How Learn Something New can bring something special to your September
Every year, there are two classes that automatically appear on my class calendar: Journal your Christmas at the start of December, and Learn Something New Every Day at back to school time – September first. This will be the seventh year for Learn Something New, and it starts in a week! Whether 2013 would be your first or seventh year, I invite you to head back to school with us as we embark on a month-long adventure of learning from the world around us.
Most years, I’ve compiled my lessons in a minibook with small, simple pages and a quick entry for each day. Learn Something new is not a class that will focus on scrapbooking technique or page design. Every year someone misses this sentence and gets upset that it’s not thirty days of scrapbook technique tutorials. I don’t know how on earth I could come up with seven years times thirty techniques. I’m just not that complicated when it comes to pretty paper really! But what I can do is help you look at the adventure side of the scrapbooking experience, and you won’t need to write essays or spend hours getting introspective. We’re talking a few minutes a day, and when I worked in the minibook format, I would spend ten to thirty minutes per day on my entries, with the longer time spend on the weekends and the ten minute pages happening during the week when I had plenty on my daily schedule already.
In 2012, I used divided page protectors to add this month of documentation to my annual 12×12 album. It didn’t take a full album, since it’s just one or per pockets per day, and flows well with the rest of the events I’ve documented in the year’s scrapbook. This took less time per entry, and I did all the entries in one session, at the end of the month, rather than creating a card each day. My daily work for this format was to write one to five sentences in my notebook (most days I wrote just one, but sometimes I would write more if I wasn’t sure what the best lesson of the day might be, so I could leave it for a few days and decide which had the best impact) so that was merely a minute or two, and I tried to take a picture every day during the month. I succeeded most days but not all with the photos, and they were a balance of shots taken with my phone and my ‘proper’ camera.
This year, I’ll be posting my daily lesson to Instagram. My Instagram pictures also appear on my Twitter and Facebook timelines, so really you’ll be able to see them in any of those three places. The idea of one photo and one sentence is really the essence of this project, so Instagram is a great format for keeping the project going with just a few minutes each day. When the month ends, I’ll be adding these square photos and captions to my 2013 album in divided page protectors, but I’m thinking it will be in an even simpler and more compact way than last year. I’m imagining square photos, white mats to look a bit Polaroid in style, and the lesson captions hammered out on the typewriter.
I’m pretty sure most (if not all!) of you have seen this by now, but if this sort of concept – making every day, and the everyday, a scrapbooking adventure appeals to you, then this is a class you can find useful. Are you…
…a scrapbooker who keeps a Project Life album but sometimes loses direction with what to write and what’s worth recording when things seem pretty routine?
…a 12×12 scrapbooker in need of a creative kick to get out of a repetitive rut?
…wishing you had five minutes to stop and reflect on your day before running to the next thing?
…longing for scrapbook journaling to come easily and flow naturally?
…looking for a new project for the back to school season without dedicating a huge amount of time or money?
…wanting to return to scrapbooking after a break?
…someone who enjoys working on a project with other creative crafters?
If any of those describe you, then I believe you’ll enjoy Learn Something New Every Day.
You’ll get a full-colour PDF prompt delivered to your inbox daily throughout September. You do not need to log in each day to download the class materials – they come straight to your inbox. (However, should email not be your favourite thing, they are also available on the website and you can download them at any time you would like.) There is also some video content so you can see the strategy I used with 4×6 divided page protectors and a selection of supplies, for example. Class includes membership in a private forum where you can talk to other participants and share your work, if you so choose. Many participants choose to follow along on their own, but there is also a very friendly community on the forum to chat and share your work, and because some participants have been part of this project for a few years or more, they have a wealth of advice from personal experience of what worked for them in different situations. Membership includes access to all the previous years’ materials, including printables, digital scrapping goodies, and the galleries with a wide variety of project styles.
Learn Something New has a one-time registration fee of £10 GBP or $15 USD, and then you can participate as many years as you would like at no further cost. I’d love for you to join us!
These buttons will allow you to pay by your choice of credit/debit card or Paypal account – your choice. Please make sure you are using a valid email address. Registrations can take up to twenty-four hours to process. If you do not receive an email in that time, please check your spam folder, then email me at If the email address on your paypal account is not where you would like to receive class materials, please let me know that too. You can leave a note on your payment, or send an email if you miss that bit. (If you would like to gift the class to a friend, just sign up as normal and in the comments or an email, let me know her email address. Simple as that.)
Alumni: you do not need to pay again; an email will be sent to you this week to confirm if you would like to receive emails this September. If you have changed your address in the past year, you can update that in the user control panel on the class form.
Learn Something New was inspired by the energy and hope that the back to school feeling has always brought me, whether I was a student, a teacher, or just watching from the sidelines. Like a new year in January, this time of year is such an opportunity for picking up something and running with it to make a bit of self improvement. Over the years, I’ve kept Learn Something New albums through extremely happy Septembers to Septembers full of grief, and I’ve always found something about this project that keeps me coming back. Whatever your plans this September, I hope your back to school is a success.
Read more about:
Next post: Five Ways to Use Cards in your Scrapbooking by Tina Walker
Previous post: Five Ideas for Creating with Circles by Jill Cornell

25 August 2013, 10:25
A peaceful Sunday morning, cup of coffee and this video. So beautiful, so true and so well said. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
25 August 2013, 12:41
woo hoo! I can’t wait!
25 August 2013, 15:31
Been looking forward to this for ages. Divided page protectors are my thing at the moment so it should be easier this year. X
25 August 2013, 15:40
So excited to start this! And after wtching how last years album came together for you, I’m even more excited as I’m kinda into the pocket page style now too! Thanks Shimelle!
25 August 2013, 16:27
this looks very exciting- but I do not do instagram or twitter or facebook. Will I still be able to see the class and follow along?
25 August 2013, 18:16
Got side-tracked last year but determined to complete the course this year. It will be divided page protectors for me too – hopefully that will make it more do-able. I don’t do Instagram or twitter so it will be Facebook for me. Elizabeth
25 August 2013, 20:09
Hi Shimelle!
I am so excited to get this reminder about Learn Something New! I am a first year alumni and I so enjoyed the class last year. I can’t wait to see what I learn this year.
25 August 2013, 21:05
WAHOO! So looking fwd to Sept & LSNE!
Will there be a # too?
25 August 2013, 23:45
Looking forward to it – and I might try divided page protectors this year too.
25 August 2013, 23:54
I love this video – so beautifully said. Looking forward to spending my September with you.
26 August 2013, 02:23
Looking forward to this year’s LSN. Really enjoyed last year’s :-)
26 August 2013, 05:07
Yes! Let’s get #lsned trending too. How do you print your instagram photos? I’ve got loads of things on my phone and I’d like to get some of them printed off!
26 August 2013, 14:42
Hey Shimelle! Earlier this year you mentioned a new class that was going up. There were issues with the company hosting your video. Did this class ever come to be? Did I miss a post somewhere? Thank you!
28 August 2013, 11:18
I love this video! This will be my second year with LSN. I’m excited to begin :)
28 August 2013, 14:38
I have a question for anyone who has taken this class before. How long does it really take each day? I know Shimelle said 10-30 minutes a day but she is way more creative and experienced than your average scrapper. I love the idea of this clas but I am afraid that I will not be able do make a whole project. Could some of you please tell me how much time/work you put into it last year? Thanks so much.
29 August 2013, 02:10
Shimelle, I did LSNED last year, but I haven’t yet got an email about this year. I’m beginning to get a bit worried that it somehow got missed.
29 August 2013, 03:29
This year will be using this class as the starting point to record my life& thoughts in the run up to my 50th Birthday. Always new things to learn. Thanks Shimelle, looking out for the email.
29 August 2013, 07:53
Last year was my first LSNED, but it didn’t result in any ‘finished product’ (book, album etc). I get stuck in how to do it and can’t make up my mind. This year I’ve desided to get my pictures with Instagram, and make my daily notes on my phone and/or in the note book I always carry with me. I’m also making a small album so that I can print out the photos and my notes and put them all in there. It should make it easy to keep up day to day and then I can put it all together at the end.
29 August 2013, 08:06
Megan You could do it in five minutes every day just by writing down your thoughts i a notebook. But you can also spend hours every day; choosing papers, decorating, using fancy pens and markers… :-)
30 August 2013, 06:07
Oooo, think I will do it this year! My first LSNED was 2009, my second was 2011, it’s definitely time for another one!
I will be following the forum, but probably put my own updates on my blog, I don’t think I’ll have time for both. Here’s my first entry, I’ll be adding photos of the last journal shortly.
31 August 2013, 03:54
Shimelle, I am a LSNED alumnae, but I haven’t yet got an email about this year. I’m beginning to get a bit worried that it somehow got missed.
31 August 2013, 12:06
I have not had my intro email this year either but haven’t changed my address. :-(
31 August 2013, 14:57
Just signed up but 24 hours later havent heard anything – should I have?
31 August 2013, 15:53
I am an alumni student too, no email yet but hoping to see one tomorrow!
31 August 2013, 17:30
I have not received an email either and I am also an alumni.
1 September 2013, 00:32
I love this video! What a great way to introduce LSNED and to welcome September.
26 August 2014, 18:09
The video above was actually the very first video of Shimelle’s I had ever seen & it remains my favorite!
26 August 2014, 18:43
YAY I am ready to go Shimelle ;)
27 August 2014, 11:44
This will be my second year and I can’t wait. Thank you again Shimelle. It is such a great project to be involved with.
1 September 2014, 17:19
When will we receive the first prompt?
27 March 2015, 02:24
an email will be sent to you this week to confirm if you would like to receive emails this
15 April 2015, 11:09
I don’t know how on earth I could come up with seven years
15 April 2015, 11:10
I would spend ten to thirty minutes per day on my entries
17 April 2015, 07:10
make my daily notes on my phone and/or in the note book I always carry
5 June 2021, 07:00
Nice brother, thank you so much to read this article