Journal your Christmas
The holidays are just around the corner and in my world that means one thing for certain: it’s time to journal even more.
It’s something that started small. One year it was just me and my pen and my book, trying to take back Christmas and rediscover my love of the holiday after a few years when Christmas lacked a certain sparkle. The second Christmas, I shared the idea with a small group of crafty friends, just to see if this reclaiming idea was something that made sense outside of my head. It did. And from there, Journal your Christmas became an online class that I shared with the rest of the world. And by ‘rest of the world’, I mean we now have Christmas journallers from more than forty countries.
This is the most magical time of the year, so it’s time to make Journal your Christmas just a bit more magical yet.
Like every year, Journal your Christmas includes daily prompts from the 1st of December to the 6th of January, the twelfth day of Christmas. The 37 illustrated PDF files are delivered straight to your inbox so you can read them over your first cup of coffee and mull over each topic for a full day. There’s also an archive of the class materials online in case you can’t get to your email or in case something dreadful happens to your computer. And like every year, you can go it alone or be as social as you like, with a private discussion forum where you’ll find other Christmas journallers who will cheer you on and share your excitement, but if you prefer to stick to the prompts only, that’s completely fine too. And like every year, if you’re participated once, you can join us every Christmas for as long as you like at no extra cost.
But what’s not like every year? Well, there’s definitely a bit of extra kick this year. A few kicks, perhaps.
A kick-start for your writing…
Journal your Christmas isn’t just for crafty types. If you love to write or want to improve your writing, you’ll have thirty-seven different topics for daily journal entries, whether you use your favourite pen, a typewriter ribbon or a blog to compile your stories. Each prompt offers a few quick tips for making your story that little bit more memorable.
A kick-start for your photography…
Rather document Christmas through your viewfinder than by picking up a pen every day? Or just wishing your Christmas photos had a bit more sparkle? This year we’ve got experts on board! Fabulous photographers share their secrets for taking your holiday photos to the next level, from family portraits to Christmas lights to making Christmas morning photos into works of art.
A kick-start for your crafting…
For the past few years, the daily prompts have featured one or two scrapbook pages per day to provide visual stimulation for you crafty types. This year the visuals get a big kick: you’ll see more than 250 amazing pages over the 37 days, and that doesn’t include the hundreds more you can view in real time as participants share their work online.
So can you handle all that kick into the best Christmas ever? Sign ups are open now. I hope you’ll join us this Christmas — or gift the class to a friend!
Read more about:
Next post: Two days and counting!
Previous post: Skrapztacular...the Christmas retreat

18 November 2008, 12:20
So excited. I’m ready and can’t wait to start on Dec. 1st. I took the class last year and it was so much fun. :D If anyone reading this hasn’t signed up and can’t decide it’s well worth your money and time. You won’t be sorry.
18 November 2008, 14:12
Yippie!!! Can’t wait to start!!!
The forum is already alive :-)
18 November 2008, 15:01
I have already signed up, but… will I have time to do my pages day by day?? How to I access the forum? I’m in need of serious help!
18 November 2008, 15:35
YES!!! I can’t wait to start on 1st of December.
18 November 2008, 16:07
Can’t wait. Realy enjoyed it last year.
18 November 2008, 16:35
Yay!!! So excited!
Been counting down the days :)
18 November 2008, 16:58
I’ve signed up and I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 November 2008, 17:17
I’ve signed up & I’m so looking forward to this but have I gone completely mad!!!
18 November 2008, 17:19
Another here who is counting down to the start day!
18 November 2008, 17:55
I have a quick question…I signed up for your class and I didn’t pay the amount that you are showing on this post…will I sitll have access to everything???? Thank you for getting back to me!!!
18 November 2008, 18:35
I am so ready! I need to head over and see what’s hoppin at the forum!
18 November 2008, 18:54
I am so ready and can’t wait for this to start
19 November 2008, 01:50
My journal is slowly taking shape as I do some preparation and those clean pages are giving me tingles. What will this year’s journey hold?
19 November 2008, 08:56
This is my 1st JYC, & i’m really looking forward to it!
Got to go & buy more stash!!
19 November 2008, 18:03
I am counting the days Shimelle! I have not looked forward to xmas this much since I was a little kid!
19 November 2008, 18:08
Just signed up and am determined to finish this class! (threatening myself with no stash till it’s done) Am really looking forward to it, got my album already and raring to go!
19 November 2008, 20:57
Can’t wait to begin!
20 November 2008, 16:13
I’ve done it. I’ve signed up. :)
20 November 2008, 19:52
I just found this and am SO SAD I can’t do it! Christmas is very difficult for our family with next to no income this year.. maybe next year!
21 November 2008, 06:46
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To all And just say Alluluia!!!
21 November 2008, 12:34
Oh, Journaling is my weak spot anyway. The things we should journal about, what you are talking about is definately what we should be leaving for those after us to read. This sounds awesome
21 November 2008, 12:49
Hi Shimelle,
Just wanted to say that i’m really excited about the class this weekend & can’t wait to meet you!!
21 November 2008, 14:24
I’ve loved the other two classes I’ve taken with you so I’m definitely ON for this one, too! It sounds like it will be FUN!
21 November 2008, 16:12
i have mmm and ahhhed for too many years about this class. i’ve decided that this year i WILL join and i WILL journal my christmas. i am really looking forward to it!!!!
21 November 2008, 17:01
Have never taken a class like this before, would love to join in the fun!
21 November 2008, 22:42
What a wonderful way to reconnect with the spirit of Christmas…So often we get caught up in the to do list of Christmas and forget to slow down and take note of the little things that make a wonderful Christmas memory.This sounds like the perfect way to to take the time to enjoy the spirit of Christmas!
22 November 2008, 10:34
I joined last year and would again like to participate this year. How do I sign up? Thanks!
23 November 2008, 18:13
So inspired by albums on the blogs. This is a christmas gift from my mum (with stash to go with it!!) so I’m keen as mustard now and starting to get organised. Can’t wait!
23 November 2008, 18:16
Christmas has come early! I am so excited DH has just signed me up. Thank You Shimelle for you personnal email, so quickly as well, re name mix up! LOL
Take care. Can’t wait for the 1st Dec. to come.
24 November 2008, 12:13
oh oh oh I did this for the first time last year but life intervened (“Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans” – John Lennon, Beautiful Boy, written for his son Sean)
but I did a bit and LOVED it…going over to the forum now!
24 November 2008, 15:27
Hi Shimelle!
I am so excited to have won your class over at Donna Downey’s blog this weekend. I dunno if I have to do anything or if I just get to receive all those exciting prompts/pdf files, etc. I am totally clueless as I have never taken an online class before but I am incredibly excited & intend sharing all about it weekly on my blog. Thanks! P.S. I just love your work. It is truly different, fresh & exciting. I discovered you via Scrapbooking Inspirations Magazine, which we can get here in South Africa, but at vast expense. So I signed up for a much cheaper subscription & have got to know all the design team’s work. Well, your style is definitely my favourite & I also remember loving your scraproom when you featured it. It reminded me of a sweet shop! So I really do treasure my gift & can’t thank you enough. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
24 November 2008, 17:46
I clicked the link that said “buy now” and paid the $30 through paypal. But there was nothing that asked me for name, contact info, etc. How do I know if this went through and how do you know where to e-mail me? Where is the forum? Not sure if I missed a step or something????
25 November 2008, 18:14
Can’t wait, stash already accumulated into a specific box, and Dec 1st is when I get out of hospital!!
25 November 2008, 18:53
So exciting ! Can’t wait til the prompts start landing in my in-box. Looking forward to all the extras too :)
25 November 2008, 20:12
I am so looking forward to this class! Sandy (the first commenter here lol) led me to you … and I’m so glad she did!
25 November 2008, 23:21
Hi Shimelle, definitely on board to do it all again this year… just need to get my head down and my butt up and make my journal before the 1st!! Looking forward to meeting old and new travellers on the journey through Christmas.
26 November 2008, 05:38
Really looking forward to getting going with this now :)
26 November 2008, 08:07
I can’t wait for this year to begin. I am promising myself to actually complete the class for sure!
26 November 2008, 10:59
So excited to do this journal again this year! Thanks Shimelle!
26 November 2008, 14:14
Just got my email reminder with my prep stuff in it. Can’t wait to get going! My decorations are coming out Friday so come Monday I will be all set!
26 November 2008, 19:24
I wanted to chare my x-mas book that I plan to journal in..
27 November 2008, 07:41
Can’t wait to do this!! I am getting all my stuff ready this weekend!!
27 November 2008, 16:34
I can not wait! Last year was my first year and it’s still my favorite project!! I am doing one for each of my children so this year I’m doing one dedicated to my 21 year old daughter..I think EVERYONE should have a Christmas Journal to pass on for generations to come…MERRY MERRY!!!
27 November 2008, 20:23
Just joined. Can’t wait! Just need to decide whether to blog or to write in a proper journal…..
29 November 2008, 22:13
I am so excited for this! Before I even knew about this I made a promise to enjoy and make the most of everything this Christmas brings! I can’t wait!
30 November 2008, 03:41
New to this. Can anyone tell me which method of sticking papers to scrapbook is best? Dont much care for glue sticks or messy PVA.
30 November 2008, 11:55
where do I sign up?
30 November 2008, 20:24
I can’t WAIT to start!!
1 December 2008, 12:34
Has anyone gotten their 1st email yet? I’m desperately waiting!
1 December 2008, 15:49
I can’t wait to get started… when does the first email arrive???
10 December 2008, 07:30
**purchased ‘Journal Your Christmas’ classes – receipt #2443-5052-4642-2496. Have not received any prompts yet – advise – thanks, Julie
22 December 2008, 06:12
I missed the email that started this class this year. Can you send me the link for the material. I purchased this a few years ago.
11 December 2010, 21:54
This charater is amazing, very well drawn, easy to use and edit. Great job Liam!
22 April 2011, 01:57
I just have to say, I enjoy reading your post. Maybe you could let me know how I can bookmark this? I feel I should let you know I found your page through yahoo.
6 May 2011, 22:38
From here on out, it’s easy! You can pay in US Dollars or UK Pounds. (If you’re not from either of those countries, you can still join us—just pick whichever currency you prefer.) Click the button to pay. When you pay, there will be a box for your forum login name. Just put the login name in the box and all will be fine
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5 July 2011, 07:08
Looking at your work I find that I am a bit behind in scrapbooking. I need to do it regularly to insure a decent record.
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