4x6 Photo Love :: June 2011
All class content ©twopeasinabucket.com. Click here for supplies and here to chat on the message board.
I can’t believe we are already at the half-way point for 4×6 Photo Love, the online scrapbooking class I’m teaching throughout 2011 at Two Peas! (If you haven’t heard about it until now, it’s free and you can jump in at any time.) The lessons post on the 30th of each month, so that means I have the June edition to share with you, and it’s all about scrapping six photos this month.
This month’s design concept is a variation of what we created with three photos in March. Then we lined them up to go all the way across a 12×12 page. This time we’re placing them all the way across two pages to make a double page layout, but also offsetting the photos with boxes of patterned paper to create a bit of a zig-zag effect. I’ve used portrait photos for the examples, but if you only have landscapes, you could try turning the pages so you have two columns of three photos from the top to the bottom of the page rather than one long line from left to right. Have a look at this month’s video to get a better idea of how these pages were constructed.
Both my examples are travel related, purely because that tends to be when I take the most photos and there aren’t many other events where I would have six portraits that all worked together – but that’s just me! You are welcome to participate with any theme, colours and supplies you would like.
Page by Jamie Sorenson. Click here for supplies.
This month I’m delighted to feature Jamie Sorenson as my guest. She’s our community manager (and the Garden Girl boss!) at Two Peas, so she’s a face many peas know from the message boards and newsletters, but she’s also a fab scrapbooker and I love her creative spirit. This layout is just what I mean – she took my boxed-out, linear sketch and infused it with youthful energy for these family photos. Try tilting the pictures and adding embellishments that don’t have to sit right inside each of the patterned paper boxes. You can add this page to your bookmarks here. Thank you for joining me, Jamie!
Every month, there are two ways to win a prize for participating in 4×6 Photo Love! The first is at Two Peas: create your page and upload it to the gallery. Be sure to tick the box for this challenge in step four of the upload process. One participant will win a gift certificate to Two Peas to go shopping for whatever you like. But there’s a second chance to win right here: on this post, leave a comment with a link to your page (in the gallery at Two Peas or on your blog, whatever you prefer) and one of those links will win Two Peas shopping money too! The deadline for both is the 29th of July.
Congratulations to Daphne for winning the draw for last month’s five photo class! (Daphne, you will receive your gift certificate by email.) Will you be next? Just choose six 4×6 photos to scrap and follow along with this month’s class prompt. I hope you enjoy a bit of double-page fun!
PS: Feel free to grab the button there on the left for your blog or to share this class with a friend – since it’s free, the more the merrier! And you’re welcome to use any supplies and any photos, so there’s no boundaries to your scrapping with this year-long project.
Read more about: two-peas-in-a-bucket 4x6-photo-love
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Previous post: Scrapbooking sketch of the week

1 July 2011, 12:48
Ah! That made my day! Thanks a lot! Can’t wait to go shopping ….
Have a great weekend!
2 July 2011, 00:24
LOVE this design Shimelle: I’m quite sure I will be using vacation photos too! Many congrats Daphne!
2 July 2011, 15:10
Perfect design for my photos of the Take That concert! Had fun this afternoon – thanks :)
3 July 2011, 09:43
Here’s my take using photos from one of our garden visits: http://lisae-design.blogspot.com/2011/07/sunny-sunday.html
Thanks for the class!
3 July 2011, 10:33
i love this class! So, how bad would it be if I used horizontal pics? I know it wouldn’t have that clean line across both pages, but I don’t have 6 vertical pics of the same event…hmmm Great LO, by the way!
4 July 2011, 10:25
OK, so I did one. You know me – I always have to do it different :) I didn’t have enough portrait photos either so I created 4×6 blocks using cropped landscape ones – so 8 photos rather than 6. I suspect it might actually be a little too busy, but they are on a layout rather than in a box. Has to be a good thing. I was going for train-things, hence the gears and the stips between the photos. Cheers for the class. Now, where is that sketch…..?
Mary Anne
4 July 2011, 12:05
You can see my take on this here: http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com/2011/07/4×6-photo-love-six.html
4 July 2011, 15:41
I took two different approaches to this on my blog this week. Thanks for the inspiration!
4 July 2011, 15:46
I think the last link just takes you to my blog, not the right posting so here is the proper link. Apologies!
5 July 2011, 03:04
*adore this multiphoto layout… great!
5 July 2011, 03:55
Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for your provided information
6 July 2011, 17:36
Here is my June layout
7 July 2011, 10:43
Mine is at
I have used landscape instead of Portrait pics
Alison xx
8 July 2011, 15:31
Just posted my layout at 2 Peas. First time I have done a 12 X 12 in a while.
9 July 2011, 03:36
I LOVE everything you do…you inspire me everyday!
Thanks Shimelle
10 July 2011, 22:44
Not normally a 12 X 12 layout kinda gal. However his one was fun!
12 July 2011, 11:57
Had a minor panic when I realised the photos I wanted to use were landscape and your design was portrait but hey ho … I freestyled a little (hope that’s allowed!)
12 July 2011, 17:04
Here is my take. So fun to do a two pager. It’s been so long since I have. http://www.spinstertales.com/2011/07/call-to-prayer.html
12 July 2011, 23:56
Excellent post!
This is a very useful slant on things.That is an awfully astounding column you’ve posted.Thanks a lot for that a fantastically amazing post!
Good post. I am also going to write a blog post about this.
13 July 2011, 22:07
Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so, Excellent post!
17 July 2011, 14:40
Here is my LO for June
18 July 2011, 10:33
here is mine~
20 July 2011, 16:09
I’ve been waiting for this challenge to get these photos scrapped
21 July 2011, 00:38
Loved this LO! I ended up making it the way you showed us in the video! Thanks for your feedback.“my link”
21 July 2011, 00:42
ok here is my link; still not sure if I did it correctly! //lisamzepponi.blogspot.com/”
21 July 2011, 07:42
Thanks for another great class. Here is my double layout – http://kkfantasticplace.blogspot.com/2011/07/christmas-stockings-shimelles-june-6×4.html
27 July 2011, 08:29
Great sketch as always. Excited to see where the rest will go!
27 July 2011, 15:55
my layout is here, loved using so many pics from the same day :)
29 July 2011, 14:46
Another fabulous layout! Thank you for the inspiration… :) My layout is here.
30 July 2011, 11:46
I posted my layout on 2peas yesterday and forgot to share it here!
Botanic Garden
2 August 2011, 21:45
Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.
Good Luck!
20 January 2012, 14:55
Finally did mine! http://juliaheald.blogspot.com/2012/01/more-4×6-photo-love.html