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a stamped card and details on the online scrapbooking weekend

a stamped card and details for the online scrapbooking weekend
handmade stamped card woodgrain
Three things today:
A. Today is the ninth. That means tomorrow is the tenth. And we do 10 Things on the tenth. (I say we because you’re totally invited to join in the fun.)

handmade stamped card woodgrain
2. I am totally in love with this woodgrain stamp from American Crafts stamped in vintage photo distress ink on kraft cardstock. I love it. I made this card with it, but also one of the challenge layouts for this weekend.

handmade stamped card woodgrain
D. This weekend is the online crop! It’s totally free and you’re invited to take part with your own stash and choose any and all challenges you would like to enter.

Want to know a little more?
There are ten formal challenges, each with an amazing sponsor donating a prize. That means you can win fabulous stuff from the likes of Jenni Bowlin Studio, American Crafts, Studio Calico, Lily Bee, Cosmo Cricket, BasicGrey, Pink Paislee and more! Each of these requires participating in a layout challenge to enter and win. (By the way, those links all go to their Facebook pages. Go click the like button for all your favourites!)

There are three comment-to-win giveaways with a variety of prizes. Each has its own rules, but they are all just a comment for an entry – no crafting required.

There are also mini-lessons with crafting techniques, photography tips and journaling prompts. Some may have prizes, some not. I’m not telling just yet.
There are some special offers for shopping available only during the weekend. Again… not telling just yet.

Everyone is welcome to participate – you can be just starting to scrap or scrapping for ages, paper or digital, single page or double. It’s all in good fun. The posts run Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but you will have more time than that to complete the challenges so it doesn’t need to be a mad dash to the finish line.

handmade stamped card woodgrain
Oh, and one other thing. I have $100 to give away. $100 scrapbooking shopping spree to Two Peas in a Bucket, which sounds pretty fun to me. One person will win that to spend on whatever she wants in the Two Peas store. You know, just a choice of more than 12,000 things. But you’ll have to turn up Friday to find out how you can win the $100 gift certificate, okay?

But seriously? I can’t wait to scrapbook with you all weekend long!


09 August 2011

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48 Comments for a stamped card and details on the online scrapbooking weekend

  1. Kate W Says:

    Oooh that card is SO CUTE!
    Love that stamp!

  2. alissa Says:

    sounds like a grand time!
    too bad i’ll be at work all weekend, but i will be checking in with you all! :)

  3. LisaE Says:

    Sounds fantastic!

  4. Julie Says:

    I cant wait either! Sounds like fun.

  5. Kai Says:

    Oooh, I love the card and that stamp! I will be back tomorrow for 10 things and Friday fo’ sho’ to see the craziness goin’ on! :)

  6. Sue Says:

    Gorgeous Card

  7. Mel Says:

    Hey sounds like great fun, will be joining in for the first time. Yay. And thanks for all those goddies to win.

  8. Lisa M. Zepponi Says:

    sweet card! Can’t wait for Friday! Sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun! AND there are going to be prizes! WOW! Thanks!

  9. Carly Says:

    Ooh, that sounds like so much fun. I’m excited!!

  10. Daphne Says:

    Sounds like I will be busy the week after because I can’t take part at the actual days! Have fun ladies! xxx

  11. Jennie Says:

    That card embellie is wonderful. I didn’t know you do an online crop…I feel a sickie coming on. No not really that would be wrong, but I will be taking a sickie in spirit as i am working all weekend and prepping for my Olympics Volunteer interview on monday-yikes.

    I wish you all the best and I better make sure I check in for the prizes. Very generous of you Shimelle, thanks. Jen xx

  12. Sabbyscrap Says:

    Ooooooh, that sounds like a lot of fun! Wonderful cards and can’t wait for the weekend ahead! Cheers, S.

  13. Jimjams Says:

    Just got my 10 on the 10th post ready and was excited to read you have more to share this weekend – thank you ♥

  14. Nathalie Says:

    Sounds like a ton of fun!!! I will checking it out throughout the weekend!

  15. Jane Says:

    Should be a wonderful weekend of crafty goodness Shimelle – can’t wait!!

  16. Barb in AK Says:

    WooooHoooo! I am NOT working this weekend, so I should be able to join in! So anxious to see all you have to share and challenge us with! What time do we start?

  17. AllisonLP Says:

    The anticipation mounts. This will be my first time, but I can’t wait!

  18. Melissa Says:

    Yay!! I will actually be home and able to participate this weekend!

    As an aside- I know we can substitute products, etc, but I just LOVE it when someone posts a project that I like AND that I already have all the same supplies for. Sometimes that’s just fun…and I happen to have that stamp and that ink and kraft cardstock, so I’ll definitely be giving this a try!

  19. Bunnyfreak Says:

    This sounds awesome.

  20. shire Says:

    Ooooh, I am excited!! I cant wait till weekend :)

  21. Joy Says:

    Can’t wait! I am looking forward to seeing the challenges.

  22. Melissa Says:

    Really looking forward to this – I’ve got a crazy schedule Friday, but I’ll catch up on all the posts Saturday.

  23. Rebecca Says:

    What an adorable card!! I can’t wait for the weekend!!!

  24. Nora Latip Says:

    Can’t wait for tomorrow! Need to destash and have some fun!

  25. Carol Says:

    Super cute card – looking forward to the weekend!

  26. Shemaine Smith Says:

    Oh this sounds like tons of fun! I’m in!!

  27. Jackie Pocock Says:

    Sounds fabulous and I have a crop on Saturday so can work on some of this then.

  28. Linda Says:

    I really need this. My poor scrap supplies have been lonely for months!

  29. joanne p Says:

    sounds super fun, can’t wait.

  30. Brenda Weaver Says:

    sounds like great fun! I hope too be able to participate!

  31. ROBYN Says:

    Just what I need to get my lost mojo back…can’t wait

  32. Elizabeth W Says:

    So timely, Shimelle, I have so gotten out of the way of scrapbooking and was just planning to do something about it – your weekend sounds ideal so hoping to join in. Elizabeth

  33. BARB T Says:

    I love that woodgrain stamp too. It is on my list of needs. Excited about the weekend and hope to squeeze in some scrap time. I need a push to get going again, and this might be it.

  34. Beth Chepil Says:

    never done this before. think i will give it a try for at least a day. not sure at all what to do…. BTW – the wood grain stamp is very cool. Did my basement with a wood graining tool. love. it.

  35. Michelle Says:

    I’m so looking forward to being a part of this over the weekend.

  36. nitasha Says:

    Count me in! Can’t wait to scrap the weekend away!

  37. Ana Smith Says:

    i’m going to try this….i really need some help to get up and go scrapbook!

  38. Scrapnanny Says:

    What great timing, It’s me and my DD at home this weekend, I was going to spend today sorting out some projects to entertain her with, now I don’t have to. Thanks Shimelle, off to do a bit of DHW then I will be sorted.

  39. Elaine J Says:

    The weekend sounds fun unfortunately it’s a bit hectic for me this weekend. I will try to check in as I’ve completely lost my mojo lately with scrapping and have been concentrating on card making.

  40. Belinda Says:

    altough i am working, looking forward to a challenge. so i will check in daily and most likely finish projects during the week. might just surprise myself and finish it on “time”.

  41. Jens Says:

    can’t wait :)

  42. Chipper Says:

    It’s my birthday weekend, can’t think of a better way to spend it :-)
    A great way to brighten my working weekend. Thank you for putting this together for us all.

  43. angel Says:

    Sounds ggreatShimelle! Tks for the invitation :) so how do i get to the online crop? LOL this will be my first one!

  44. Kim Says:

    My time is limited but I will look in and see what’s happening. back to work on Monday

  45. Rachel Houltram Says:

    I have come home from work early just to get started on this – soooo excited!

  46. Sandy B Says:

    Sounds like a good inspiration weekend!

  47. Sharon Says:

    Looking forward to getting my mojo back with this!

  48. Michael Vick Jersey Says:

    I got really emotional reading this post! It is so amazing to read your story. I’m extremely inspired and as a reader I’ve enjoyed being distantly along for the ride!
