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A free mini-class to say thank you

scrapbook page

Back in January 2007, I found myself with the overwhelming desire to do something to say ‘thank you’ for all the fabulous things that had come my way from this crazy scrapbooking thing. Going places, meeting people, and later that year actually stepping away from a job that was partly amazing, partly immensely frustrating and taking a chance at taking this crazy scrapbooking thing full-time.

Now all I wonder is how I ever did this part time. I love doing this and all I want is more hours in the day to do more of it. I learned some very hard lessons in 2008, but by the end all I could think was that same feeling: I feel like I am so lucky. And since I’m never going to win an Oscar, I have to settle for my little spot in blogland to say my big thank you.

And I’m doing that with a free mini-class. It’s open to everybody, whether you read my blog all the time or you’re brand new, whether you’ve taken a class or you’ve never heard of me, I don’t mind. You don’t have to do any formal signing up, you don’t have to join anything, you don’t have to give me your name, address or first-born child. The class materials will be right here on the blog for you to download with a click. Easy enough? Shall we get on with what this class is actually about?

For the last seven years, I have made a layout called ‘Right Now’ during the week of my birthday. This year’s layout is above and you can see more about that here. The Creating Garden is filled with ideas for scrapping yourself this month and I was excited to share my little ‘Right Now’ tradition. But the current time of year also got me thinking…we do a lot of plotting out plans, hopes and resolutions in January, but not as much documenting of what just is. One of my favourite teachers from my youth used to start lessons with a brainstorming session and she encouraged us to ‘piggy-back’—which meant to listen to the other ideas that classmates shouted out, think about them and build a unique twist that makes a new idea that can be contributed to the group. That’s how these two projects are linked…an idea that has worked for seven years of layouts (so I’m obviously pretty happy that it’s worth continuing) that has been rethought and reinvented into something a little more complex that I’d like to share with anyone who is interested. And you’ll probably put your own unique spin on it too, and the cycle starts over. Are you in?

Here’s our class schedule:
15.01.09: Download the supply checklist so you can get your stash and your photos ready to go.
16.01.09: Kick-off party with a prize giveaway
18.01.09: Download the journaling worksheet so you can make a start with your notes.
21.01.09: Download part one of the construction instructions.
23.01.09: Download part two of the construction instructions.
25.01.09: Download the finishing notes.

All you have to do to download the prompts is click—the supply checklist is already there for you to download now so you can go ahead and start getting organised. ETA: Not sure why the links in the file decided to break half way through last night! Nevertheless, I’ve updated the file with fixed links now, so you can download it again if your links weren’t working. Sorry about that!

Thanks for so much in 2008. Now I hope you’ll join me for a fast start to a happy, scrappy 2009.

Who’s with me?


PS: Be sure to stop by tomorrow so you don’t miss out on prizes!

15 January 2009

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80 Comments for A free mini-class to say thank you

  1. Alison Says:

    I’m with you on this one Shimelle. Really looking forward to it. Thank you very muchx

  2. Becky Gotch Says:

    Looking out my supplies now Shimelle! Really looking forward to it – thanks :)

  3. Debbie Says:

    I’m in and thank you for your inspiration.

  4. Sarah Says:

    Ooh lovely. My paper is due in on the 19th, so this is PERFECTLY timed.
    Thank YOU so much Shimelle! Your classes have encouraged me to experiment with scrapbooking and journaling,so I’m SO in :)

  5. Mariangeles_spain Says:

    It sounds interesting… I may join in in a few weeks, after I finish the Xmas album.
    In the meantime I’ll be taking the pics :o)

    THANK YOU!!!!

  6. Julie Says:

    I love minibooks and I love your blog. Thanks for the free class.

  7. Madeline St Onge Says:

    Love this idea and seeing I am a Shimelle groupie I am definitely in

  8. Melanie Says:

    I’m in. Thank you so much. I bought the Christmas class & downloaded everything but I didn’t get to work on it this year. I will read up on it and be ready for it this Christmas.

  9. EE Says:

    Thanks so much Shimelle. I loved the Journal your Christmas class!

  10. Latharia Says:

    I’m with you! Looks like loads of fun!

  11. heather Says:

    holy moly, shimelle! i’m so excited about this. i can’t wait! off to download the first bit now. yay!

  12. Nicky H Says:

    You’re fabulous! That page is awesome and I can’t wait to make one! I have been a huge fan since I lived in Suffolk (I moved away 5 years ago) and love all of your projects! THANK YOU!

  13. Karen Says:

    I LOVE your classes, so I’m definitely in!

  14. Erin Bassett Says:

    I’m in!

  15. Beth D Says:

    I’m a groupie too! I am excited about this free class and the one coming in February too. When can I sign up? Love ya!

  16. Zoe Says:

    Ooooh me me me me me, it’s my birthday next week! AND on my birthday I am picking up a CPAP machine to treat Sleep apnoea and moving towards much more energy and better general health, perfect time to do this.

  17. cate Says:

    thank you! we just had some good news last night – this year is gonna be a challenge, but well worth recording!

  18. Sue E Says:

    Thank you for this, what a great project.

    I’ve been sick this week with a chesty cough and not left the house, so this has brightened my week.

  19. Helen Says:

    thanks sooo much, you are such a lovely person, I have now done 3 projects along with you, making it out of the box, and documenting life and myself for a change lol, thanks , I’m in on this one !!!

  20. Sam Says:

    I’m in. I shall do my best to keep up ;-) I love your classes – they always inspire me to find new ways of doing things, so I’m looking forward to this one. Thanks for sharing it :-)

  21. SJ Says:

    Sounds like a really lovely thing to do!

    I think I wanna play!

    it will be my “first” ever followed online class.

  22. VéroniqueR Says:

    Whaouuu! Fabulous!
    My album & papers are ready & I took some photos this afternoon.
    Thanks a lot Shimelle!

  23. Pippa P Says:

    Looking forward to it all – soooo glad it wasn’t me being thick last night, I tried loads! All fab now!

  24. Heather R Says:

    I am in! Looking forward to hearing more! :)

  25. heyjenrenee Says:

    WOW. this is awesome and so sweet of you! i’m in for sure.

  26. Annette Navarro Says:

    Thank you Shimelle for gifting us with a gift because of your thankfulness.(Does that make sense?) I loved journal your Xmas. Now this. Happy New Year to U. Or course I’m in.

  27. Cheryl Smith Says:

    I am always with you because I love everything you do! Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

  28. Helen Says:

    Thanks Shimelle, love your classes and am looking forward to this

  29. Rebecca Says:

    Looking forward to this Shimelle – thank you!

  30. claire Says:

    Yep count me in, just read the supply list and getting excited already
    Thank you

  31. Sandy Says:

    I’m in! I was wondering how to cure my post-Christmas blues and this fits the bill!

  32. Jacky Scales Says:

    Sounds like another great class,Shimelle

  33. Annie Says:

    Oh! Just as I’m about to finish my Christmas album. Thanks! Looking forward to doing this.

  34. sheila Says:

    Still doing my christmas album but hey … another great project. Thanks Shimelle

  35. claireliz Says:

    Oooooh, I’m so in!
    Thankyou for JYC & this fabby class. :)

  36. Lisa Edney Says:

    Can’t wait as I so enjoyed Journal you Christmas. Posted to my blog, too!”

  37. Barbara Says:

    Managed to get a link. Now got to sort out the photo.

  38. Rebekah Brumby Says:

    Thank you Shimelle!! What a great way to get everyone involved. I’m glad that you have got so much out of this scrapping thing as we get from you. I have done a couple of your classes at retreat and the results are on my blog, along with a link to your fabby blog :) Here’s too many more inspiring moments from you!

  39. Lulu Says:

    Great idea Shimelle – you’re on my Blog and after JYC, I’m looking forward to this one too :)

  40. lynne1973 Says:

    Really looking forward to the class! Thanks Shimelle

  41. 2amscrapper Says:

    I’m in. I’m a day behind cuz I just found this.

  42. Sara R. Says:

    Well, thank YOU! ;)

  43. Karen Says:

    I’m really looking forward to it and you can find a link to my blog here:

  44. Cheryl Says:

    I am definately doing this one! Love your classes!

  45. Carol A. Says:

    This will be my first online class and I am really looking forward to it. Thanks so much!

  46. Michelle Says:

    Just did JYC with you and now I think I will try this! Thanks!!

  47. Deb Says:

    I was wondering what to do with myself now JYC is over! Looking forward to starting a new Shimelle project!

  48. Irene Fitzpatrick Says:

    Just finishing the JYC but would love to join in! I have posted info on my blog.

  49. Joanne Says:

    Im with you, I loved journal your christmas and cant wait to start another class!

  50. Katy Says:

    Owwww ive only just found this count me in to please looks fab.

    Much love Katy xx

  51. Karen Moss Says:

    Ohhh yes please – count me in.
    Thank you so much

  52. Irene Says:

    I’m in AGAIN! my link didn’t work properly the fist time, so I’m trying again!

  53. Nathalie Says:

    I really need to work on scrapping about myself so I have to be in! Can’t wait to read more about it!

  54. Kristen B. in Roseville Says:

    Sounds like so much fun! Thank you, Kristen

  55. Jeannie Says:

    This is my first online class – I’m looking forward to it.

  56. Sue Jones Says:

    Getting all my supplies ready ..looking forward to this :)

  57. Cecilia Says:

    Thanks for the class…off to get the supply list!

  58. Scrapdolly Says:

    I seem to have an addiction to just saying ‘yes I;m in’ to whatever you ever suggest!!!

    I’m in!

  59. Jane N Says:

    First timer here, but I have taken the plunge and going to join in.

  60. Rachel Says:

    I love you blog and the classes look fab! i’m looking forward to seeing what 2009 brings on your website!

  61. glitterpops Says:

    love your style shimelle, and i know this will be so inspiring – thank you :0)

  62. Jacqueline Says:

    I’ve got all my supplies together, and I’m ready to start!

  63. Elizabeth Says:

    With my birthday present camera and my enormous stash this sounds like fun!

  64. Annf Says:

    Another class to add to the to do list! Thanks

  65. jane Says:

    Im ready to start! Can’t wait to start and so looking forward to the February class. You are the greatest!

  66. Maria Says:

    I’ve seen you in so many magazines so I am so glad I stumbled onto your blog, I am looking forward to doing this class, and just mentioned it on my blog as well…
    Look forward to creating something spectacular….

  67. JennK Says:

    This sounds awesome!

  68. Jacky Says:

    Can’t wait! Can’t see all links but sounds really awesome… is this in 2010? So, we’ve got a year to get ready? I’m soooooooooo looking forward to it! Thank you!

  69. Lara Says:

    I’ve yet to do one of your classes – what better time to start! Funnily enough had just started getting together bits and pieces for my first mini album so this is perfect, thanks Shimelle :)

  70. Judy Says:

    I am just like Lara! I have already got some of my supplies together. This will be my first mini album, but funny thing is I had the exact Maya book you are using plus the tin to keep it in! Talk about to many supplies! LOL Judy

  71. kerry Says:

    thanks this is brill!

  72. Shannon Hatfield Says:

    I’m late, but I’m in!

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    Whammo, bammo, Zappos!

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