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The Scrapbook Process starts Monday!

A brand new online class starts Monday – The Scrapbook Process! It’s never too late to join in, but this weekend would be a great time to sign up if you want the full live class experience, of course.

You can find the full written details about the class here, and the video above gives that information in a bit more conversational style!

To sign up in US Dollars:
Email Address for Class:

To sign up in UK Pounds:

Email Address for Class:

In other announcement type news: we’re just one week away from National Scrapbooking Day! Next weekend, there will be a full schedule of challenges here to keep you inspired! Challenges will remain open for the full week and following weekend, so you’ll have about ten days to participate if you like! Hope to see you then too.

30 April 2016

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8 Comments for The Scrapbook Process starts Monday!

  1. dawn Says:

    I signed up a few days ago. This is my first class here and I’m SO excited to start.

  2. Julierose Says:

    I am also a first-timer for any online scrapping class and so excited! sounds like such a good class…hugs, Julierose

  3. Gab Says:

    Sounds like a great class!

  4. Lana Bisson Says:

    I signed up a couple of days ago..Looking forward to this so much.

  5. Lisa Zepponi Says:

    I can’t wait for both events! Your new class and InterNational Scrapbooking Day here at!

  6. Amy Says:

    I’m excited about the class! I signed up a few days ago but didn’t receive any confirmation. Should I have?

  7. Julierose Says:

    there is no class email in my inbox—when can I expect it Thanks Julierose

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