometimes, it’s just too pretty to use, let alone cut up (gasp!). I know that I have plenty to use for this challenge though. ***Scrapdolly—I applaud you for slicing up your most favorite!

  20. Fay Says:

    Found a different sheet in the end which was perfect – great challenge!

  21. Sabine Says:

    What a challenge! But in the end I found a matching paper and I have used lots of punches… and two little brads and tiny bit of twine… hope that’s allowed…

  22. Kim Strother Says:

    I’m a paper girl too! Hum…I’ll have to see what paper I have…

  23. Trisha H Says:

    Great way to use up the giant bag of scraps sitting next to my workspace that I am usually too scared to delve into!

  24. Jenny A Says:

    Love this challenge! I have LOTS of paper that needs cutting up!

  25. Kim Thomas Says:

    I love the idea to try something new in a small section of your layout. That should freshen things up a bit. Thanks for the idea!

  26. Mandy Says:

    This one was hard but I did prove that if I ever need to scrap on a budget I could use only paper and a bit of ink, I, scrapped a photo of me which makes me very happy!!

  27. Louise Wood Says:

    Loved this challenge, finally managed a Clean and Simple LO I’m happy with. Thanks for the challenge.

  28. Ginny Says:

    I made an error in posting the link. Link number 11 needs to be removed. It is the link for another challenge. I couldn’t figure out any way to delete it.

  29. Carrie Says:

    I tend to stick with paper lately, but I think it is more economical than lack of want. This one might be tricky!

  30. jennifer grace Says:

    Ooh, I like this challenge. I used to cut up paper to embellish my pages a lot, but lately I’ve been handmaking embellies in other ways – by crocheting flowers etc. It’s going to be fun doing it with paper. Now I have to hunt out a good sheet to cut into! x

  31. Georgia Says:

    I found that I did not have a lot of paper that would lend itself to this. I love paper but go more for an overall abstract design. I did enjoy coming up with something from my stash.

  32. dogmatix Says:

    O, I have just got into this big time. I love making embellishments with my patterned paper. Especially now I have got over the fear of cutting it.

  33. Carolyn Says:

    I love cutting paper up – it makes it go further! I love to layer paper, often from different manufactures and collections, but tend to rely on various pieces of paper or a grid rather than cutting shapes and making paper embellishments, so I will see if I can stretch myself with this.

  34. Kristin Says:

    Seriously, you have the funnest challenges ever and I totally hear you when it comes to having paper and then no embellishments from the same collection. I totally go for the paper first and love cutting up paper and utilizing reverse sides.

  35. anneberit Says:

    Thanks for all the fun challenges posted today, I’ve had so much fun and will be back tomorrow (after work). I might have bend the rules a little with my entry for this challenge though, I got carried away with the papers, the colors, the grid (not for the grid challenge, mind you) and all. At least I used almost nothing else than paper on the layout :D But I did use bits and pieces from 4 or 5 different sheets…

  36. Cynthia Says:

    Oi! This one was hard for me! Definitely a challenge, but I think I managed to create a cool page!

  37. Rebecca Says:

    Your page is absolutely beautiful, Shimelle! I love that paper. I’m having to go with simple this weekend, and this actually came together pretty easily, mostly because I only used that one piece of paper to embellish! :) Thanks!

  38. Jane Says:

    You are pushing my boundaries Shimelle – I’ve never done this before but guess this is as good a time as any to start. Great fun.

  39. Shannon H. Says:

    Found the perfect paper for this challenge and just finished my layout. I love how it turned out! So much amazing inspiration this weekend, I love it!

  40. Sarah Says:

    Thank you. I have done the challenge and linked to my blog . The photo I have scrapped is one that I said I wanted to scrap from the start of the crop.

  41. shire Says:

    This was kind of difficult for me, but now my layout ist on my blog :) Thanks for the inspiration.
    Greetings, Inga

  42. Cindy Says:

    At first I thought this was going to be very very hard – I have never only used 1 paper for everything!! Came out OK. Just added 1 bit of bling! I will try this again!

  43. Chipper Says:

    Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Using scissors and glue … aren’t these are fundamental basics???? I love to cut paper and am going to have to rummage for something special. I once got flooded and lost most of my papers that I had been “saving” because they were too nice to cut up … NEVER again!

    I have a friend who can’t bring herself to cut up the papers from a particular brand. She has every single one of them that they have ever made all stored by collection. But to her they are too beautiful to cut up and use incase she makes a mistake. So I bought her some and MADE her use it. She loved it, but still can’t bring herself to cut up the ones she has bought! LOL We all have our strange quirks … mine is no longer hoarding paper that is too precious to cut.

  44. heather Says:

    added my link :)

  45. Kirsteen Says:

    Ooh I love this challenge, I tend to be an embellishments first kinda gal, where I fall in love the bits and pieces rather than the paper first. In fact, if I don’t like the embellies but I like the papers I’m unlikely to buy them at all because I’d think ‘but what will I use as embellishments?’ :p So this challenege is perfect for me – can’t wait to give it a try.

  46. jessica c Says:

    I added my link!

  47. Debbie Wilby Says:

    I wanted to use this paper for ages, but just didn’t know how to get the best out of it! Well as you can see I only have scraps left! Yet another great idea Shim!

  48. Julia Says:

    Nothing like a bit of hand cutting to de-stress you!!

  49. Donna Says:

    I loved this challenge! I had the perfect piece of paper which I would probably have never used. Thanks Shimelle.

  50. Jennifer Smith-Sloane Says:

    Love how everyone is thinking outside the box! I used paper all over mine but had to ad a bit of twine for the final look. Loving what I’m seeing and it’s inspiring me to make more!

  51. marianne Says:

    Pink glitter Thickers make everything better! here is my page.

  52. Kim Strother Says:

    I hope my entry counts, I went outside the box here and I cut up my paper to make a mini album. I love it, so either way, it’s a win for me! Thanks for pusing me beyond my creative tallent, it’s that push that I’ve been thriving on all weekend and I’m getting more layouts done that I ever have!

  53. Jenny McGee Says:

    I had fun cutting up my pretty pattern paper. So bright and cheerful. Thanks.

  54. Cathy Green Says:

    Have uploaded my page for this challenge, am definitely using up some old stash doing these challenges…

  55. Natalie Elphinstone Says:

    Love this idea for stretching your paper stash further!

  56. Angie Says:

    This was good fun though the colours aren’t my usual choice. I won the papers a while ago and they were perfect for this challenge.

  57. ifa Says:

    I’ve enjoyed chopping up my patterned papers for this challenge. Thank you.

  58. emma clark Says:

    must admit this page took me a few attempts. I changed my mind quite a few times, but got there eventually by simplifying what I was trying to do. thanks Shimelle xxx

  59. Jan Says:

    I had the perfect paper and the perfect photos to participate. Thanks again for the inspiration, Shimelle!

  60. Jenny A Says:

    I just uploaded mine! This was harder than I thought. I don’t know why it’s so hard to cut up paper – lol!

  61. Jo Says:

    I loved this challenge, I always buy papers for the ‘mileage’ I can get out of them and I just love to chop them up!

  62. So.Creative Says:

    I had a really great time doing this layout using pieces of MyLittleShoeBox papers! Thanx for this funny & excellent challenge ;-)
    Let’s see it on my blog!

  63. Peggy Says:

    I love hacking up paper to make embellishments; it appeals to my inner cheap-skate. I also love Pink Paislee Mistables (pick me!)

  64. rockchickhelen Says:

    This challenge was definately challenging!

  65. Bethan Says:

    Found this one hard. I love my embellishments too much.

  66. Sylvie H Says:

    I love cutting embellies from paper. I do it all the time! Thanks for the challenge!

  67. Virginia Says:

    Morning Shimelle, thoroughly enjoyed this challenge its been an age since I last did something like this so thank you for reminding me of the technique!

  68. Alison Says:

    I tried to make myself use only one sheet of single sided paper to see how far I could make it go! But the challenge said you could use a sheet or two, so I did, I even used the offcuts from the side of my Tim Holtz die to make the little buds as per Julie’s LO, and another one of Mary Anne’s journal boxes from the printable challenge (how handy have they turned out to be already!)

    Scrapdolly I share your pain <LOL> I almost need to lay in a darkened room for an hour after I cut into a sheet of my very special paper too!!!!

    Another fab challenge Shimelle – Thank you so much!

  69. Immi Says:

    This was a hard one for me, but I’m glad I did it!

  70. Jill Says:

    I have been scrapping like mad at night trying to work on these challenges! Today I don’t have to work so will be finally uploading some of them. This challenge was so fun!!

  71. Jenny Says:

    I liked this challenge although found it hard. I liked the fact I just grabbed a sheet of paper and didn’t think twice about keeping it to stroke, just went and cut it up straight away – then found the photo!

  72. Sabine Says:

    Really like the way you created this layout. I think I have to buy these papers.

  73. Ann Says:

    Had some Sassafrass fun with this challenge and an 11 year old photo of my baby (who is now a teenage monster!)

  74. Lynne Says:

    Well this one gave my memory a jog and I used up an old (but oh so pretty) page kit I have had for so long I cant even remember where it came from!! thanks again
    I cant quite believe that I have entered 3 different challenges.

  75. summer201 Says:

    I love it…..

  76. Nancylee Says:

    I added some pps to what is already laid out to this paper and just followed the lines to it…

  77. Jane Says:

    One piece of paper = one layout – who would have thought?

  78. Natalie G Says:

    This was my favourite challenge! I loved this photo and wanted a LO to do it justice – whoever thought that I would manage that with a single sheet of paper! Thanks Shimelle – great challenge!

  79. TrĂ­ona Says:

    Found this the most difficult challenge, but in the end am very happy with my page :)

  80. Anne Says:

    Loved this challenge, especially since I am a paper lover and hoarder. Was able to combine this with your 4×6 Photo Love Class and am very happy with the way it turned out. Thank you so much, Shimelle – you are so talented and such a mentor!

  81. Daphne Says:

    Ah, I did it! This was my last challenge – but I promise better pictures tomorrow! xxx

  82. AndreaHB Says:

    Oh, I like to use only pieces of paper on my traditional los but passed on this one due to working digitally.

  83. Jen Clark Says:

    This one was great, but I hope you’re not considering it ‘cheating’ that I’ve combined this one with the 4×6 sketch for July!! :) ~Jen

  84. Daphne Says:

    Here is the post with a better picture
